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  Italian businessman Ettore Artioli is still hanging tough, two weeks after 1)hoodlums torched the 2)Sicilian headquarters of his organization, the national employers’ lobby Confindustria. Artioli’s group is one of many fighting to break the 3)mob’s centuries-old grip on the island where the 4)mafia began, and police say the 5)arsonists 6)made off with confidential files from Confindustria’s offices, including a list of nearly 300 Sicilian business operators who had 7)pledged themselves not to pay pizzo—protection money, a major source of income for the crime bosses. But in Artioli’s view the attack merely shows the mob’s growing
  desperation. “It’s a sign that the mafia is in se-rious trouble,” he says.
  There’s cause for hope, anyway. The day after the attack thousands of Sicilians 8)took to the streets in Palermo and the small but iconic town of Corleone with banners demanding “NO MAFIA” and “MAFIA GO AWAY.” The crime 9)syndicates have bullied and bled much of the country for generations—in particular, the Cosa Nostra in Sicily, the Camorra in and around Naples and the “Ndrangheta in Calabria”. An unprecedented grass-roots 10)revolt against the mob is growing, encouraged by the capture of Sicily’s 11)fugitive 12)capo Bernardo Provenzano last year and his 13)understudy last month, along with hundreds of other 14)mobsters.
  The arrest of 38 mafia suspects in Sicily may further 15)embolden the anti-16)don campaign, which has netted more than 200 suspects in 2007. Earlier another of Sicily’s emerging bosses, Daniele Emanuello, was shot as he hid from police in a 17)ravine. Before he died he swallowed secret notes with names and telephone numbers that the authorities are now trying to 18)decipher after removing the fragments from his 19)esophagus.
  In Palermo, 106 stores now advertise “mob-free shopping,” meaning no pizzo, no illegal merchandise, no mafia involvement. In Naples last week non-mob bakers handed out 20,000 loaves of what they called pane onesta—“honest bread”—to protest that city’s 2,500 mob-linked bakeries. By swiftly 20)prosecuting 21)extortionists and publicly naming businesses still paying pizzo, prosecutors hope to shame those who still 22)collude with the mob.
  National Confindustria head Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, president of 23)Ferrari and chairman of 24)FIAT, promises to ban any industrialists or entrepreneurs proven to be associated with any organized crime syndicate, no matter who is 25)at the helm. Montezemolo says that stopping pizzo “is a real and important fact, which must mark a changing trend,” and called on businesses to “take on the responsibility even though it entails serious risks.”
  Andrea Vecchio, a Sicilian construction contractor who refused to pay protection fees, received four death threats last August and watched two of his building sites 26)vanda-lized. He took his case to Italy’s president, Giorgio Napolitano, who handed him a police escort. “We can’t carry on living like this,” Vecchio told the president. “It’s not only us, the entrepreneurs, who are being attacked, but the state itself. We want to live like citizens in a normal country.”
  Italy’s crime syndicates 27)siphon off the equivalent of 7 percent of Italy’s GDP, and organized-crime activity diverts nearly $132 billion away from Italy’s legal economy. That doesn’t even include the pizzo payments, which top $44 billion across the country. In cities like Palermo and Catania, an estimated 80 percent of business owners paid protection money to the Cosa Nostra in 2006. In Naples, where the Camorra is run by 28)clans rather than under a 29)hierarchical system, the control is divided and tends to focus on industries rather than individual businesses. A pizzo of $25,000 per construction site is the going rate near Naples. There, too, small family-run businesses pay protection sums of $300 a month, while 30)higherend stores in the city center pay up to $1,500 and supermarkets pay $4,500 a month. In exchange the businesses get discounts from other pizzo payers, 31)preferential treatment for bids and contracts and, more important, protection from mob violence.
  Traditionally, not paying protection money and standing up to the mob was a fatal mistake. In 1992 anti-mafia judge Giovanni Falcone was killed by a remote-controlled bomb set under the highway near Palermo’s airport. Two months later another prominent anti-mafia judge, Paolo Borsellino, was killed by a car bomb as he entered his mother’s apartment building in Palermo. Nationwide statistics on mob-related killings are difficult to 32)come by, because many deaths are classified as accidents or families are reluctant to press charges, but Naples’s Camorra alone is believed to be responsible for 3,700 deaths in the last 30 years.



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亲爱的玛莉亚和萨莎:    我知道这两年你们俩随我一路竞选乐子不少,去野餐,参加巡游,逛州博览会,吃了各种我和妈妈大概不该给你们吃的垃圾食品。但我也知道,你们和妈妈的日子并不总是过得那么容易。新养的小狗虽然令你们俩兴奋,却无法弥补所有我们不在一起的时光。我明白,过去的这两年来我错过太多了。今天,我要再跟你们多解释一下,我为什么决定带领我们家踏上这趟旅程。
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She put him out like the burnin’ end of a midnight cigarette  She broke his heart. He spent his whole life tryin’ to forget  We watched him drink his pain away a little at a time  But he never could g
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