
来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nimadeburang
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  When Yi Ran was informed that she was pregnant, she was so unprepared that she fell into panic. But she was over 30-year-old, so she thought this was the last chance for her to have a baby. However, when she finally made up her mind to continue the pregnancy, she began to be afraid of the criticism around her and have to pay very expensive social compensation fees, which is decided by the time of birth, the type of her Hukou and other things.
  Bearing Moral and Economic Pressures and Stumped by Their Babies' Hukou
  “For us, we can only consider the present but can not see the future,” said a unwed mother, which represents many people’s thought. On 5th December, 2012, An An from Guangxi Province read about a report about unwed mothers and came up with the idea of building a QQ group for unwed mother. “I am an unwed mother. My parents are against our marriage. This QQ group is for the unwed mothers to feel free to speak out their feelings so that they can release their pressures.” Before An built the group, she thought she was the most miserable woman in the world because giving birth without marrying was a very big shame. But after the group was built, she found that she was “lucky” enough in some sense. “I have a comparatively good family.” So far, 169 unwed mothers have joined the group and half of them have given birth and half are keeping pregnancy.
  “No one wants to be an unwed mother. We are because there is no alternative and, of course, because of love.” An said that the most difficult thing for an unwed mother is to get the birth permission certification and baby’s Hukou. “Some mothers were very lucky to get the permission, just as I did. But in some big cities, this is a very difficult thing. If unwed mothers do not have the permission and are caught, they will be fined. Let alone get a Hukou.”
  When looking up the regulations of the materials that are needed for an illegitimate child getting Hukou in China, our reporter found that not only the birth certification is included but also the residential booklet and ID of both parents. And the materials of the child’s father are difficult for many unwed mother to provide. Besides, as violate some related regulations of family-planning, all unwed mothers are required to pay “social compensation fee”. These charges are different among provinces but all are levied in accordance with the annual per capital disposable income of residents. Nevertheless, the charges are basically cost tens of thousand yuan.   Because An doesn’t have marriage certificate, she intends to register her child under other people’s name. “My child’s uncle is in his 70s but still has no children, so we are going to register my child under his name.” Yet she is not sure whether it will work. “The only thing we can do is playing it by ear.” In spit of Hukou, she is also suffering economically. “It will cost at least 30 thousand yuan from pregnancy to giving birth. Many unwed mother lost contact with the child’s father and can not be accepted by their own families, so all burden are fallen on their own. When using up their deposit, they have to borrow and then pay back once they get a job.”
  Certainly, the most distress part these young unwed mothers are suffering is mental anguish. In face of family’s disdain and reject, social discrimination and hard life, the only thing they can do is getting together to find comfort and warm. “If you are unhappy you can talk with us and we will listen to you patiently; if you have difficulties, we can give you some advices.” An said that what makes her feel relived is that many unwed mothers will save their babies clothes. “If other unwed mother needs them, I will sent those clothes to them”. An said that this is the life she chose so no matter how hard it will be she will carry on but she still hope our society can understand and give a way to them, not discrimination.
  Adolescent Pregnancy Causes Social Problems
  Compared with older unwed mothers, adolescents may misbehave after give birth to illegitimate children, because they are too young and have no fixed income. Some social problems will happen consequently.
  On 25th May, 2013, an infant was found abandoned in a sewer in Jinhua city, Zhejiang Province, which attracted broad attention of the public. After an investigation we found that the infant’s mother was a 22-year-old unwed girl. When she was using the toilet the childbirth accidentally began, so the newborn slipped into the pipe. Because she was afraid of letting others know she was pregnant but not married, she simply pretended that nothing happened. Only after the infant was saved a few days later did the girl come out to explain that the reason she did so was that she was afraid to face those difficulties of single mother.   相较于年龄稍长的未婚妈妈,青少年则因年龄尚幼、无固定的经济收入等问题在非婚生子后容易做出不当的行为,从而衍生出一系列社会问题。
  What is worse than keeping silence is that some unwed mothers kill their babies, which we can often hear about now. Entering the key words of “unwed mother kills baby” in baidu, we can find that such cases are happening around the world. “17-year-old middle school girl stabbed newborn baby 135 times shock Americans”, “17-year-old unwed mother dropping infant from 8th floor after cutting up throat and heart in Guangzhou, China”, “19-year-old female worker in Guangzhou strangled newborn with dress ribbon and abandon it in garbage basket”, “16-year-old girl gave birth baby boy in the toilet at home but threw the baby out of the window on 22th floor and the baby died”……Such cases can be found everywhere and it can be concluded that all of them have several common features: the criminals are all unmarried; they are young girls in their 10s or 20s; they are students or migrant workers; they are afraid of people knowing that they are pregnant and the relative huge penalty charged for illegitimate birth; the fathers do not take the responsibility; they consider killing infants is not a crime but dealing with their “private stuff” due to ignorance.
  Undoubtedly, “adolescent mothers” who abandoned or killed their babies will be punished by laws and they will be accused of abandonment or intentional homicide, but they are unwed mothers only in their 10s and we can’t help to sympathizing them because they could not find alternatives and felt scared and helpless.
  As such crimes repeatedly happen, the one who should introspect is absolutely not the unwed mother but society and every individual in the society as well. Every tragedy of an individual can reflect the weakness of social management. So how can our society provide them with a channel to express their feelings and get aid before such tragedies happen? How can our society give another chance to them to begin a new life and offer the innocent children a normal and caring environment after the tragedy happens?……These are all the questions that we should rethink profoundly.
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【摘要】目的:探讨高血压患者增强自我保健意识的措施。方法:采用调查问卷法对社区高血压患者的答卷进行分析,并针对问题进行指导。结果:患者自我保健意识增强,对高血压行为认知(放松心情、低盐饮食、适量运动、按医嘱服药)程度显著提高。结论:通过对社区高血压患者的调查分析和指导可提高患者的自我保健意识,有效控制血压,减少并发症。  【关键词】高血压 保健意识 对策    随着社会的发展,工作竞争以及人们生活
Nisengwe Regis  尼森格温·雷吉斯  Nisengwe Regis is a 24 year old graduate of the Kigali Institute of Science and Technology. He studied Environmental Chemistry and graduated in 2011. He has been actively inv
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【关键词】酚妥拉明合并间羟胺重症支气管肺炎并发呼吸衰竭心力衰竭小儿    小儿重症支气管肺炎合并呼吸衰竭、心力衰竭是临床中的急危重症,常规药治疗效果较差,治疗成功率极低。我们在临床中尝试用酚妥拉明合并间羟胺治疗了6例小儿重症肺炎并发呼吸衰竭、心力衰竭的病人,6例完全治愈。现将这6例病人治疗情况报告如下:    1资料和方法    1.1一般资料:6例患儿中男性3例,女性3例,年龄6月~3岁,平均年