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针对勃利盆地随生产矿井开采深度增加,进入瓦斯事故高发阶段,为治理瓦斯,需采用超前抽放,然而,能否达到预期的效果,受诸多的地质因素影响,因此,有必要开展影响瓦斯抽放地质因素研究;通过影响瓦斯抽放的煤层孔隙性、渗透性、瓦斯压力、围岩储层物性特征和地质构造特征的分析,得出勃利盆地煤层孔隙多以微小孔为主,煤层吸附瓦斯量较多,游离瓦斯较少,瓦斯释放困难;煤层渗透率不高,瓦斯压力较小,瓦斯运移困难,不利于瓦斯抽放;围岩储层瓦斯含量低,渗透率低,瓦斯抽放效果不理想,综合得出勃利盆地的地质条件不利于瓦斯抽放.因面割理走向为NWW向、一组构造节理为NNW向,在现今应力场下表现为张扭性,为治理瓦斯采用超前抽放,在加密布置抽放孔的同时,抽放孔应沿着NE-SW向钻进,才能获得良好的效果. In view of the increase of production depth with production mines in Boli basin, it is necessary to enter advanced stage of gas accident. In order to control gas, advanced drainage should be adopted. However, whether it can achieve the expected effect or not is affected by many geological factors. Therefore, Through the study on the influence of gas drainage on the porosity, permeability and gas pressure of coal seams, the physical property of the surrounding rock reservoirs and the geological structural features, it is concluded that the micropores in the coal seam of the Boli basin are dominated by micropores and the coal seams The amount of adsorbed gas is more, the amount of free gas is less and gas release is difficult; the permeability of coal seam is not high, gas pressure is small, gas migration is difficult, which is not conducive to gas drainage; low gas content in surrounding rock reservoirs, low permeability, The result of the drainage is not satisfactory, and the geological conditions in the Boli basin are not conducive to gas drainage.With the NWW direction, the structural joints of a group are NNW directions, showing torsional deformation under the current stress field as Gas drainage with advanced treatment, the layout of the drainage hole in the encrypted arrangement, the drainage hole should be along the NE-SW to drill, in order to obtain good results.
目的:  宫颈癌是全球女性三大恶性肿瘤之一,且其发病率呈逐年增长的趋势,加强对宫颈癌及宫颈上皮内病变的防治有利于降低宫颈癌及宫颈上皮内病变等疾病的发病率。HPV感染特征
目的:  测定2型糖尿病 (Type 2 diabetes mellitus, T2DM)绝经后女性的低密度脂蛋白受体相关蛋白6(Low density lipoprotein receptor related protein 6, LRP6)基因多态性