Karen in America

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  I’ve gained weight! Is this a sign that I live well in America?
  Unlike what my folks worry about, I haven’t become mal-nourished[营养不良的] because I lack hometown food. In fact, in a local supermarket, I can find almost all the Chinese ingredients I need, plus food and beverages[饮料] that I’ve never had before. Big round cookies,
  Dr. Pepper, mint chocolate chip ice cream, S’more (saltine crackers with melted marshmallows and chocolate) and chicken noodle soup; you name it. I’ve consumed so many calories without even noticing them.
  The food supply in America is astonishingly big—big portions[一份], big packages, large quantities and zillions[无限大的数目] of choices. I think a single woman would be under pressure because the products in American supermarkets are big enough for a whole family. It usually takes me a month to finish a box of 15-ounce cereal[麦片粥]. An entrée is good enough for two meals.
  Can you imagine a small coffee in an American McDonald’s is equivalent to a medium coffee in a Chinese McDonald’s? A large bucket of popcorn at movie theatres is at least twice as big as the same size sold in China. From soft drinks to ice cream, I’m happy to just order the minimum size in America. I have no idea how Americas consume such a large amount of food and drink at one sitting.
  Americans rely heavily on refrigerated food. I have a big fridge in my kitchen. Since I cannot shop for fresh produce every day like I did in Guangzhou, I have to stock up my fridge with at least a week’s supply. Perhaps that’s why a big fridge is necessary in American households.
  I learned from the recent news that obesity in American adults has increased by 60% within the past twenty years and obesity in children has tripled in the past thirty years. Every time I go to Wal-Mart I’m stunned to see those
  roly-polies[小胖孩] pushing a full cart of groceries. No wonder Americans like driving big SUVs or pick-up trucks. Otherwise, where else can people put the stuff they buy? Not until I saw the big vehicles in America did I truly marvel at the word, “carbage”.
  Americans are not only big-sized and like big, they also dream big—big houses, big yards, big boats, big dogs, big offices, big promotions and much more. That’s what makes America the Land of Dreams.
互联网是个游乐场,在给人们提供各类便利信息、促进沟通的同时,还为各路“鬼才”提供了搞怪的场所。在这里,你不必担心暴露自己的真实身份,不必在意别人会怎样评论你的“杰出作品”,不必考虑自己是否货真价实、才华横溢……而这一切可能只是因为你厌倦了生活的平淡和工作的一成不变,就如本期《达人密码》我们将介绍的这位“嬉客”,从一封颇具创意的邮件开始,在网络上火了一把。    Robert Siegel (Hos
明星说英文,早就不是什么稀奇事儿了。因为讲英文而雷倒众人的明星也不在少数,当然,因为他们的母语都非英语,以此来评论他们也有失公允。不过有这样一些明星,他们不仅有帅气美丽的外表,而且还能说地道流利的英语,原因是什么呢?只因为他们是混血儿。  本期的《无限播客》栏目,我们就挑选了两个代表人物——吴彦祖和Maggie Q。大家可以感受到吴彦祖良好的英文表达能力,也可以听到Maggie Q迅速的英文反应。
2006年,美国的Twitter网站最先开发使用了微博;2009年,中国的新浪网也推出了微博服务,现在越来越多人认识并使用着微博,也渐渐迷上了这个让信息传播得更迅速的网络平台。有些人为了能够及时更新微博,没日没夜地沉迷其中,成了典型的“微博控”。随着微博的火爆,越来越多人见面的第一句话不再是:你吃饭了吗?而是:今天你“织围脖”(更新微博)了吗?    你有微博吗?  Have you got a
1986年12月8日,《奥普拉脱口秀(The Oprah Winfrey Show)》以《怎样才能与你选择的男人或女人结婚(How to Marry the Man/Woman of your Choice)》正式开播。2011年5月26日,这档历经四分之一个世纪、造就一代媒体女王的王牌脱口秀栏目迎来了它的完美谢幕。《奥普拉脱口秀》是美国电视史上的一大奇迹——它是美国收视率最高的脱口秀节目和美国历
当面试那天来临时,我们脑子  里常常要将很多事情思考一遍——准  时到达,作出有趣且有深刻见解的回  答、不要说错话……但是我们都忘记  了一个非常重要的因素:穿衣礼仪。
五月,当你拿到这一期《口语版》,轻轻翻到Jukebox栏目,你一定会陷入不断被重复吟唱的歌词“down, down, down”中。所有的感受都蓄势待发,所有的深情都准备着在感叹前先沉寂。那些欲说还休的内疚和悔恨,那些一想起了谁就找不到出口的疼痛,如此这些,你都能在Jason Walker富有穿透力的嗓音中找到共鸣,于是,一不经意间,你就闻到了初夏的味道。  这首《Down》是美剧《吸血鬼日记》(
今年3月发生在日本的9.0级大地震,是日本有观测纪录以来规模最大的地震,加上其引发的海啸和核泄漏事故,这次地震至今都备受全世界的关注。本期《潮爆新语》,就让我们来了解一下在这次灾难性事件中高频出现的一些词语。    Plate Tectonics   板块构造论    Definition: A scientific theory which describes the large scale m
当迈克接受去外地工作时,首先当然要获得他最亲近的人的支持,来看看他妻子安妮的反应吧。    Mike: Hey baby!  Anne: Hi hun, how was work?  Mike: Same old, same old. But speaking of work, I’ve got something I want to talk to you about.  Anne: Okay,
有一种爱,与性别无关  现在虽然有很多人能够勇敢地公开承认自己的同性恋身份,但是他们的路依然走得很艰难,因为同性之爱在大多数人眼中仍然是一种禁忌,仍然不被接受和理解。  其实,爱纯粹是自然而然产生的一种情感,无关乎同性亦或异性。无论Gay还是Lesbian,在现实中,他们都像我们一样地生活、一样地工作、一样地学习,没有任何的差别,只是我们不得不承认自己固有的对他们有种discrimination。
蕾妮·蒙塔涅(主持人):《泰坦尼克号》回  来了。