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日本三矢公司董事长饭山滋郎,起初不过是专门生产超长和超短铅笔的铅笔商。由于生意不好,饭山滋郎窘迫不堪。有一天,饭山滋郎无意中走进一家冰淇淋店,听见店老板在向顾客诉苦:“冰淇淋又要涨价了!主要原因是盛冰淇淋用的纸杯越来越贵,可是纸的质量却又越来越差。”真是“言者无心,听者有意”。饭山滋郎目光一闪,心里想:“纸杯贵,不用它就得了!自己身边有的是木材,还有机器,为什么不用木片去代替它?木片既便宜,又简单。”于是饭山滋郎立刻返回家中,打定主意开动机器,很快就造出了盛冰淇淋的木片和竹签。 Miyoshi Imaisan, chairman of Japan’s Mitsuo Corporation, was initially a pencil manufacturer specializing in the production of ultra-long and ultra-short pencils. Due to bad business, Iiyama Shiro is distressed. One day, Isan Yamamoto inadvertently walked into an ice cream shop and heard the shop owner complaining to the customer: “The ice cream has to rise again! The main reason is that the paper cups used for ice cream are more and more expensive, but the quality of the paper is It’s getting worse.”“It’s true”, and the listener has no intention whatsoever. Iiyama Shirlang’s eyes flashed and he thought: “The paper cup is expensive. You don’t need it! You have wood and machines around you. Why don’t you replace it with wood chips? Wood chips are cheap and simple.” Back home, made up his mind to start the machine and quickly made wood chips and bamboo sticks for ice cream.
英美概况综合练习王涉芝I.Readthefollowingsentences.Ifthestatementistrue,makeaplus"+"signintheblankspacebeforeeachsentence.Ifthestatementi... Anglo-American General Practice Wang Zhizhi Readthefollowingsentences. Ifthestatementistrue, makeaplus“+”signintheblankspaceb
在限制性定语从句中,关系代词 Which 通常指代物,但在以下几种情况时,也可以用来指代人:1.当先行词是不强调性别的婴儿或小孩时。例如:A.This is the child which wanted to
You can have your mail sent to you c/o Poste Restante (the international phrase for General Delivery) in any city or town. In major cities, the post office han
自鸦片战争以后,英国已先后向香港派驻了28位总督。这些总督既然驻在香港这块中国土地上,自然需要有个中文译名,但是如何译法,就大有讲头了。 英国首任驻港总督Henry Pottin
晋西机器工业集团有限责任公司是隶属于中国兵器工业集团的一家大型企业。近年来,晋西从建设国际化大公司和高科技现代化兵器工业的战略需要出发,以自身实际为基础,借鉴国内外企业文化建设的先进经验,企业文化建设工作取得了较好效果,使企业文化成为提升公司竞争力的重要因素。    不断推进视觉形象建设    视觉形象是企业文化建设的重要内容。晋机集团公司在2001年就编印了《晋西机器工业集团有限责任公司视觉识别