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  Although many doctors agree that to temporarily use marijuana to relieve certain symptoms is totally safe, the safety of recreational marijuana has not been fully approved. Others raised questions about the future of marijuana: "Most of the new regulations about medicinal or recreational marijuana have failed to show the potential risks." Therefore, to prohibit or to untie is still a problem.
  “Using marijuana will not be more dangerous than drinking and smoking”
  According to a survey made by the Pew Research Center in 2013, 52% of Americans think it is reasonable to own small amounts of marijuana. This is the first time that more than half of the people are against marijuana prohibition in a national survey. A nationwide survey before a referendum in Colorado also showed that 48% of Americans had tried marijuana, and about 6.5% of senior high school students admitted they smoked every day. Therefore, it’s not surprising for Colorado to carry referendum before the U.S. presidential election in November 2012, deciding to legalize marijuana. However, people who are under 21 are not allowed to use marijuana in the state. Activists want the rest of America’s states to pass similar laws as soon as possible. Behind the requirement for prohibition are clamors of supporters.
  Still more supporters argue that scientific studies have shown that marijuana has high medicinal values, particularly for mental illness. And its level of addiction is no higher than that of tobacco and alcohol. Alan Greenspan, retired professor from Harvard Medical School, said in his book: Evidence shows that smoking marijuana can relieve nausea caused by chemical agents, prevent blindness caused by glaucoma, and improve the appetite of AIDS patients. It can also be used as an antiepileptic drug with functions such as relieving asthma and migraines, mitigating chronic pain, reducing muscle spasm with scleroma and treating cerebral palsy and paraplegia, etc.
  更多的支持者认为,科学研究显示大麻有着很高的药用价值,尤其是对精神疾病,其上瘾程度也并不比烟草和酒精强多少。美国哈佛医学院退休的格林斯潘教授就在其所著的书中称:有证据表明吸食大麻可以减轻由化学药剂产生的反胃现象、预防由青光眼引起的失明、能促进艾滋病患者的食欲、可以作为抗癫痫的药物、能缓解哮喘和偏头疼、减轻慢性疼痛、减少伴随多硬结的肌肉痉挛,还可以治疗脑瘫和下身麻痹等等。   An American drug regulatory official once said: "Every year, there are people dying from alcohol and tobacco, but no one has died from smoking marijuana. Marijuana has no side effects, nor damage to the liver, kidney, brain, or chromosome (fetal). Even long-term usage will not cause permanent damage to the body."
  Due to the significant effect of drugs, the legal process of medical marijuana is relatively smooth in the United States. And in 1996, California became the first state to grant legality to medical marijuana, and the number has now increased to 18.
  “Americans should be allowed to use marijuana, which a personal freedom.”
  Medical marijuana gains more and more recognition, but the legalization of recreational marijuana still faces the challenge of public opinions. Anyhow, many Americans, from White House officials to ordinary folks, have once used marijuana. And marijuana may, like cigarette, be regarded as a personal hobby or leisure.
  Proponents have said in public to the media that Americans should be allowed to use marijuana, which is personal freedom. In a society where beer, whiskey, wine and tobacco are all legal, it is unreasonable to prohibit this recreational drug. Some supporters have argued that complicated reasons cause marijuana to have been prohibited almost everywhere, but if one day marijuana is legalized, it will make people rethink the inertial idea about the so-called " drugs".
  “The long-term effects of marijuana on physical health wait to be verified”
  Proponents argue that marijuana is not as dangerous as some people have expected; whereas opponents think that is a wrong signal, which may cause serious health and social problems. Although it is relatively easy to monitor instant effect of marijuana in the laboratory, its long-term effect on body and mind is still difficult to judge. "Existing results can be interpreted in many ways, which requires us to be on an alert." said Madeline Meier, a clinical psychologist at Duke University. Marijuana is a kind of recreational drug, which was banned from being used in America since 1930s, but there are still many lawbreakers. Marijuana can cause lung and respiratory cancers, and will let a person have illusions.   More seriously, marijuana is the starting point to other drugs. Consequently, the legalization of marijuana has suffered a backlash from the mainstream American society in the past. People are particularly worried about its effects on children’s physical and mental conditions and social ethos, so opponents think that we need to be careful. In the conservative southern United States, not only the legalization of recreational marijuana, but that of medical marijuana is faced with many obstacles.
  “The legalization of marijuana will have bad influence on teenagers and the whole society”
  Experts say that one of the concerns from the legalization of marijuana is its influence among teenagers, and many young people use marijuana in many schools. A nationwide survey of American high school students shows that nearly 50% of them have touched marijuana, and the number is higher in universities. Opponents say: "The legalization of marijuana will have bad influence on teenagers and the whole society. Therefore, the consequences are worrying." A rehabilitation center survey also shows that it is marijuana that sends many teenagers into the abyss of drugs.
  Others believe that the legalization of marijuana will do harm to society. The legalization of marijuana in medical field gave rise to drug smuggling, trafficking and selling even on campuses, as well as violent attacks by criminal groups. The chief police officer in Los Angeles pointed out: Marijuana-caused crimes emerge all the time. Marijuana has gradually become a risk affecting social stability. Once recreational marijuana gains social popularity, it may cause more harms to society.
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