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   As is known to everyone, there are the pictures of the Presidents of the United States or great men on front of various denominations of dollar bills. Do you know who they are? In fact, they play a very important role in American history.
   The picture of George Washington is on the one-dollar bill. He served as America’s first president from 1789 to 1797. President Washington has been considered as the “Father of His Country” from generation to generation.
   The third president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, is on the two-dollar bill. He was the main drafter of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Jefferson was one of the most influential of the nation’s Founding Fathers. He was also a plant expert, architect, musician and inventor.
   美国的第三任总统——托马斯·杰弗逊的头像被印在两美元纸币上。他是1776年《独立宣言》(Declaration of Independence)的主要起草人,也是最有影响力的开国元勋之一,同时他还是位园艺师、建筑师、音乐家和发明家。
   Another of America’s greatest presidents, Abraham Lincoln, is on the five-dollar bill. He served as the sixteenth president from 1861 until 1865. He successfully led the country through the Civil War, saved the Union and ended slavery.
   The picture of Alexander Hamilton appears on the ten-dollar bill. Although Hamilton was never elected president, he was the first Secretary of the Treasury and one of the Founding Fathers, and he was also an economist and political philosopher.
   Andrew Jackson was the seventh president, whose picture appears on the twenty-dollar bill. He served from 1829 to 1837, and he supported popular democracy and individual liberty. He had a great ability to bring people together, so he was beloved and trusted by people all over the country.
   Another president, Ulysses Simpson Grant, is on the fifty-dollar bill. Ulysses Simpson Grant served from 1869 to 1877. Before serving as president, Grant was the military commander of Union forces during the Civil War. Under his command, the Union Army defeated Confederate forces.
   印在五十美元纸币上的是另外一名总统——尤利西斯·辛普森·格兰特。他于1869至1877年间担任美国总统,而在此之前,格兰特是南北战争时期联邦军的一位司令,在他的指挥下,联邦军打败了同盟军。    So who do you think is on the one hundred-dollar bill? It is Benjamin Franklin. Franklin was never elected president, but was one of the Founding Fathers. He was also a great writer, politician, scientist, inventor, and diplomat.
   These American statesmen are on front of the one, two, five, ten, twenty, fifty and one hundred dollar bills. The backs of the notes show images from the nation’s history or famous places. In order, they are the Great Seal of the United States, the signing conference hall of the Declaration of Independence and the Lincoln Memorial, the Treasury Building, the White House, the Capitol building and Independence Hall.
   這些美国政治家的头像均在1美元、2美元、5美元、10美元、20美元、50美元和100美元纸币的正面上。纸币的背面是美国历史或著名景点的图案,按顺序,它们分别是美国国玺(Great Seal of the United States)、《独立宣言》签字会场、林肯纪念堂(Lincoln Memorial)、美国财政部大楼(the Treasury Building)、白宫(the White House)、国会大厦(the Capitol building)和独立大厅(Independence Hall)。
英语是高中课程的重要组成部分,对于学生的整体发展有着关键性的作用。随着国际交流的日益密切,我国越来越需要具有高素质的专业英语人才,因此高中英语教学工作引起了更多人的重视。但就目前的形势来看,我国英语教学中依然存在较多的问题,有效输出的效率较低,本文针对如何有效提高高中英语教学提出以下几点策略,仅供参考。  1. 师生之间多使用英语交流  英语学科与其他学科相比,具有实用性、生活性、文化性、交流性等
书面表达是中学英语学习的重要内容之一,也是高考的重要组成部分,旨在测试考生的英语写作表达能力。它不仅能够体现高中生的英语语言的表达能力和思维能力,而且能较客观地反映他们综合运用语言的能力。因此,英语书面表达既是教学的难点,也是应试的难点。  1. 端正态度,予以重视  相比阅读理解、完形填空等题型,书面表达更具有主观性,需要考生主动地对英语语法词汇进行创造性运用,对英语语篇进行有序地组织编排,完整
随着新课程标准的提出,我国中学英语教学开始步入了改革阶段,不仅对教师的教学水平提出了更高要求,对课程的教学模式也提出了相应要求。英语课程作为中学的重点学科,有效的教学方式能够进一步提升学生的英语水平,这意味着教师在进行教学改革时,要加强对自身教学方式的探究,结合班级学生的英语水平及学习方式,施展针对性的教学策略,这是提高中学英语课堂教学效率的关键所在。  1.新课程标准下的中学英语课堂  新课程标
阅读是高中英语教学中的重要组成部分。然而许多教师在传输知识时,依然采用传统的讲述式教学模式,学生只作为接收知识的载体。长此以往,不但会导致学生对英语学习的热情减弱,也会使教师产生疲倦心理。因此。教师应转变传统的教学模式,充分考虑学生的认知理解特质,为学生设计出丰富多彩的课堂活动,使英语课堂“动”起来。  1. 竞争类活动——课堂辩论  高中英语教材中有许多阅读文章都属于议论性题材。其中的观点十分鲜
<正> 美国的许多银行设有房地产抵押贷款、住房信贷放款业务。如美国商业银行中大通曼哈顿公司、西方银行公司和第一芝加哥公司的业务中就设有国内房地产贷款、房屋抵押贷款
<正> 随着经济体制改革和金融体制改革深入发展,整个市场体系(包括生产资料市场和资金市场)正在逐步形成和发展,现就短期资金拆借市场问题,谈谈自己的浅见。一我省的资金市场
<正> 温州这个依山傍海的沿海城市,“十年浩劫”中的重灾区,在党的十一届三中全会春风的吹抚下,农村经济经历了历史性的变革,广大农民在家庭联产承包制的基础上,突破了一个又