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  Lourdes Garcia-Navarro (Host): We have arrived. It’s the future—or one version of the future imagined in 1989.
  (Soundbite of film, “Back to the Future 2”.)
  Christopher Lloyd: (as Dr. Emmett Brown) Marty, you’ve got to come back with me.
  Michael J. Fox: (as Marty McFly) Where?
  Lloyd: Back to the future.
  Garcia-Navarro: “Back to the Future 2,” part of the ’80s 1)sci-fi 2)trilogy starring Michael J. Fox, finds the characters Doc and Marty McFly traveling in a flying car to the year 2015.
  (Soundbite of film, “Back to the Future 2”.)
  Lloyd: At 4:29 p.m. on Wednesday, October 21, 2015.
  Fox: 2015? We were in the future.
  Robert Siegel (Host): Well, that exact date is still in the future, but we thought it would be fun to take a look at how much the movie got right in its version of 2015.
  Garcia-Navarro: And what was a little off. First, flying cars...
  (Soundbite of film, “Back to the Future 2”.)
  Lloyd: Where we’re going we don’t need roads. Garcia-Navarro: Not quite standard issue, as predicted, but the idea may not be so far off. A company called AeroMobile successfully tested a two-seater car-airplane 3)hybrid last year.
  Siegel: And speaking of flying, yes, we do have 4)hoverboards. They cost $10,000, but the Hendo hoverboard company has created a working model that looks surprisingly similar to the one in the movie, minus the bright pink paint.

  Garcia-Navarro: Speaking of, we can’t seem to escape the’80s neon fashion craze. Even that’s still around today. But this trend hasn’t caught on.
  (Soundbite of film, “Back to the Future 2”.)
  Lloyd: All kids in the future wear their pants inside-out.
  Siegel: No, the kids don’t wear their pants inside-out, at least not on purpose. But there was another thing Marty McFly put on in the movie that will apparently be a reality this year.
  (Soundbite of film, “Back to the Future 2”.)
  Fox: Power laces, all right.
  Siegel: Power shoelaces—it’s not clear exactly when they’ll be ready, but Nike is working on the concept.
  Garcia-Navarro: And while the film did forecast a 5)clunkier version of Google Glass, there are no smartphones to be seen. But the movie shows fax machines, which are still a thing—well, kind of.
  Siegel: The McFly kitchen of the future features a food 6)rehydrator to instantly prepare a pizza.   (Soundbite of film, “Back to the Future 2”.)
  Unidentified actress: (as food rehydrator) 7)Lithium mode on.
  Siegel: But in the real 2015, there is 3D-printed pizza technology. This native New Yorker has yet to try it though.(Soundbite of film, “Back to the Future 2”.)
  Lloyd: Great Scott!
  Garcia-Navarro: And Robert, thankfully in the real 2015, we’re not on our 19th 8)sequel of the 9)hologram “Jaws.”But “Back to the Future 2” did do well with its prediction of 10)drones. They didn’t call them that in the movie, but in the film, a little flying robot walks a dog and also takes photos for “USA Today”.
  (Soundbite of film, “Back to the Future 2”.)
  Fox: Oh, this is heavy.
  Siegel: Wait Lulu, there were still newspapers in that version of the future and gladly there still are. And one more thing, the real 2015 is only a couple of days old. And with Jon Lester recently traded to Chicago, what seemed like a low-blow gag in the movie...
  (Soundbite of film, “Back to the Future 2”.)
  Fox: Wait a minute—Cubs win World Series.
  Siegel: Hey, it could happen.
  (Soundbite of film, “Back to the Future 2”.)
  Fox: Against Miami?
  Garcia-Navarro: Who knows what the future holds?
  (Soundbite of “Back to the Future” theme song.)

We should all switch from bread to 1)breadfruit. Stop eating anything made with wheat; bread plus the cake. Recent research shows very clearly that wheat is a very unhealthy food, and not only for tho
2006年12月15日上午九点,由广州市科协技术协会主办、广州翻译协会和广州外事翻译学会承办、暨南大学协办的科技沙龙“国际翻译与广州社会发展”在暨南大学学术报告厅隆重举行。此次讲座由广州翻译协会会长黄建华教授主持。  外交部翻译室副主任张建敏首先作了《对外交往与翻译》的演讲,作为经常为国家领导人担任翻译的资深口译员,他从中国对外交往的发展、外交工作的重要性、翻译质量的关键性、译员如何提高翻译水平等
Abe: Hey there pretty lady, you and your 1)gal pals heading over to the square to do a bit of dancing?  Esther: You know us too well!  Abe: You mind if I 2)tag along? ①I could use a little eye candy t
摘要:本文提出含有贬义的词语可以用作商标,并从一词多义、语境、联想三个角度对此作出解释。   关键词:贬义词 ;商标 ;一词多义 ;语境 ;联想  [中图分类号]H315.9  [文献标识码]A  [文章编号]1006-2831(2007)03-0058-3    Abstract: This paper first argues that derogatory terms can be used
If you pay attention to the recent world news, you might have heard about gun violence in the U.S.. The continuing shootings in Missouri, in New York City and elsewhere in the country have sparked pub
Sharon: Hi, Tim. Can I ask you a bit of a personal question?  Tim: Sure. Fire away.  Sharon: How much do you make?  Tim: Oh, I didn’t know that’s where you were going with this.  Sharon: ①Yeah, I know
登革热是登革病毒经蚊媒传播引起的急性虫媒传染病,临床表现为高热、头痛、剧烈肌肉疼痛、骨关节痛、皮疹、出血倾向、淋巴结肿大、白细胞计数减少、血小板减少等。自去年下半年起,广东爆发了近二十年来最严重的登革热疫情,一时间人们“谈蚊色变”,并积极地响应灭蚊行动的号召,最终使疫情得到了有效的控制。  其实,登革热初期的症状与感冒类似,患者很容易疏忽病情而耽误治疗。下面就让我们一起来了解登革热的有关知识吧。 
发音:美式发音  语速:150词/分钟  使用方法:精听+角色扮演  代孕指代他人怀孕及生育,即女性接受他人委托,用人工辅助生育方式为他人生育子女的行为。本文所说代孕是指精子与卵子在人体外结合成受精卵,再将受精卵植入孕母子宫,由孕母替他人完成“十月怀胎一朝分娩”的过程,俗称“借腹生子”。  代孕是一种新的观念,新的趋势。20世纪70年代以来,欧美各国陆续开始有人委托代孕妈妈怀孕生子,以实现生儿育女
摘要:本文从试题设计特点、试题考点分布以及试题的考点层次和焦点因素四个方面分析了NMET2006试题中的17份完形填空题的命题质量;经过分析可以看出,各省命题较好地把握了完形填空题的特点,很好地发挥了该题的测试功能。总的说来,2006年各套英语高考试题的完形填空题的命题质量达到了作为高考试题的要求,同时也还存在着一些值得改进的地方。  关键词:NMET2006;完形填空题;设计特点;考点分布;考点
Robert Siegel (Host): Thousands of people sentencedunder the tough drug laws of the 1980s and ’90s are still in prison. They’re serving 2)mandatory minimum sentences that require them to spend decades