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  Sustainable urban development can be defined as the spatial manifestation of urban development processes that creates a built environment with norms, institutions and governance systems enabling individuals, households and societies to maximize their potential, optimize a vast range of services so that homes and dynamic neighborhoods, cities and towns are planned, built, renewed and consolidated restraining adverse impacts on the environment while safeguarding the quality of life, needs and livelihood of its present and future populations.
  Ecology and Sustainable Development: Old and Emerging Challenges
  In the recent report of the Secretary General on the on-going Post-2015 Agenda, it was recognized that the MDGs has not paid enough attention to ecological issues. While the MDG7 initially focused on access to clean drinking water and improvement of lives of slum dwellers, environmental issues, namely CO2 emissions and bio-diversity later found a place in the document but they were not robustly treated. Although important UN initiatives, such as the UNFCCC (for climate change), the UN Convention on Biological diversity and the UN Convention to Combat Desertification took them more seriously, more remains to be done. It is broadly agreed that though that given the deepening environmental challenges, serious attention will have to be paid to developing a rigorous framework that brings the environment and development under one framework post-2015. Specific to urban ecology are: natural disasters affecting in most part poor developing countries, including in Small Island Developing States and low-lying coastal countries. Second, sea level rise, abnormal weather patterns (including prolonged draught and untimely rainfall), and the notable cases of increased in extreme weather events that affect adversely urban and rural physical and human capital.
  Central to these concerns would be discussions to influence the ways in which “countries, local governments, businesses and individuals must transform the way they generate and consume energy, travel and transport goods, use water and grow food”. 1 Considerable political will is required for the more advanced industrial to adjust their consumption that ensures a transition to sustainable consumption and production patterns; this will of course be aided by explicit investment in both social and technological and sharing of such knowledge between developed and developing counties.   近期正在举办的2015年以后的世界发展议程会议上,秘书长在其所做的报告中认为千年发展目标并未对生态问题付以足够的关注。千年发展目标7首先将重点放在了贫民窟内清洁饮用水的获得与生活质量的改进以及环境问题,尤其是二氧化碳排放与生物多样性上。这些问题虽在文件中得以提及,却都未得到重点对待和处理。尽管有联合国气候变化框架公约、联合国生物多样性公约以及联合国防治荒漠化公约的大力倡议,但仍有很多的工作亟待完成。现阶段我们所公认的是:当环境挑战逐步加深,人们将开始严肃地思考,如何为环境与发展构筑一个严密的框架,并将它们纳入2015年后发展的大框架。这些问题在城市生态方面集中表现为如下几项:首先,自然灾害所造成的最大影响往往发生在欠发达国家,包括小岛屿发展中国家与低洼沿海国家。其次,海平面上升、异常天气状况(包括持久的大风与反季的降雨)以及发生频度显著增加的极端天气,都对城市和乡镇的物质与人力资本产生了负面影响。
  Urban Ecology and Sustainable Development
  The demographic and economic shifts of the last two decades have transformed cities and urban centres into the dominant habitats of humankind. As a result, the mode of urban development has a critical bearing on the processes leading to the attainment of sustainable development. It is therefore more critical than ever that Member States and UN Agencies come together to promote sustainable urbanization. The cities of the world’s emerging economies are becoming the drivers of the global economy at the same time as the planet’s resources are fast depleting. We must urgently find a way to achieve further economically and socially equitable growth without further cost to the environment. Cities, their spatial frameworks and infrastructural and governance systems constitute a key lever for delivering this transition.
  When managed poorly, urbanization can be detrimental to sustainable development. However, when managed properly, it can contribute positively to sustainable development, for example through the reduction in per capita greenhouse gas emissions compared to rural areas. Urbanization is also one of the few solutions for effectively dealing with the huge increase in world population.
  In this way, sustainable urbanization can provide one of the key unifying forces to integrate the three pillars – i.e. economic, environmental and social - of sustainable development. Efforts to create jobs, reduce ecological footprint and improve quality of life are most effective when pursued in tandem. Prioritizing sustainable urbanization can also help to ensure coherence between sectoral policies such as energy, water, sustainable consumption and production, biodiversity, natural disaster preparedness and climate change adaptation. It is important that this emerging opportunity be recognized and endorsed at Rio+20.   在过去的二十年中,由于人口迁徙与经济转移,城市与居住中心已经转变成为了人类的主要栖息地。因此,城市发展的模式在通往可持续发展的道路上将起到关键性的作用。也正因为这样,联合国机构与成员国共同携手推进可持续城市化发展就显得更为关键。在世界经济逐步融合的大潮中,城市引领着全球经济的发展,同时也在迅速地消耗着地球的资源。我们急需寻找到一条路,既能够使经济与社会进一步均衡增长,又不会进一步消耗环境资源。城市所拥有的基础管理系统与多面立体的框架结构恰好能够为我们通向这一转型目标提供至关重要的助力。
  In the global context of urbanization and continuing industrialization, modern environmental health hazards have become major contributors to the environmental diseases weighing on the African continent. The major such hazards include water pollution from environmental degradation and industrial development, urban air pollution from automobiles, radiation hazards, climate change, and emerging or re-emerging infectious diseases. Industrial pollution, in particular, is becoming highly concentrated in expanding urban areas, and as a result pollution intensity in Africa is among the highest in the world. Even in countries that have made significant progress in the provision of access to services, including improved water and sanitation, as well as durable housing with sufficient living area, environmental health hazards affect many urban residents. Cities are therefore a key arena in determining the rate and direction of human ecology whose central tenet is that environmental sustainability and economic growth can develop harmoniously. Evidently, the two are not inherently mutually-exclusive. This can be accomplished by decoupling the rate of economic growth from the rate of energy and material use and environmental degradation. Because the world can no longer depend on cheap fuel for growth, and economic growth will almost certainly be driven by cities, sustainable urban development must incorporate these emerging dynamics.
  Cities are therefore crucial to the transition to a sustainable urban economy for four complementary reasons. (1) Virtually all major innovation originates in cities whose density of institutions, people and infrastructure promotes idea sharing and experimentation. (2) When sensitively planned and serviced, urban density reduces the spatial footprint of development and permits shared infrastructure (which reduces emissions and resource use). (3) The agglomeration economies of cities means new technologies can be tested and implemented more competitively. And (4) cities have the potential to strengthen resilience by reducing dependence on carbon intensive growth by reintegrating systems at lower costs, and stimulating efficiency in resource use and expanding skills. Whereas cities in the developed world may need to retrofit old systems, those in the developing world may leapfrog this and more cheaply increase both resource efficiency and labour intensity.   Improved technology and competitiveness are prerequisites for innovation for “greener” cities. Education is an important lever to foster understanding of “greener” urbanization. The active involvement of youth as agents of change is paramount.
  Multi-dimensional Perspective of Sustainable Urban Development
  At the global and national levels it has been difficult to achieve coherence between the economic, social and environmental pillars of sustainable development. However, urban challenges can only be addressed in an integrated manner, balancing social equity, resource efficiency and competitiveness. Therefore, sound planning and management at the city level offers concrete opportunities to connect the economic, social and environmental pillars at the local level.
  At the local level: The sustainable development implementation gap can only be closed if the capacity of Local Authorities as a Major Group is strengthened. Indeed, sustainable urban development will not occur spontaneously. It must first define how resources are to be managed, allocated and re-distributed to ensure efficiency and equity, with the strong participation of inhabitants in the governance of the city. It requires more effective and adaptable institutions in the public and private sectors and civil society that are able to promote sustainable development, and reduce poverty and inequality. It also requires innovative urban planning and greater entrepreneurship and clear cooperation of all the spheres of government.
  At the sub-national level: There are particular challenges at the level of the city-region, a geographical unit that has enormous potential to promote sustainable development principles but is often characterized by overlapping and fragmented governance structures. At this level it is important to develop spatial strategies that promote an infrastructure configuration that maximizes sharing and minimizes excessive mobility and resource use.   At the national level: There is a need to integrate sustainable urban development policy as a key component of a national sustainable development policy. In this regard, it is important to align sustainable development policies of the different tiers of government to achieve greater coherence and more efficiency in implementation. It is also important to enhance the coherence of international support to national sustainable urban development plans as part of an overall national sustainable development planning. The establishment of National Habitat Committees can enhance better coordination between line Ministries and agencies, while National Urban Forums could serve as a space for knowledge sharing amongst public, private and community stakeholders and for alignment of international support to sustainable urban development at the country level. National governments also have a role in encouraging cities to act on urban sustainability by benchmarking and monitoring against sustainable urban development baselines.
  In Sum, ecology as a pillar of sustainable development should receive both consistent policy and political support, and in addition efforts by non-state actors such as IESCO should be given the desired consideration and attention in the ensuing global debate post-2015.
  1HLP Report, HLP报告
吞咽困难是脑卒中后常见的合并症,这不仅会造成机体营养代谢失调,更直接影响患者的预后。及早采取针对性护理措施,改善患者的吞咽困难,可减少并发症,降低致残率和死亡率。我院自2006年1月—2007年12月收治急性脑卒中后致吞咽困难110例,收到了较好的效果,现报告如下:    1临床资料    本组脑卒中后吞咽困难患者110例均为住院患者,并经颅脑CT或MRI证实,均在发病1周内入院。其中,脑梗死78
【关键词】酚妥拉明合并间羟胺重症支气管肺炎并发呼吸衰竭心力衰竭小儿    小儿重症支气管肺炎合并呼吸衰竭、心力衰竭是临床中的急危重症,常规药治疗效果较差,治疗成功率极低。我们在临床中尝试用酚妥拉明合并间羟胺治疗了6例小儿重症肺炎并发呼吸衰竭、心力衰竭的病人,6例完全治愈。现将这6例病人治疗情况报告如下:    1资料和方法    1.1一般资料:6例患儿中男性3例,女性3例,年龄6月~3岁,平均年
When Yi Ran was informed that she was pregnant, she was so unprepared that she fell into panic. But she was over 30-year-old, so she thought this was the last chance for her to have a baby. However, w
【关键词】俯屈 内旋转 按压耻下 帮助俯屈    1临床资料    王五勒,女,彝族,25岁,冕宁县宏模乡拉白村3组,因停经9月,腹痛伴阴道流水20小时于是2008年2月5日5PM30分入院。查:宫口开全,先露头,LOM,外阴Ⅲ°水肿,宫缩中,胎心率120次/分,胎膜已破,末次月经:2007年4月30日,预产期:2008年2月7日。入院诊断:①G1P0W37+5宫内单活胎临产;②滞产(第二产程延长
室上性心动过速(PSVT)是临床常见的心律失常,严重的PSVT可导致心力衰竭、休克,尽快终止其发作是治疗的主要目的。作者1998年6月—2005年5月应用心律平治疗PSVT 35例,效果良好,现报告如下:    1临床资料    1.1一般资料:35例患者,男22例,女13例,年龄25~76岁。冠心病19例,风湿性心 脏病2例,预激综合症2例,不明原因12例。心电图示:QRS波群规则,频率150~
我是一个从事医院医保管理工作多年的工作者,整天与参保人员、医生打交道,经历了医保管理的酸甜苦辣,作为医院医保管理部门,在日常工作中,遇到医保人员对政策的不理解,医生的不支持,由此引起的矛盾也日趋明显,下面就如何来协调这方面的工作谈谈以下体会:    1医保办如何协调参保人员的关系    1.1参保人员对政策的不理解,是造成医保办与参保人员矛盾的主要原因,目前医保政策相对较多,较复杂,无锡市有职工基
随着党的“十七大”的胜利召开,“以人为本”的理念越来越深入人心,结合我院实际工作,就医院在接诊过程中改善就诊环境,提高诊疗的护理质量,建立良好的护患关系,提供人性化服务,为患者营造人文环境,不断改革创新,最终提升医院的形象等方面体会总结如下:    1紧跟时代步伐,改变陈旧观念,树立“以人为本”的服务理念    很长一段时间,护理工作在“以疾病为中心”的思想指导下开展,并养成了医生为主、护士为辅的
心律平,正名盐酸普罗帕酮片,为抗心律失常药用于室性早搏,室上性心律失常等。但用量过大可产生心脏停搏及传导阻滞,低血压等。我急诊科于1997年9月4日成功地抢救了一位误服心律平50片致心跳呼吸骤停的患者。现将该罕见的个案及抢救成功的护理体会介绍如下:    1病例介绍    患者,女,22岁,住院号318893,因与男友发生争吵而服用心律平50片(每片剂量50毫克),服药后半小时感头晕、乏力、心悸、