Unit 5 What are the Shirts Made of?Section B (2a—2e)

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  Analysis of the teaching materials
  This is the second period of Section B from page 38 to 39. In this lesson, students will be guided to successfully express the Chinese traditional art by using the passive voice and master some reading skills.Section B will mainly consolidate the passive voice, which they have learned in previous lessons.Meanwhile, discussion in groups volunteering pair- works should be designed in the Pre-reading and Post-reading part to consolidate students’ mastery of vocabulary and improve their communication skills.
  Three-dimensional targets
  Knowledge and skills
  1.To help students grasp new words and expressions relevant to Chinese traditional arts by giving pictures of the following words and phrases: clay, celebration, balloon, scissors, lively, historical, heat, polish, complete,paper cutting,be covered with, send out, sky lanterns.
  2.To help students improve their reading ability by skimming, scanning and intensive reading.
  3.To help students improve their oral English.
  Process and methods
  1.Sing a piece of Chinese traditional local opera to arouse students’ interest.
  2.During Pre-reading , a brainstorming related to Chinese traditional art forms and pictures presentation help students better memorize the new words and phrases.
  3.In While-reading, the task-based language teaching method and the whole language approach are fully made use to help students form an overall comprehension of the text.
  4.For Post-reading, students can form an independent attitude towards Chinese traditional art forms they are interested in by having a discussion.
  Emotion, attitude and value
  1.To arouse students’ interest in Chinese traditional art forms.
  2.To encourage students to inherit Chinese traditional culture and protect our culture heritage.
  3. To enable students to enjoy the process of reading.
  Teaching and Learning methods
  1.The whole language approach
  Use questions and pictures to help students better understand the “beauty” of Chinese traditional arts. Then, ask students to look through the whole text, encourage students to take part in the discussion and pair- work.
  2.Task-based language teaching
  The text deals with the theme of beauty in Chinese traditional arts. Pictures related to the theme will be presented by multimedia computers to broaden students’ horizons. Various kinds of tasks are arranged to examine students’ ability.   3.Evaluating and self-assessing learning
  Through the task-based teaching, students need to make a self-assessment of their learning.
  Teaching important and difficult points
  1.To introduce the features of an object by using the new words and the passive voice.
  2.To help students understand the function and significance of the passive voice and improve students’ comprehensive abilities.
  3. To get to know more about Chinese traditional arts.
  4. To cultivate students’ duty in inheriting and protecting our Chinese traditional arts.
  Teaching procedures
  Step 1 lead-in
  1. Warming-up by singing a piece of Chinese local opera.
  T: My dear students, do you know what did I sing just now? An opera?
  Ss: Opera....
  T: Yes, it’s a piece of traditional Chinese local opera. Chinese opera is a kind of traditional art in China, what other Chinese traditional arts do you know?
  Brain storming
  Ss: Kite-making, yes! Paper cutting, Chinese knots…
  T: Ok , brilliant! Today, we’re going to learn the passage of 2d-Beauty in Common Things.
  Step 2 Pre-reading
  1. Enjoy the pictures of Chinese traditional arts and learn the new words.
  2. Provide every group with a piece of paper cutting as gift.
  Step 3 while-reading
  1. Scanning: Scan and answer the questions.
  (1)What is the passage about?
  (2)Which forms are talked about?
  Know the new strategy in reading ---moving form general to specific.
  2.Fast Reading
  3. Intensive Reading
  (1)Read para.1&2 and answer the questions.
  (2)Listen and find the correct answers in para.3.
  (3)Read para.4, guess and number the pictures, then tell how to make a clay piece with the clay.
  Proper answers: C A E B D.
  4. Group work
  (1)Every group pick up a task to do.
  TASK 1
  Translate the sentences into Chinese.
  TASK 2
  Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the phrases in the box.(2d)
  Proper answers:
  1. Send out; 2. rise, into, put, on; 3. such as, covered with.
  TASK 3
  Write down some important group words.
  TASK 4
  Discuss the questions in your group and give a report:
  (1)Which art form do you think is the most interesting? Why?
  (2)Which art form would you like to learn? Why?
  Step 4 Post Reading (pair work)
  Discuss with a partner and make a conversation:
  What are special things that your hometown is famous for?
  Student A: What do you know about the art form Tang san cai?
  Student B: San cai is a type of ceramics using three colors for decoration.
  They are made of…
  Step 5 Prolongation
  Enjoy the pictures of Chinese traditional art forms ( Tri-coloured glazed pottery of Tang dynasty, Water table, Sugar figures, Palace lantern ) , and tell students that we own so many traditional art forms in china, but some of them are disappearing , as a Chinese teenager, we should try our best to inherit them and spread them to the world.
随着新一轮课程改革的全面铺开,如何在新目标英语教学中培养学生的创新思维能力,使学生跳出教材框架,学活课本,从而使学生变得更聪明,更具创造力,也成为我们新世纪英语教师亟待解决的重大课题。我结合多年的英语教学实践与近年来在新目标英语教学中所作的积极探索,谈谈个人的几点粗浅看法。  一、激发学生学习兴趣的重要性  著名教育学家乌申斯基说:“没有任何兴趣,而被迫进行的学习,会扼杀学生掌握知识的意愿。”在以
语文教学的最终目的:学生本能读书 ,不等老师讲;本能作文,不等老师改。所以,学生 的本应该是我们教学的期待,本能的程度是评价学习成败的关键。那么,该如何用课堂教学来实现学生的“本能”呢?  学生是教学活动的主体,必须充分发挥学生的主体作用,围绕“本”字做文章,大力挖掘学生的自学内在潜力。基于以上认识,根据学生独立淇这习获取知识的一般规律,我们把一个相对完整的阅读教学过程分成设疑、解答、测评等几个基
初二1班的学生是我带的第三届学生,从初二接班有一定的难度,我的心里总有些顾虑,怕学生们排斥我,好在初一通过生物课跟他们打过一年交道,了解了一些班级基本情况。接班时,学生们没有排斥我,而是很高兴的接纳了我,这让我的顾虑减少了几分。  我们班的特点是学生们很听话,但是学习能力较为薄弱,因此他们缺乏自信,很多事情必须要老师安排才会做,对待集体少了几分积极和热情。为了改变这种情况,我会利用各种契机调动学生
在数学新课改浪潮中,作为一线教师,我领会到课堂教学是学生学习数学、提高水平的主要阵地。要充分调动和发挥学生主体性、多样化的学习方式,改革最终发生在课堂上。在课堂教学过程中,如何提高课堂效率,达到预期的教学效果。通过本人多年教学实践与探索,有以下几点体会。  一、创设有效课堂情景,激发学生的学习兴趣  新课标就是“问题引导学习”,问题是数学教学核心,要以问题为教学纽带,把知识的认识和建构当作提出问题
精神污染,直接受害主要是青少年,所以学校对抵制精神污染者有义不容辞的责任,而班主任又是直接的引路人。作为班主任,本学期为了防止和抵制精神污染,我做了一些工作,归纳起来是五個字:  劝——劝告学生不购买街头小报,不讲鬼怪故事,不收看收听台湾香港广播电视。同时,在班上设立小图书馆,使学生有丰富健康的读物,组织学生参加多种有趣的课外小组活动。  引——引导学生学英雄,做好事。结合学雷锋、学张海迪等活动,
有一位父亲,年纪大了,丧失劳动能力了,儿子对他不是打就是骂,经常地呵斥。儿子骂他的時候他也对骂,儿子打他的时候他也回打,整个家庭闹得不可开交。  父亲很绝望,于是请教一位德高望重的老人:“我的儿子又是打我又是骂我,对我如此不孝,我很痛苦,很绝望,以后怎么办呢?”  老人问:“我问你一个问题,你能如实回答我吗?  他说:“我如实回答你。”  老人问:“请问,你对你的父母是什么样的态度呢?”  被老人
班级是集体中每个学生的另一个“家”,而班主任则是这个家庭的“家长”。作为家长的班主任担负一个班集体的发展方向。要想创造一个“班风正、学风浓、活泼乐观、民主和谐、奋发向上”的班集体,班主任时刻要捧着一颗爱心去工作,为每一位学生的发展提供最佳的环境和锻炼的机遇,充分调动每位学生的积极性,善于挖掘其潜能,使各种幼苗在大家庭中茁壮成长。现把自己工作中的体会浅谈如下。  一、做好表率,热爱、尊重每位学生  