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  Abstract: Nowadays, scholars pay more attention to non-intelligence factors in English learning. Many scholars believe that non-intelligence factor plays an important role. So far, after many scholars research, they think non-intelligence factors that influencing people to learn mainly includes five aspects: interest, emotion, personality, will and motivation. But the personality influence is the largest.
  Key words: personality differences; English learning; English teaching.
  1. The major performances of personality
  Personality is the person's attitude toward reality and corresponding unique habituation combined behavior, it is one of the most important features. It is has the inherent stability and acquired plasticity. Some acquired factors including family factors, school education, social and cultural traditions will influence personality, between them school education is playing an important role.
  When handle different learning tasks, different personalities will use different learning strategies. Personality character is divided into the extroverted and introverted. Extroverted learners are active response, which is beneficial to get more input and practice opportunities, but they are not really pay more attention to the form of the language. Introverted learners are better and still analysis the form of language, especially take advantage of language form and language teaching role in the classes environment.
  2.Learning performance on students’ personality types
  2.1 Competitive
  This type of students usually better study in order to get others’ attention, they view classroom as a compete game. They keep eye on score and prize, wish they are the winners. So the English teacher should fully notice them, give their opportunity to show themselves.
  2.2 Collaborative
  This kind of students like to work with peers and teachers, they set the classroom as learning social place. Willing to exchange views and help others. In today's interactive teaching mode, this kind of students is most likely to be loved by the teachers. But they sometimes lack of competitive and creative
  2.3 Avoider
  They have no interesting in the learning and class maters, try to avoid the interactive activity. Especially when they don’t have success experience, they will totally avoid class. Thus, teachers should encourage and praise them to rise up their self-confidence.
  2.4 Participative   These students interested in the course content, like to participate in and extracurricular activities. English teaching needs a lot of these students, they can according to the requirements,participate in teaching activities, but they also too stiff and track.
  2.5 Dependent,
  This kind of students is lack of curiosity, always hope authority guide and tell them what to do.
  2.6 Independent
  These students like their own independent thinking and learning what they think are important, but also willing to listen to others' opinions and ideas. But sometimes they may be lack of cooperation and in the plight of an alone situation. English teachers must be good at guide them.
  3. Conclusion
  Every personality has its different focus and blind pots, teachers should know each foreign language learners’ habitually in their decision-making attention. The research on the difference of students' character is of great significance in foreign language teaching. In our English teaching process, teachers should give full consideration to the students' personality, adopt different teaching methods for different students. On the other hand, teachers should help students analyze the characteristics, choose a suitable learning strategy for them, improve the students' learning motivation, cultivate the students' learning autonomy, thus in order to further improving the teaching effect.
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【摘 要】传统的创业课程教学已经制约了该学科的发展,“慕课”的建设将改变这一困境。文章介绍了创业课程“慕课”的特点,‘“慕课”引发的创业课程变革以及引入“慕课”后混合式教学的思路。  【关键词】慕课;创业课程  “慕课”发源于美国,是英文MOOCs的音译,即“大规模在线开放课程”的英文简称。2013年被视为中国慕课元年,在这一年,中国知名大学纷纷加入国际慕课平台。2013年7月,北京大学、清华大学
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