Influence of Latent Synaesthesia on SLA

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  【Abstract】Synaesthesia and Second Language Acquisition (SLA), two conceptions that are totally irrelevant in many people’s eyes. When learning a second language, we ordinary people acquire it mainly by apperception, and the words, syntactic patterns and grammatical rules that we memorize will always be forgotten. However, the nature seems more care of some lucky ones, who are born to be unforgotten to literal and historical stuff they’ve read, some even have over computers’ calculation capability. The research group of synaesthesia led by psychologist Simon Baron-Cohen from Cambridge University find out that there is a synaesthete in every two thousand people. And all normal people have potential of synaesthesia to different degrees, while they can’t bring it up to awareness level yet. This thesis aims to analyze influence of synaesthesia on SLA based on the stimulation and use of synaesthesia in normal people’s SLA process.
  【Key words】Apperception; Synaesthesia; Latent Synaesthesia; Second Language Acquisition (SLA); Influence
  1. The origin of synaesthesia
  Synaesthesia, a psychological term which is originated from Greece, means perceiving together. In 1880, the cousin of famous biologist Charles Robert Darwin, Francis Galton, an English scientist and explorer, described the first case of synaesthesia phenomenon in Nature. Since then, there are many explorations and researches on synaesthesia, which has experienced countless ups and downs in its analysis and excavation. Even today, neurologists from all over the world are still studying on this subtle phenomenon. The most common case is recognizing color through shape, smell, sound or flavor.
  2. Influence of normal people’s latent synaesthesia stimulated on SLA
  2.1 Functioning mode of synaesthesia in SLA process
  People with synaesthesia show an enhanced memory relative to demographically matched controls. The most obvious explanation for this is that the ’extra’ perceptual experiences lead to richer encoding and retrieval opportunities of stimuli which induce synaesthesia (typically verbal stimuli).
  While synaesthetes tend to have better visual memory than verbal, for example, they can see numbers with colors.
  2.2 Influence of normal people’s latent synaesthesia stimulated on SLA
  Normal people’s latent synaesthesia can be stimulated under the circumstance that one sensation loses temporarily.During that period, blindness activates the pathway linking hearing and spatial recognition which is closed in normal situations. That is why we become more sensitive to sounds as well as more easily to feel different kinds of auras when we close our eyes.   Likewise, L2 feeling ability is also enhanced greatly by stimulated synaesthesia, thus learners could acquire L2 swiftly through the powerful cooperation of several senses in co-occurrence of the same thing with different experiences blended as a whole in your mind, which instead impresses you better for saving L2 in your long memory and all L2-related information can be extracted through the pathway from V4 for use in a stereoscopic way.
  3. Conclusion
  As this article makes a multi-dimensional analysis of the connection and interaction between latent synaesthesia and SLA in normal people’s aspect, it designates to illustrate an original study of this marginal influence on SLA in its process. Latent synaesthesia is just like the state of animals’ hibernation for normal people in their brains. In SLA progress, this “hibernation” will be thawed and synaesthesia functions, which exerts a most strong influence on SLA. It not only brings high efficiency for acquiring L2 but also provides firsthand references to fabricating a new generation of bionic robots.
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【摘要】为了解英语专业研究生信息素养水平及现状,本研究从信息需求、信息检索、信息评价、信息利用、信息交流和信息道德6个维度编制了信息素养调查问卷,并采用项目分析、探索性因子分析、内部一致性检验对调查问卷的信度和效度进行评价。结果显示,该问卷具有良好的信效度和内部一致性,可为相关研究的展开提供借鉴和参考。  【关键词】信息素养 信度 效度  本研究参照美国大学与研究图书馆协会(ACRL)制定的《高等
【摘要】记忆单词一直是英语教学的难点。现行人教版的英语教材大幅度地增加词汇量,使学生老师面临巨大的挑战。传统的记忆单词多以死记硬背、重复训练为主,比较机械、枯燥、乏味,不仅耗费时间,而且效率不高,成为学生苦恼,老师头疼的问题。本文将从英语词汇教学的重要性,词汇教学现状及存在的问题,词汇教学的方法和策略等几个方面作了具体详实的阐述。  【关键词】英语 词汇  词汇是组成语言的最基本材料,尤其是英语学
【摘要】为了提高我国学生英语写作水平,以中国学习者英语语料库为基础,对学习者在英语写作的过程中虚化动词的使用进行对比分析,了解中国学习者与本族语者在写作中使用虚化动词情况,确定中国学生英语写作中对虚化动词使用存在的共性问题,说明英语写作中虚化动词的正确搭配方法,如此可以逐步改善中国学生英语不足,提高学生英语写作水平。对此,本文将基于语料库的英语学习者虚化动词的用法及搭配进行分析。  【关键词】语料
一、引言  语用模糊是一种语言交际策略,它频繁的出现在人们的日常对话中,也大量地存在于文学作品中,对塑造人物形象和刻画人物性格起到了非常重要的作用。本文将从语用模糊的角度对《红字》中的一些人物对话例子进行分析。  二、语用模糊  在语言交际中,语用模糊起着非常重要的作用。语用模糊指的是说话者在特定的语境或上下文中运用不确定的或间接的话语向听话者表达两种以上言外行为或言外之力的现象。  三、《红字》
【摘要】在ESP教学框架下,在应用型民办高等学校背景中,对于教师团队的培养如果能够实现“双师型”正态发展路径,对于提高新时代教学输出层次有很大的推进作用。针对此问题,本文提出一些思路,为进一步改革提供参考方向。  【关键词】民办高校 “双师型”教师  ESP(English for Special Purpose)教学一直是一片革新呼声很高的领域;“双师型”教师更是教学改革的热点之一。回顾历史,国