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  The adventure begins the moment you walk through the door and into the building’s giant atrium surrounded by the four high impact “hull” shaped sections which house the experience. As you wander up through Titanic Belfast, you will experience a thrilling ride through the re-construction of the shipyards and the Titanic under construction. The stories of passengers, crew and the heroes of the day will be told in an exciting and modern way. At the conclusion, you can visit the wreck at her resting place on the floor of the North Atlantic. The building is designed so that visitors can enjoy breath-taking views to the slipways where the Titanic was launched and relax in one of the catering outlets. And if you’d like a souvenir to remind you of your trip to the home of the Titanic, there’s plenty to choose from in the Titanic Store.
  For the visitors, genuine6 Harland and Wolff gates lead the way to galleries. There will be nine of them, being fitted out at a cost of more than one million pounds each.
  Among them, one has a focus of the launch7 of Titanic. As the visitor exits the Shipyard Ride, they will be faced with an impressive sight: a large window looking straight down the actual slipways on which the Titanic once rested. The window is fitted with state-of-the-art8 glass containing electrodes that switch from the normal view to a superimposed image of the Titanic on the slipways. This extraordinary recreation offers a unique vision of how the ship would have appeared sitting on the slipway and gives the visitor an intense and authentic perspective that cannot be matched elsewhere.
  当你穿过大门,走进纪念馆的巨大中庭时,你的探险就此展开。中庭四周各有一个外形酷似高冲击“船体”的分馆,你将在这些分馆里体验这段历史。 当你漫步在贝尔法斯特泰坦尼克纪念馆时,你会经历一段激动人心的旅程,你会看到重建的船厂和建造中的泰坦尼克号。昔日的乘客、船员和英雄们的故事将以一种现代的、引人入胜的方式进行讲述。结束时,您可以参观遗落在北大西洋海底的沉船遗骸。建筑物的设计使得参访者能够欣赏到泰坦尼克号下水时曾经使用过的滑道的雄壮景象,还可以在餐饮区放松休息。如果你想要一件纪念品来纪念自己的这趟泰坦尼克号故乡之行,泰坦尼克商店有足够的商品供你选择。
  And another reveals the tragic sinking of Titanic. At 11:40pm on April 14th, on a calm and moonless night, RMS Titanic raced into an iceberg at almost full speed(22 knots), creating an intermittent breach 90m (300 feet) long below the waterline. Two hours and forty minutes later, she sank to the bottom of the Atlantic with the loss of over 1,500 men, women and children. The heroism and horror of Titanic’s final hours are induced with atmospheric sound and lighting to create a subtle and moving evocation of the ship’s catastrophic and untimely demise9.
  Housed in an iconic, 6-floor building, this state-of-the-art visitor experience tells the story of the Titanic. Across the nine galleries, with an equal number of interactive exhibits, Titanic Belfast will convey the sights, sounds, smells and stories of the shipyard and its most famous creation.S
  另一个展厅则展示了泰坦尼克号的悲剧性沉没。1912年4月14日晚11点40分,在一个风平浪静没有月光的夜晚,皇家邮轮泰坦尼克号几乎以全速(22海里/时)猛烈撞上了一座冰山,造成了吃水线以下一个长约九十米的不连贯大裂口。两小时40分钟以后,她沉入大西洋底部,超过1, 500名男女乘客和儿童丧生。应景的声音和灯光营造了泰坦尼克号最后几小时所经历的英雄行径和恐怖气氛,微妙感人地再现了这艘船面临的灾难和最终的沉没。
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A new building is currently pushing its way towards the sky in Belfast’s Titanic Quarter.  Drive over the Lagan Bridge or along the historic Queen’s Road in the heart of the former shipyard2 and you w
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