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  Damon: How do you do it?
  Elena: Well, first, you put the paper in the tray, like so. And then you push this big green…
  Damon: No, I’m not talking about how to use the new copier, though we probably should have a talk about that later. It is pretty tricky to get the hang of it. But, anyway, I’m talking about being a working mom.
  Elena: You wanna become a working mom? I think you lack the proper equipment. You’d definitely need to change your hardware and software for that…
  Damon: Ha ha. Forget about me. ①You’re the real 1)trooper here.②You must be the busiest woman on earth, with a never ending list of responsibilities here at work, and then all those 2)rugrats to keep track of at home. I honestly have no idea how you can do it. I’d probably call in sick everyday.
  Elena: You really wanna know the secret?
  Damon: Yes. Please, tell me!
  Elena: It’s all about finding that perfect balance.
  Damon: So you don’t fall over and hit your head?
  Elena: Ha ha, but no. I’m referring to that ever-delicate balance between work and, well, everything else.
  Damon: So what’re we talking here, a 60-40 split between work and the kids, or 70-30?
  Elena: I know you like to joke, and I really hope you’re kidding. The balance involves as much family time as the job will allow. I mean, those kids are a part of me, now and forever. ③This job, and pretty much any job, is just a means to an end.
  Damon: And what is the end that justifies the means?
  Elena: The kids’ happiness and their wellbeing.
  Damon: But doesn’t your work performance suffer as a result?
  Elena: On the contrary. I simply focus my attention on the most important tasks, and pass on any 3)erroneous assignments to others who have the time.
  Damon: What if a document needs immediate attention?
  Elena: I’ll ask the boss which 4)pending assignment he wants me to set aside for the time being, in order to finish the more urgent task in time.
  Damon: ④So those days, when we used to pull all-nighters in college, are a thing of the past?
  Elena: If you really wanna pull all-nighters again, just have a kid. You’ll spend more waking nights than you bargained for.
  Damon: What are you like around the house, anyway? Are you like the cleanest, most organized mom on the planet?
  Elena: Far from it. It’d be impossible. I mean, I used to make cookies 5)from scratch, but now I just buy the Pillsbury dough. And I always planned the coolest, most 6)lavish parties, but now I just don’t have the time, or the energy for that matter.   Damon: You never cease to amaze me, Elena. Your husband is a very lucky man.
  Elena: You should tell him that. Maybe then he’ll stop taking me for granted…
  Smart Sentences
  ①You’re the real trooper here. 你是这里真正的勇士。
  real trooper: acting like a soldier(像个战士般行事)。例如:
  John has been a timid scholar all his life, but he was a real trooper when he was volunteering at the earthquake relief center.
  ② You must be the busiest woman on earth, with a never ending list of responsibilities here at work, and then all those rugrats to keep track of at home.你一定是这世上最忙的女人,在工作中有无休止的任务,在家里又要管着那些小屁孩儿。
  keep track (of sb./sth.): continue to be informed or know about sb. or sth.(了解对某人的情况/某事的进展)。例如:
  My mom has been keeping track of how we spend our money.
  ③ This job, and pretty much any job, is just a means to an end. 这份工作,或者任何一份工作,都
  a means to an end: sth. that you are not interested in but that you do because it will help you to achieve sth.(仅仅是达到目的的方法)。例如:
  Mike has no interest in academic work. For him, college is just a means to an end for later in life.
  ④ So those days, when we used to pull all-nighters in college, are a thing of the past? 那么那些我们在大学挑灯夜战的日子已经成为过去了?
  pull an all-nighter: stay up all night to work on sth.(熬通宵)。例如:
  I’ve got a 30-page paper due tomorrow morning, and I haven’t even started writing it yet. I guess I’ll be pulling an all-nighter!

登革热是登革病毒经蚊媒传播引起的急性虫媒传染病,临床表现为高热、头痛、剧烈肌肉疼痛、骨关节痛、皮疹、出血倾向、淋巴结肿大、白细胞计数减少、血小板减少等。自去年下半年起,广东爆发了近二十年来最严重的登革热疫情,一时间人们“谈蚊色变”,并积极地响应灭蚊行动的号召,最终使疫情得到了有效的控制。  其实,登革热初期的症状与感冒类似,患者很容易疏忽病情而耽误治疗。下面就让我们一起来了解登革热的有关知识吧。 
发音:美式发音  语速:150词/分钟  使用方法:精听+角色扮演  代孕指代他人怀孕及生育,即女性接受他人委托,用人工辅助生育方式为他人生育子女的行为。本文所说代孕是指精子与卵子在人体外结合成受精卵,再将受精卵植入孕母子宫,由孕母替他人完成“十月怀胎一朝分娩”的过程,俗称“借腹生子”。  代孕是一种新的观念,新的趋势。20世纪70年代以来,欧美各国陆续开始有人委托代孕妈妈怀孕生子,以实现生儿育女
摘要:本文从试题设计特点、试题考点分布以及试题的考点层次和焦点因素四个方面分析了NMET2006试题中的17份完形填空题的命题质量;经过分析可以看出,各省命题较好地把握了完形填空题的特点,很好地发挥了该题的测试功能。总的说来,2006年各套英语高考试题的完形填空题的命题质量达到了作为高考试题的要求,同时也还存在着一些值得改进的地方。  关键词:NMET2006;完形填空题;设计特点;考点分布;考点
Robert Siegel (Host): Thousands of people sentencedunder the tough drug laws of the 1980s and ’90s are still in prison. They’re serving 2)mandatory minimum sentences that require them to spend decades
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Selfie-holic 自拍狂  Meaning: A person that posts too many selfies.  2013年,selfie(自拍)一词当选为《牛津字典》年度热词,这一单词的意思是利用智能手机或网络摄影机为自己拍下并上传至社交网站的照片。Selfie一词获此殊荣也不是没有道理的,看看时下各类社交网站,自拍照出现的频率还真是不低。更有一些喜欢疯狂上传自拍照的人,他们手
Charles和Diana是一对渴望拥有孩子的夫妇。Diana多次流产无法怀上一男半女,他们决定找一位代孕妈妈帮他们圆拥有孩子的梦,但是要找到合适的年轻女孩作为他们的代孕妈妈不是一件容易的事。  Charles: I don’t know, Di. I’m still not convinced.  Diana: What on earth was wrong with this one?  Ch
Ellie想当代孕妈妈,但可能面对的问题很多:别人的非议,怀孕伴随的危险以及各种复杂的情况等。如果生下来的孩子有疾病怎么办?如果他父母不要孩子了怎么办?Ellie对此焦虑不已。  Ellie: Hey, Russ. I can’t thank you enough for coming with me today.  Russ: That’s what friends are for, right
目前代孕在中国仍是违法的行为,但为了赚够学费,也为了帮助不孕不育的夫妇圆生儿育女的梦,Minnie仍愿意当一名代孕妈妈。  Minnie: Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to step on you.  Max: It’s no problem. I’m sorry for having such big feet. They get stepped on quite a lo