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  Ellie is unhappy with her parents’ choice to take a sabbatical1 from 和麦吉·卡伯特的其他畅销书——《公主日记》《纯粹美国女孩》和《闹鬼》一样,《阿瓦隆中学》2005年12月底刚面市就获得好评。读者们十分喜欢书中迂回曲折的故事情节。他们说,这是一部令人惊异的小说,既是幻想、浪漫和历史的完美糅合,又是一部迷人的喜剧。本文将对此进行一些介绍。
  Ellie is unhappy with her parents’ choice to take a sabbatical1 from their professor duties at the beginning of the school year. Not only is she forced to move to Annapolis, but she has to leave behind her closest friends. Avalon High, Ellie’s new school, is an exact replica2 of every other high school in America. Its students are classified3 in the same way: There’s Lance, the hunky footballer, Jennifer, the cute cheerleader, Marco, the troublemaker and Will, senior class president, quarterback, and all-around good guy. However, when Will says he thinks he’s met Ellie before, things start getting a little weird4. It seems not everybody at Avalon High is who they appear to be. Ellie discovers the strange bonds that entwine5 Will, Lance, Jennifer, Marco—and herself. Suddenly she realizes that their lives are mimicing6 history. History from centuries ago. Like the time when King Arthur ruled. Tragedy is fast approaching Avalon High. Ellie must figure out how to stop a horrific chain of events that is about to engulf them all.
  I have to say, when my parents broke the news about the sabbatical, the fact that they were quick to add, “And we’re renting a house with a pool!” was the only thing that kept down the vomit that started coming up in my throat. If you are a child of professors, sabbatical is probably about the dirtiest word in your own personal vocabulary. Every seven years, most professors get offered one—basically a yearlong vacation, so they can recharge and try to write and publish a book.
  Professors love sabbaticals.
  Their kids hate them.
  Because would you really want to uproot and leave all your friends, make all new friends at a whole new school and just be getting to think, “Okay, this isn’t so bad, only to have to uproot yourself again a year later and go back where you came from?”
  No. Not if you’re sane, anyway.
  At least this sabbatical isn’t as bad as the last one, which was in Germany. Not that there’s anything wrong with Germany. I still exchange e-mails with Anne-Katrin, the girl I shared a desk with in the weird German school I went to there.
  But come on. I had to learn a whole other language!
  At least with this one, we’re still in America. And okay, we’re outside Washington, D.C., which isn’t like the rest of America. But everyone here speaks English. So far.
  And there’s a pool.

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