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  Ellie: Hey, Russ. I can’t thank you enough for coming with me today.
  Russ: That’s what friends are for, right? And, plus, I know what you’ve had to go through, and what a trying 1)ordeal this must be for you.
  Ellie: I know. ①When I decided to follow through with the whole surrogacy thing, everyone and their mothers 2)chimed in with their own two cents. I tried to block it out and just focus on my own well being, but now all their criticism has come creeping back into my consciousness.
  Russ: And the last thing I wanna do is kick you when you’re down. ②Especially since you’ve been well aware of all the dangers, right from the outset, and the possible conflict involved should 3)complications arise with the pregnancy.
  Ellie: I knew about the dangers, but I read that giving birth to a healthy baby requires a positive outlook on things, so I tried not to 4)dwell on negative thoughts like that.
  Russ: Optimism is one thing, but being realistic is another story.
  Ellie: I don’t know what I’m gonna do if the baby’s sick and the parents don’t want him anymore…
  Russ: You need a 5)contingency plan.
  Ellie: Hold your horses. Nothing’s been discovered yet, and certainly nothing’s been resolved.
  Russ: I’m just trying to prepare you for the worst.
  Ellie: I know you’re just trying to be a good friend. Was I na?ve to think I could handle the whole negotiation process by myself?
  Russ: Yes, you were. But you aren’t anymore. And I’m here to help.
  Ellie: Your presence and support are help enough. Although I may need a shoulder to cry on once the test results come back.
  Russ: Don’t worry. ③I’m here for you Ellie, come hell or high water.
  Ellie: I should have known better than to trust complete strangers with such a personal affair, and in a country where surrogacy is illegal no less. I guess that’s what I get for trusting my gut…
  Russ: Your gut, which happens to be slightly more 6)prominent than usual, is the only place you should truly trust.   Ellie: But it sure got me into some hot water this time.
  Russ: You’re a good person. You were trying to help a barren couple have a baby. In my eyes, that makes you quite the 7)humanitarian. And whatever the doctors say, you should keep your heart open to whatever the future holds, for you and the little dude in utero.
  Ellie: But, 8)hypothetically, what if he has a heart 9)murmur or some other disease, and the parents want nothing to do with him? What then?
  Russ: You’ll do what any caring person would do for a sick, abandoned child. You’ll find a way for that child to be cared for. But for now, take a deep breath, because here comes the doctor.
  Smart Sentences① When I decided to follow through with the whole surrogacy thing, everyone and their mothers chimed in with their own two cents. 当我决定坚持代孕的时候,每个人以及他们的妈妈都插嘴表达了自己的意见。
  sb.’s two cents: sb.’s opinion(某人的意见或忠告)。例如:I hope everyone can put in his/her two cents on the plan.
  ② Especially since you’ve been well aware of all the dangers, right from the outset, and the possible conflict involved should complications arise with the pregnancy. 尤其是你一开始就完全意识到伴随着怀孕的所有危险、有可能涉及的冲突以及因此出现的并发症。
  from the outset: from the very beginning(从一开始)。例如:I didn’t like the idea from the outset.
  ③I’m here for you Ellie, come hell or high water. 埃莉,无论发生什么事,我都会在这里帮你。
  come hell or high water: determined to do sth. in spite of the difficulties involved(无论有什么困难)。例如:My husband has always been by my side through 50 years of marriage, come hell or high water.

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Sharon: Hi, Tim. Can I ask you a bit of a personal question?  Tim: Sure. Fire away.  Sharon: How much do you make?  Tim: Oh, I didn’t know that’s where you were going with this.  Sharon: ①Yeah, I know
登革热是登革病毒经蚊媒传播引起的急性虫媒传染病,临床表现为高热、头痛、剧烈肌肉疼痛、骨关节痛、皮疹、出血倾向、淋巴结肿大、白细胞计数减少、血小板减少等。自去年下半年起,广东爆发了近二十年来最严重的登革热疫情,一时间人们“谈蚊色变”,并积极地响应灭蚊行动的号召,最终使疫情得到了有效的控制。  其实,登革热初期的症状与感冒类似,患者很容易疏忽病情而耽误治疗。下面就让我们一起来了解登革热的有关知识吧。 
发音:美式发音  语速:150词/分钟  使用方法:精听+角色扮演  代孕指代他人怀孕及生育,即女性接受他人委托,用人工辅助生育方式为他人生育子女的行为。本文所说代孕是指精子与卵子在人体外结合成受精卵,再将受精卵植入孕母子宫,由孕母替他人完成“十月怀胎一朝分娩”的过程,俗称“借腹生子”。  代孕是一种新的观念,新的趋势。20世纪70年代以来,欧美各国陆续开始有人委托代孕妈妈怀孕生子,以实现生儿育女
摘要:本文从试题设计特点、试题考点分布以及试题的考点层次和焦点因素四个方面分析了NMET2006试题中的17份完形填空题的命题质量;经过分析可以看出,各省命题较好地把握了完形填空题的特点,很好地发挥了该题的测试功能。总的说来,2006年各套英语高考试题的完形填空题的命题质量达到了作为高考试题的要求,同时也还存在着一些值得改进的地方。  关键词:NMET2006;完形填空题;设计特点;考点分布;考点
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