中国鞋王写传奇 从5句英语到5000万美元

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提起双星,相信很多中国人都不会陌生。然而,具有超前意识的双星,在创业初期并不仅仅盯紧国内市场,而是盯住全球60亿人的脚。十几年前,双星总裁汪海靠5句英语,带领双星人从发达国家的地摊干起,到目前,双星产品远销200多个国家和地区,出口创汇5000多万美元, To mention double stars, I believe many Chinese people are not unfamiliar. However, in the early days of its establishment, Binxing, with its forward-looking consciousness, is not just keeping an eye on the domestic market, but is targeting the feet of 6 billion people worldwide. More than ten years ago, the CEO of Twin Star Wang Hai relied on five sentences of English to lead the two stars from the grounds of the developed countries. Until now, the products of Double Star have been exported to more than 200 countries and regions and have earned more than 50 million U.S. dollars in exports.
由江苏省常州市三利电器公司董事长吴荣华发明的“三相工频电磁感应加热装置” ,日前获得国家知识产权局颁发的专利证书 ,这一装置能将电能转化为磁热能。据介绍 ,这项装置由
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二十一世纪人类已步入知识经 济时代,知识已成为一个国家富强 的源泉,推进高新技术转化生产力,将科研成果产业化、市场化、知识经济才能真正发挥其重要作用。 位于北京的机械工