
来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mjynht
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  On behalf of UN Women for Peace, I am very pleased to welcome you to this award luncheon which is part of our March in March event to End Violence Against Women”. As some of you may well recall, last year we launched our first March in March and I was very happy to see the number of men and women who turned out for the event despite the snow storm.
  Looking around this room today and seeing so many remarkable women and men alike here, is a proof of the success we have built up since last year’s first March in March. I am pleased to say that UNWFP has made great progress in building awareness of the urgent need to End Violence against Women. I also know only too well that our efforts have, in a way, paid off. For that, I am very grateful for your contributions to our cause.
  Ending Violence Against Women, Gender parity, Empowerment of Women are all issues that are very close to my heart. Not only because I am a woman, but because these are human issues ..these are human rights issues.
  I acknowledge that much progress have been done in addressing these challenges, but this is just a scratch on the surface , a lot of work is still ahead of us.
  I firmly believe that Violence Against Women is the most blatant human rights violation in the world. And despite the progress made at the International and National levels, there are many women that are still subjected to physical and sexual abuse on daily basis.
  This is totally unacceptable. We cannot and should not ignore it, because we know about it.
  Until we have made sure that ALL women are protected from gender-based violence, we will not have satisfied our cause.
  Ending Violence Against Women is not a women’s issue, it is a men’s issue as well. Men must stand up and speak out against this crime.
  This is also the responsibility of the national governments who should change the laws and enforce them .This is the responsibility of the International community. Of all of us.   This challenge is also an obstacle on the way of development, peace and security. This is of particular concern, with this week marking the eve of the 58th session of the Commission on the Status of Women.
  We must increase efforts to expand women’s access to productive resources, enabling them to participate in education, training, science and technology, employment and decent work.
  Already in place, is the UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women. This is a major resource for providing services to women and girls who have suffered violence and UNWFP is very proud to support their work.
  We are honored to have this gathering of distinguished guests. Diplomats, artists, activists, models and corporate leaders. There are also many strong empowered woman here in the room. You are extraordinary examples of opportunity -- of what can be achieved when given a fair chance, an equal shot at life. Many women and girls are missing out on this. And in this way, we are missing out, too.
  Society may never come to know what leaders, movers, shakers and groundbreakers these women could have been.
  Today, we would like recognize the remarkable achievements of powerful women like those, who have been fortunate to receive these opportunities and use their influence to further the noble cause of women’s rights.
  It gives me great pleasure this year to present 2 awards to 2 remarkable women in recognition of the outstanding work they have done whether in advancing women causes or in humanitarian issues.
  The UN Women For Peace 2014 Humanitarian Award to Ms. Trudie Styler
  The UN Women For Peace 2014 Achievment Awards to Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women.
  To help ensure development opportunities for women in need, I am calling again for more support from the corporate sector.
  We can all make difference if we work together. I would also like to express my great thanks to our patron Mrs. Ban Soon-taek for her tireless efforts and dedication to advancing women issues.
  And of course I would like to you to join me in giving our board a round of applause for their hard work in making this event happen.
  Last, special thanks is due to all sponsors of this event, particularly to Mr. Midori Miyazaki of Worldwide Supports for Devrlopment for their generosity.
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