The Brand Names Translation of Cosmetics Under Intercultural Communication

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  【Abstract】The brand names translation of cosmetics is directly related to the sales of the products and the success of the enterprises.Cultural difference is a key factor in the brand names translation.Therefore,this essay mainly discusses the brand names translation of cosmetics from the perspective of intercultural communication.
  【Key words】intercultural communication; cosmetics brand; translation
  With the continuous development of China’s economy,the commercial intercourse between China and other countries becomes increasingly frequent.Excellent brand names and good translations can bring good advertising effect and promote sales.In order to translate brand names well,it is required to pay attention to the differences of cultures between China and the West.
  II.The cultural differences in the brand names translation of cosmetics
  Firstly,the difference of cultural values.The western culture is multicomponent and full of changes,while Chinese people are socialized not to openly express their own personal emotions.Secondly,the difference of cultural psychology.Lots of Chinese thought and ideology are related to the family.However,the Westerners’ psychological structure is relatively complex and loose.Thirdly,the difference of the way of thinking.Chinese brand names emphasize intuitive thought,while Western culture prefers logical thinking.Fourthly,The difference of the humanistic environment and customs.
  III.The brand names translation of cosmetics under intercultural communication
  A.Transliteration.Transliteration means to convert the characters of one alphabet to the corresponding characters of another alphabet; it is to translate the brand names according to its pronunciation.When transliterating an English brand name into Chinese,the new name will be constructed by using Chinese characters with similar pronunciation to the English one.Althouth the words are not accord with the rule of chinese characters,the choosing of the words is special.For example,Lancome is transliterated as “兰蔻”.The transliterated name not only fits the meaning of the source of plants,which is implicated in the original name,but also attracts lots of women by its imagery of youth.
  B.Literal translation.As for brand name translation,literal translated brand names would greatly inspire the consumers’ favorable associations and turn the potential purchase into a real action.Literal translation is applied only if there are correspondent words in the target language.For example,“ Natural Beauty” is literal translated as “自然美” and “Fair Lady” is literal translated as “贵夫人”.   C.Free translation.Free translation is carried out on the basis of the meaning of the brand.Those free translated brand names can vividly display the products’ utility and are easy for the consumers to remember.Although the meanings of free translated brand names are quite different from original ones,they are as beautiful as the original ones.For example,“BIOCEAN” is free translated as “欧纯”.When translating it into Chinese,neither transliteration nor literal translation can work well,while the free translated name overcomes all the shortcomings.
  D.Sound-meaning mixture.Sound-meaning mixture is a target oriented translation approach.By this approach,brand names consist of a word or words part of which contains the pronunciation and the other part the meaning.As for “Clean
【摘要】课堂教学的氛围受限于师生双边活动的制约,师生双方默契度的高低直接决定着教学活动的效率。但从学生方面来看,无论是哪一门功课,如果学得比较顺利、学得好的话,他们就会表现出极大的兴趣,而且还会越来越喜欢这门功课,且有决心学好它。  【关键词】初中英语 情景教学  一、灵活激趣,培养兴趣  “Well begun is half done”(良好的开始是成功的一半),兴趣是学习最好的老师。所有智力
【摘要】本文采用文化翻译的视角,针对近几年来网络流行语的类型分析和归纳分类,以不同类别的网络流行语的翻译为研究对象。在把翻译过程作为文化涵化过程的基础上,注重翻译作为文化交际和沟通的目的,分析不同类型的网络流行语的文化翻译策略,强调翻译对文化推介的重要作用,试图丰富网络流行语的文化翻译视角,延展网络流行语翻译的研究范围。  【关键词】文化翻译 网络流行语 翻译策略 文化涵化 文化推介  一、引言 
【摘要】学生是课堂的主体,一切教学活动是围绕这一主体的主动参与和学习开展的,只有当教师充分了解自己的学生,对学生进行学习前的各种情况分析,才能有效利用学生完成各项学习活动,从而做到有的放矢。  【关键词】课程设计 护理专业 英语技能 学以致用 实用为主  一、学情分析  学生是课堂的主体,一切教学活动是围绕这一主体的主动参与和学习开展的,只有当教师充分了解自己的学生,对学生进行学习前的各种情况分析
一、引言  英语教学的特点之一是要使学生尽可能多地通过不同渠道,以不同形式来学习真实、鲜活、实用的英语,直接体验语言及运用语言。修订后的译林版初中英语教材增加了文学作品、童话故事和诗歌等,能让学生感受经典语言的魅力。因此,笔者在研究的基础上开设了一堂诗歌创作的公开课,并参与了市教研室的精品课拍摄。本文结合课堂教学实录,评析如何开展初中英语诗歌创作。  二、教学案例  1.教学案例简述。本课例教学内
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【Abstract】Lu Xun has many classic works which are translated into English.Because of special traditional culture,the work contains a bright feature of the times and nationality characteristics.These c
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