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三中全会以来,党中央、国务院为了改变三北生态环境,改善三北生产条件,于1978年11月作出了关于建设三北防护林体系的决定。我县是三北防护林建设的重点县之一,在上级党和政府的领导下,从当地实际情况出发,认真贯彻落实了这一决定,防风治沙、植树造林又有了一个新的发展,成效是显著的。据统计一九七八至一九八二五年中,全县造林保存面积13751亩,占我县现有林面积的46%;另星植树保存100万株,为建国以来保存株数400万株的25%。 Since the Third Plenary Session of the Third Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, in November 1978, in order to change the ecological environment of the Three Northas and improve the conditions for the production of the Three Northern Rivers, a decision on the construction of the Three North Shelterbelt system was made in November 1978. The county is one of the key counties in the Three-North Shelter Forest project. Under the leadership of the superior party and the government, starting from the actual conditions in the country, this county has conscientiously implemented this decision. There has been a new development in windbreak and sand control and afforestation, Effectiveness is significant. According to the statistics from 1978 to 1985, the entire county’s afforestation area is 13,751 mu, accounting for 46% of the existing forest area in the county. Another million trees are preserved by another star tree plant, and 4 million trees have been preserved since the founding of the People’s Republic of China Of the 25%.
元旦这天的下午,同学们兴高采烈地来到学校。快看!我们教室的屋顶上挂着五颜六色的拉花,黑板上粘贴着彩色的气球,还有用我们的桌椅摆成的圆形 New Year’s Day afternoon, s
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八宝树Duabanga grandiflora(Roxb.)Walp.分布于我省南部海拔100—1700m的热带、准热带及南亚热带地区。是一种速生优良用材树种。为取得该树种的育苗经验,我们于1979年进行
2005年,斯蒂芬妮·梅尔出版了《暮光之城》第一卷,几周后即登上《纽约时报》排行榜。此后几年间,每一卷的出版都标志一个新的热度。而2008年,《暮光之城1: 暮色》上映,引发了一轮全球性的“吸血鬼”流行狂潮,将“幕光现象”推向一个新的 峰值。到2009年《暮光系列2:新月》上映时,一个有趣而怪诞的现象出现了,一边 是素来对美国电影市场颇具影响力的影评人恶评如潮,一边是观者如云,其狂热令 美国媒体不