
来源 :政工研究动态 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chrisdc
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九江发电厂在开展职工思想政治工作研究中,坚持对政研工作进行立项管理,着力在出成果上下功夫,取得明显成效。 去年,该厂按照“课题从小、内容从实、方法从新”的原则,围绕企业中心工作确立了16个重点课题,同时成立了12个政研小组,分别由党群部门负责人和基层党总支书记任组长,并将16个重点课题进行分类,具体落实到每个政研小组。对各政研小组研究的成果,由党支部进行检查考核。通过立项管理,使政研工作由软任务变为硬指标,由少数“笔杆子”撰写文章变为干部职工广泛参与。据统计,全年干部职工共撰 In carrying out research on the ideological and political work of workers, the Jiujiang Power Plant insisted on project management of the work of political research, and worked hard to achieve results with obvious results. Last year, the plant established 16 key topics centered on the work of the enterprise center in accordance with the principle of “Subjects from small, content from reality, and methods from the new”, and at the same time established 12 political research groups, which were headed by the party and group departments and the general party branch. The secretary is the head of the group and classifies 16 key topics into specific groups for each political research group. The results of the research conducted by the political research groups are examined and assessed by the Party branch. Through project management, the political research work has changed from a soft task to a hard one. From a small number of “pen writers,” writing articles has become the participation of cadres and workers. According to statistics, a total of cadres and workers were co-authored
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