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  郑远涛 译
  Supporting Boys or Girls When the Line Isn's Clear
  sex(生理性别)是爹妈给的,gender(社会性别)却是在成长中逐渐塑成的。对sex和gender不一致的人抱有偏见或敌意,其实是内心优越感的流露,认定自己高他们一等;这种多数人对少数人的歧视普遍存在。所以,本文中的父母最担忧的不是孩子的气质或思想,而是担心他们被周围的人欺侮。美国虽然号称自由开放的国度,许多社区却极其保守,对同性恋者及跨性别者的仇视犯罪屡见不鲜。1999年奥斯卡获奖电影《男孩不哭》(Boys Don誸 Cry)就反映了一位女扮男装的少年被仇杀的真实故事。
  Until recently, many children who did not 1)con-form to gender norms in their clothing or beha-vior and who identified intensely with the opposite sex were 2)steered to 3)psychoanalysis or behavior modification.
  As 4)advocates 5)gain ground for what they call gender-identity rights, evidenced most recently by New York City’s decision to let people alter the sex listed on their birth certificates, a major change is taking place among schools and families. Children as young as five who display 6)predispositions to dress like the opposite sex are being supported by a growing number of young parents, educators and mental health professionals.
  At the Park Day School in Oakland, Cali-fornia, teachers are taught a gender-neutral vocabulary and are urged to line up students by sneaker color rather than by gender. “We are careful not to create a situation where students are being 7)boxed in,” said Tom Little, the school’s director. “We allow them to move back and forth until something feels right.”
  For families, it can be a long, emotional adjustment. Shortly after her son’s third birthday, Pam B. and her husband, Joel, began a parental journey for which there was no map. It started when their son, J., began wearing oversized T-shirts and wrapping a towel around his head to 8)emulate long, flowing hair. Then came his mo-ther’s silky undershirts. Half a year into preschool, J. started becoming9)agitated when asked to wear boys’ clothing.
  10)En route to a mall with her son, Ms. B. had an 11)epi-phany. “It just clicked in me. I said, “You really want to wear a dress, don’t you?’”
  Ms. B., 41, a lawyer, accepted the way her son defined himself after she and her husband consulted with a psychologist and observed his newfound comfort with his choice. But she feels the 12)precarious nature of the day-to-day reality. “It’s hard to convey the 13)relentlessness of it,” she said. “Every social encounter, every time you go out to eat, every day feeling like a balance between your kid’s self-esteem and protecting him from the hostile outside world.”
  The prospect of 14)cross-dressing kindergartners has sparked a deep philosophical divide among professionals over how best to 15)counsel families. Is it healthier for families to 16)follow the child’s lead, or to spare children potential humiliation and isolation by steering them toward accepting their biological gender until they are older?
  Both sides in the debate underscore their concern for the profound 17)vulne-rability of such youngsters, symbolized by 18)occurrences like the murder in 2002 of Gwen Araujo, a transgender teenager born as Eddie, southeast of Oakland.
  “Parents now are looking for advice on how to make life reasonable for their kidsÑwhether to allow cross-dressing in public, and how to protect them from the 19)savagery of other children,” said Dr. Herbert Schreier, a psychiatrist with Children’s Hospital and Research Center in Oakland.
  Dr. Schreier is one of a growing number of professionals who have begun to think of gender variance as a naturally occurring phenomenon rather than a disorder. “These kids are becoming more aware of how it is to be themselves,” he said.
  In past generations, so-called sissy boys and tomboy girls were made to conform, based on the belief that their behaviors were largely products of dysfunctional homes.
  The biological underpinnings of gender identity, much like sexual orientation, remain something of a mystery, though many researchers suspect it is linked with hormone exposure in the developing20)fetus.
  Studies suggest that most boys with gender variance early in childhood grow up to be gay, and about a quarter heterosexual. Only a small fraction grow up to identify as transgender.
  Girls with gender-variant behavior, who have been studied less, voice extreme unhappiness about being a girl and talk about wanting to have male 21)anatomy. But research has thus far suggested that most22)wind up as heterosexual women.
  But Dr. Kenneth Zucker, a psychologist and head of the gender-identity service at the Center for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto, disagrees with the “free to be” approach with young children and cross-dressing in public. Over the past 30 years, Dr. Zucker has treated about 500 23)preadolescent gender-variant children. In his studies, 80 percent grow out of the behavior, but 15 percent to 20 percent continue to be 24)distressed about their gender and may ultimately change their sex.
  Dr. Zucker tries to “help these kids be more content in their biological gender” until they are older and can determine their sexual identity- 25)accomplished, he said, by encouraging same-sex friendships and activities like 26)board games that move beyond strict gender roles.
  Catherine Tuerk, a nurse-psychotherapist at the Children’s Hospital in Washington and the mother of a gender-variant child in the 1970s, says parents are still left to find their own way. She recalls how therapists urged her to steer her son into psychoanalysis and “hypermasculine activities” like27)karate. She said she and her husband became “gender cops.”
   “It was always, ”You’re not 28)kicking the ball hard enough,’she said.
  Ms. Tuerk’s son, now 30, is gay and a father, and her own thinking has evolved since she was a young parent. “People are beginning to understand this seems to be something that happens,” she said. “But there was a whole lifetime of feeling we could never leave him alone.


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