Gains from Teaching

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   As an English teacher of Junior school, I have gained some experience from teaching. The followings are what I get from teaching.
  I. A correct attitudc towards English is very important for the beginners.
  When the students come into the middle school,they feeleasy to learn English, because in our city, the English knowledge of Grade Seven is only the revision of that of Grade Six . So they are active in class. But their enthusiasm can’t keep the activity forever.Hardly have they given up when they meet difficulties in Grade Eight. This situation demands the teacher to expound the studying purpose constantly and repeatedly. I explain to the students that English isn’t only a subject for entering a higher school, but also an instrument to be connected with the world ,thus the students can build up correct ideal that they are studying for the people and they are studying for the country. Then their ideal will change into great motivation. They can study English with their heart and soul. when they meet difficulties, they will remove them with their determination, confidence and their hard work.
  Ⅱ.Serious teaching attitude can help the teacher to grasp the students.
   As a good teacher, he must override the teaching material. How to override the teaching material? This demands the teacher to have serious teaching attitude, that is to say, he must make enough preparation for the lessons. He must go through all the eight lessons of a unit and then grasp the coherence and entirety. For example, in Learning English,Book One,Unit 4,we will talk about food and restaurants. From Lesson 25 to Lesson30,we get know Jenny’s and Li Ming’s likes and dislikes of food. Lesson 31 continues these lessons and introduces that Jenny and Li Ming eat in a restaurant. In Lesson 32, I use the multimedia to show the picture of a restaurant,then the food,vegetables and fruit on the menu, I lead them to review the whole unit and act these dialogues out.Then ask the students to make up dialogues supposing they are in a restaurant. They try to be ahead of the others to perform this dialogue. After their performance,we end the lesson with a graceful song of Lesson31. So we can say,only the teacher overrides the teaching material, can he be a good teacher ,and a good guide.
  Ⅲ. Flexible teaching methods can help the teacher to make the class active and interesting
  In my teaching,I often use the direct teaching method to show the teaching aims.This method makes the students know what they will learn directly. I often use teaching and practice method to study dialogues. This method makes the students practise their dialogues frequently.It is helpful for the students to improve their oral English. I often use the situational teaching method to deepen the dialogues what we have learned. This method makes the students think more,speak more and act out more.Among all of the teaching methods,I use the multimedia method most frequently. The multimedia can provide the students with wonderful music and colourful pictures.They can draw the students’ attention tightly. They can stimulate the students’ interest. This teaching method makes students excited and interested.
  I use flexible teaching methods to get more knowledge easily.
  Good relationship between the teacher and students results in good teaching atmosphere.
  The magic of a subject mostly comes from the magic of the teacher. If the teacher loves the students and gives them more care and belief, the students will show interest in this subject. The interest itself is a movitation, of course, they will put their not only care about the good students, he must pay more care to the others, especially the students whose school records aren’t good. And the teacher must be kind and patient to them, and encourage them to study hard and give them more chances to answer qustions. When they answer the questions correctly their self-respect will grow in their hearts.
  Ⅳ. Colourful and useful English games are the necessary suppliment.
  Outside the class. I have organized English Corner. During this time, the students organize English Corner. During this time, the students must talk in English. Sometimes they are devided into four groups to talk about their daily lives. Sometimes they tell stories in turn. Sometimes I organize a game to complete words and cxpressions. And especially I often teach them English songs to strengthen grammar. When we study “there be ”sentence structure, I teach them “Bingo” song “There is a farmer, he has a dog. Bingo is his name…” Thus the students can get more knowledge in interesting ways.
  As an English teacher ,I will try my best to make my class interesting and active.I hope to gain more and improve more.
摘 要 学生社团是高校校园文化的重要载体,是大学生丰富校园生活、培养兴趣爱好、参与学校活动、扩大求知领域、增加交友范围、丰富内心世界的重要形式,对于做好学生思想政治工作、促进校园精神文明建设、营造大学校园的文化氛围、形成学校的历史传统都起重要作用。在多姿多彩的大学校园文化中,各类学生社团和社团活动无疑是一道靓丽而独特的风景线,它的存在既适应了大学校园课余生活丰富性的要求,又有利于学生自身的发展,同
摘 要现代远程教育是一种现代化的教育方式,它成为构筑知识经济时代人们终身学习体系的主要手段。电视教材作为现代远程教育的主要资源,应该起到它应有的重要作用。但目前在网络媒体、多媒体信息传播的冲击下,它存在着诸多缺点,从而不能很好的适应现代远程教育,致使它在现代远程教育中被忽视,很少得到应用。本文即根据这些缺点,分析它们的产生原因并提出解决问题的一些建议。目的是使电视教材在现代远程教育中继续发挥重要作
摘 要 作为具有排他性和非竞争性的准公共物品,天然气对城市发展具有举足轻重的战略地位和重要作用。城市化进程的推进,公共服务市场化改革,亟待准公共物品供给服务体制的重建。结合我国西部石油城区,天然气的供给现状及存在问题,本文立足分权化改革,通过理顺“政府—市场—社会”三维关系,重构城市准公共物品供给服务体制。   关键词 准公共物品 供给服务体制 三维治理体制    社会转型期,随着石油管道的铺设,
摘 要 公共卫生危机是我国面临较多的危机之一,但是目前我国的公共卫生应急体系仍然存在许多缺陷与不足,政府应该本着为社会大众服务的态度严肃认识和处理这一问题,本文从公共卫生应急体系自身存在的问题、政府在构建卫生应急体系时遇到的阻力、以及在构建公共卫生体系时政府应该如何作为三个角度来论述我国公共卫生应急体系的构建,探讨我国公共卫生应急体系的完善与进一步发展。  关键词 公共卫生应急体系 政府 构建  
《尚书尧典》“诗言志,歌咏言,声依永,律和声”,概括了诗歌的灵魂是情感,朱自清在《诗言志辨序》里也说,情感既是诗歌创作的原动力,又是诗歌的主要特点。白居易还曾说过,“感人心者,莫先乎情”,因此古诗文教学的情感教育不仅抓住了诗歌的本质特征,而且更有助于完成语文课的教学目标。笔者结合自身的经历,很有感触。特记录之与同道共勉。   情感总是在一定的情景中产生的,古诗词教学首先要积极创设情境,渲染气氛,以
现行教育模式告诉我们,课堂教学已不是老师讲,学生参与的课堂,而是怎样激发学生求知欲,调动学生的学习积极性、主动性,让学生积极参与课堂,让学生动起来,让课堂活起来。要做到这几点,小组合作学习尤为重要。  小组合作学习是相对于个体学习而言的,是指课堂教学条件下学习的组织形式,通常是小组为了完成共同的任务,有明确的责任分工的互助性学习。小组合作学习已被证明是一种较好的教学模式,但目前课堂教学中的“小组合
一、我国古代的“无讼”、“厌讼”思想  在渊源流长的中国传统法律文化中,存在着众多不符合现代法治精神的思想,如“人治”、“无讼”和“宗法”思想等等。如,中国古籍《幼学琼林》载:“世人惟不平则鸣,圣人以无讼为贵。”《增广贤文》也载:"好讼之子,多数终凶。"中国古代有"无讼以求"、"息讼止争"的法律传统。首先,中国是一个具有悠久人治传统的国度。在传统奴隶制和封建制的中国,人治思想占绝对主导地位,从未出