Culture and Differentiation of Human Orbital Preadipocytes in Thyroid-associated Ophthalmopathy

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Purpose: To identify whether there are preadipocytes in the orbits of thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy (TAO) patients and whether they possess the capacity to undergo adipocytic differentiation. Methods: Orbital fat tissue from TAO patients was placed in primary culture and proliferating cells were sub-passaged. The preadiocytes were identified with immunohistochem-istry. Confluent preadipocytes were subjected to a differentiation protocol. And Peroxi-some proliferators-associated receptorγ(PPARγ) transcript levels were determined before and after differentiation. Result: In primary culture, cells were spindly and showed positive immunostaining for preadipocyte factor-1 (pref-1) protein. During the process of differentiation, orbital cells showed evidence of adipogenesis and relatively greater PPARγgene expression with differentiation. Conclusion: There are active preadipocytes in the orbital tissue of TAO patients which might be able to undergo adipocyte differentiation. These observations suggest t Objective: To identify whether there are preadipocytes in the orbits of thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy (TAO) patients and whether they posse the capacity to under adipocytic differentiation. Methods: Orbital fat tissue from TAO patients was placed in primary culture and proliferating cells were sub- passaged. The preadiocytes were identified with immunohistochem-istry. Confluent preadipocytes were subjected to a differentiation protocol. And Peroxi-some proliferators-associated receptor gamma (PPARγ) transcript levels were determined before and after differentiation. Results: In primary culture, cells were spindly and showed positive immunostaining for preadipocyte factor-1 (pref-1) protein. During the process of differentiation, orbital cells showed evidence of adipogenesis and relatively higher PPARγgene expression with differentiation. Conclusion: There are active preadipocytes in the orbital tissue of TAO patients which might be able to undergo adipocyte differentiation. These obs ervations suggest t
【中考英语语篇作文专项强化训练(四)参考答案】  1-5 CABCB6-10 DDACB11-15 CDABA  16-20 DCBDA21-25 BCABD26-30 CDCAD  31. became 32. interesting33. run  34. full 35. with 36. away  37. back 38. telephoned 39. easy  40. caught 
从大学毕业到退休,我一直在一所中学教书,在讲台上,一天又一天,一年又一年,像农夫在地里耕作,平常极了。世世代代,无数的人都这样劳作,一生做一件事。  每年,有几十万青年初上讲台,也有几十万教师告别讲台。对讲台,对课堂,人们有什么样的认识,为什么要教、怎样教,课堂上究竟发生了什么,始终是我感兴趣的问题。虽然一直浸润其间,但我总是无法让思考走向深邃,获得准确、客观的结论,因为社会在变,影响着课堂和人。
都市森林或城市森林是指在城市地域范围内,精心设计,精心种植,精心养护管理的以乔木为主体,包括乔木、灌木、草本、藤本、竹类、苔藓、地衣、水生植物等的森林植物、栽培植物以及生活在其间的动物(特别是鸟类)、微生物以及它们赖以生存的气候与土壤等自然因子组成的生物群落。城市森林在保证居民生活质量方面有不可替代的作用。    都市森林的理论基础    都市森林概念的提出虽然已有 30多年的历史,但迄今为止中国