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  When my great-grandparents were growing up, jeans were only worn by poor people and labourers①. It was cheap and highly valued as work wear because of its durability②. The term "jeans" has been in use since the early 1600s, where it was used as a catch-all term to describe the "rough clothing worn by working men".The average farmer or labourer would thus wear something like this.
  People from the middle class and upper echelons of society would never be caught wearing jeans. They wore suits often made of materials such as linens. Your average middle class man would look something like this.
  So when did jeans become trendy③?
  Well according to one website, it was a group of factors.
  1. The expiration of a patent held by Levi’s in 1908 led to an infl ux④ of imitation jeans fl ooding the market.
  2. The romanticization⑤ of the "cowboy lifestyle" made jeans popular.
  3. A third thing that helped denim jeans become popular, particularly overseas, was their popularity with servicemen in the 1940s and 1950s, who often liked to wear them when they were off duty.
  4. And finally, the fourth thing that made jeans popular with the younger generation was the release of films like Rebel Without a Cause and The Wild One, in which the protagonists⑥ wore jeans as a way of rebelling against societal expectations. In the 1980s, interest in jeans went nuclear with the release of a series of sexually charged, strong armed ads.
  Or rather, lack of leisure.
  Leisure in the past was, in a way, a symbol of status. Only the well-to-do could afford to loiter⑦ about, and not be busy all the time.
  But now, being busy is what’s classy.
  From an online story on Why you feel busy all the time(when you’re actually not):
  Historically, the ultimate symbol of wealth, achievement and social superiority⑧ was the freedom not to work: the true badge of honour... was leisure. Now, it’s busyness that has become the indicator of high status. "The best-off in our society are often very busy, and have to be," says Gershuny."You ask me, am I busy, and I tell you: ’Yes, of course I’m busy – because I’m an important person!’"
  Being busy is cool. A busier person is assumed to be more important.
  In one study on why busyness is considered impressive published in Harvard Business Review, the authors deduce the change in perception to be due to changes in economy.
  So, ya even though we complain about it most of the time, being busy has become classy.

  1. 1908年李维斯专利到期导致高仿牛仔裤大量涌入市场。
  3. 牛仔裤流行起来(尤其是在海外)的第三个原因,就是20世纪四五十年代牛仔裤在技工中广受欢迎,他们不上班时也经常喜欢穿。
  4. 最后,第四个原因,牛仔裤受到年轻人欢迎的原因,是电影《无因的叛逆》和《飞车党》的上映,影片的主角都穿牛仔裤,以显示对社会期望的反抗。到了80年代,随着一系列充斥着色情和暴力的广告的播出,人们穿牛仔裤的热情空前高涨。
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Kino is a girl who wants to travel around the world. Her travel partner is a talking motorbike called Hermes. They travel around a variety of strange countries, feel the thousands of taste of life. Ki
All is said and done, they have one thing in common. They’re shooting stars, a spectacular①moment of light in the heavens, fl eeting② glimpse③ of eternity, and in a fl ash they’re gone.  夏日的戀情总是因为各种各样
It is a scene of the doom① that nothing remained but snow and ruins. Two girls are travelling aimlessly②. Life is diffi cult and the books are extremely rare. They quarrel about the ownership of the f
One caution should be made: any sodas that contain real fruit juice, like orange soda, grape soda, etc., should be viewed as③ potentially unsafe after their expiration. They can mould or ferment rapid
聊天时,我们经常说“天啦噜”“悲剧了”等语气词,来表达自己的情感。在英文中,也有不少类似的用法。今天一起来学学吧。  1. Whoa哇;吁;表示惊讶,或惊吓。〈非正式,幽默〉让人说慢一点或做慢一点。  和whoa有个很相近的语气词—— wow。wow表示一种惊叹或欢喜。例如,女生收到很不错的生日礼物,会说“wow, it’s so awesome!”  whoa和wow的区别在于,whoa用作对某
我们中文里描述“特别惊讶”的場景时,常说让人“大跌眼镜”,或者让人“惊掉下巴”。而在国外,被你吓掉的可能是一坨果酱。  Marmalade dropper refers to a news story so bizarre it makes you drop the marmalade when you are reading the newspaper or news on your iPad
As a matter of fact, all of us are just passersby. Think about this: whether you are husbands and wives, fathers and daughters, or emperors and subjects, you will be apart in the end, sooner or later.
面对各国人民的无情吐槽,  英国人表示很不服气:  腐国料理博大精深,  怎么能用“黑暗料理”一言蔽之!!!  于是为了给家乡美食正名,  英国人强烈推荐了  8种既正宗又“好吃”的传统英国美食:  Scottish eggs 苏格兰蛋  It’s a classic picnic item invented during the 18th century as a portable① food