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  Arun Rath (Host): “Dear White People”—the new film with that 1)edgy title has Justin Simien, its young black director, being 2)heralded as a Spike Lee for 3)millennials. It’s a movie about race and identities set at a fictional Ivy League college, or as the poster has it, a satire about being a black face in a white place. NPR’s Shereen Marisol Meraji talked with the director and has more.
  Shereen Marisol Meraji (Byline): “Dear White People”follows four black students at a 4)predominantly white college called Winchester University. Samantha White.
  (Soundbite of Film, “Dear White People”)
  Tessa Thompson (As Samantha White): We can bring black back to Winchester.
  Meraji: She’s the 5)militant film student who heads the African-American house on campus. Coco Connors, the 6)assimilationist who wants to fit in by any means necessary...
  (Soundbite of Film, “Dear White People”)
  Teyonah Parris (As Coco Conners): There is nothing hood about me.
  Meraji: Troy Fairbanks, the popular and handsome 7)legacy kid and Lionel Higgins, the film’s unlikely hero, a gay sci-fi geek who has no idea where he belongs...
  (Soundbite of Film, “Dear White People”)
  Brandon Bell (As Troy Fairbanks): Tell me man, what’s harder, being black enough for the black kids or black enough for the white ones?
  Tyler Willians (As Lionel Higgins): Being neither.
  Justin Simien: I think the film attempts to admit that there is no 8)quintessential blackness.
  Meraji: Director Justin Simien says “Dear White People” is about the battle these four characters are having with the identities they’ve created and their true selves.
  Simien: Each of my four characters are just attacking that same problem from a different point of view. The, sort of,idea-should I wear my hair this way?
  Should I be militant? Should I conform? I think they’re all kinds of struggling with the deep fear that this is all just in response to white people.
  Meraji: He says he’s trying to get at how this battle, between identity and self, a part of the universal college experience, is made more difficult when you’re one of just a few black faces on a campus. Simien graduated from Chapman University, a predominately white private college in Southern California, and used his personal experiences to seed the script.   Simien: My 9)suitemate when I first moved in-uh, this blonde, blue-eyed kid-he insisted that he was, you know, way blacker than me because he could Crip Walk and I couldn’t.
  Meraji: He says it may sound insignificant, but these things happen all the time in college and beyond. Constantly having to prove your worth and your blackness can feel 10)oppressive over a time. Having people assume you’re a thug or a good basketball player or not black enough because you’re smart or don’t know the latest dance. For Simien, it’s a form of racism.
  阿伦·拉斯(主持人):《亲爱的白人》——这部有着尖锐标题的电影让新晋黑人导演贾斯汀·西米恩被誉为第二个斯派克·李(译者注:Spike Lee是美国著名的黑人导演,曾执导过《答案》、《胜券在握》等电影且大获成功。作为一名最具黑人意识的导演,他一生的愿望就是拍出真正的“黑人电影”,因而他所涉及的题材也大都是与黑人的出路、觉醒,与种族歧视有关的主题)。这是一部有关种族和身份的电影,情节设定在一所虚构的美国常春藤联盟大学。或者正如海报上所说的,它是对于黑人在白人区生活的一种讽刺。NPR栏目组的谢林·玛莉索·麦拉吉与该剧的导演一道谈论更多有关这部电影的详情。
  泰柔娜·派丽丝 (饰演可可·康纳斯):我是无害的。
  西米恩:当我起初搬进去的时候,我的室友—呃,那个金发碧眼的人坚持认为,你知道吗,他比我像黑人得多,因为他能够跳Crip Walk(一种起源于美国贫困区的街舞)而我不能。

Abe: Hey there pretty lady, you and your 1)gal pals heading over to the square to do a bit of dancing?  Esther: You know us too well!  Abe: You mind if I 2)tag along? ①I could use a little eye candy t
摘要:本文提出含有贬义的词语可以用作商标,并从一词多义、语境、联想三个角度对此作出解释。   关键词:贬义词 ;商标 ;一词多义 ;语境 ;联想  [中图分类号]H315.9  [文献标识码]A  [文章编号]1006-2831(2007)03-0058-3    Abstract: This paper first argues that derogatory terms can be used
If you pay attention to the recent world news, you might have heard about gun violence in the U.S.. The continuing shootings in Missouri, in New York City and elsewhere in the country have sparked pub
Sharon: Hi, Tim. Can I ask you a bit of a personal question?  Tim: Sure. Fire away.  Sharon: How much do you make?  Tim: Oh, I didn’t know that’s where you were going with this.  Sharon: ①Yeah, I know
登革热是登革病毒经蚊媒传播引起的急性虫媒传染病,临床表现为高热、头痛、剧烈肌肉疼痛、骨关节痛、皮疹、出血倾向、淋巴结肿大、白细胞计数减少、血小板减少等。自去年下半年起,广东爆发了近二十年来最严重的登革热疫情,一时间人们“谈蚊色变”,并积极地响应灭蚊行动的号召,最终使疫情得到了有效的控制。  其实,登革热初期的症状与感冒类似,患者很容易疏忽病情而耽误治疗。下面就让我们一起来了解登革热的有关知识吧。 
发音:美式发音  语速:150词/分钟  使用方法:精听+角色扮演  代孕指代他人怀孕及生育,即女性接受他人委托,用人工辅助生育方式为他人生育子女的行为。本文所说代孕是指精子与卵子在人体外结合成受精卵,再将受精卵植入孕母子宫,由孕母替他人完成“十月怀胎一朝分娩”的过程,俗称“借腹生子”。  代孕是一种新的观念,新的趋势。20世纪70年代以来,欧美各国陆续开始有人委托代孕妈妈怀孕生子,以实现生儿育女
摘要:本文从试题设计特点、试题考点分布以及试题的考点层次和焦点因素四个方面分析了NMET2006试题中的17份完形填空题的命题质量;经过分析可以看出,各省命题较好地把握了完形填空题的特点,很好地发挥了该题的测试功能。总的说来,2006年各套英语高考试题的完形填空题的命题质量达到了作为高考试题的要求,同时也还存在着一些值得改进的地方。  关键词:NMET2006;完形填空题;设计特点;考点分布;考点
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Selfie-holic 自拍狂  Meaning: A person that posts too many selfies.  2013年,selfie(自拍)一词当选为《牛津字典》年度热词,这一单词的意思是利用智能手机或网络摄影机为自己拍下并上传至社交网站的照片。Selfie一词获此殊荣也不是没有道理的,看看时下各类社交网站,自拍照出现的频率还真是不低。更有一些喜欢疯狂上传自拍照的人,他们手