The value of linguistical and cultural coordination

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  Foreign language teaching and learning, especially the English language, has always been thought of as important in China, a country, which appears to be involved in lots of international affairs, and is also showing its multiple powers to the world, which exactly requires efficient and effective communication with western countries. Based on the reason, English is viewed as a tool for international and intercultural communications. As a result, most people prefer to apply it as their “mother tongue” when using, rather than a tool served as a port, which functions importing and exporting as well.
  The applying of English during the whole class suits to primary English teaching courses or pure oral English teaching courses, but for some advanced program or learning—not of fitness. It’s clearly known that what a foreign language learning aims at is for culturally communication between nations to better understanding, so it’s not wise to neglect one’s mother language while learning another language. It should be set in development for introducing and absorbing other cultures into one’s own, and in turn, conveying one’s own to other nations.
  Suppose you happen to find a comparable fine book written in English and want to introduce it to your Chinese fellows, you are probably required excellent Chinese to express out what you have discovered in the book, thus which maybe can find an echo in their hearts. In order to reach achievements, translation plays a fundamental role. However, traditional grammar-translation teaching method has been discarded for decades, which has to be recognized that there are drawbacks of the method, but it’s believed that it does have some merits for language learners to get appreciated. Exercises of plenty of translating might actually hold good for better comprehension of the relation of our own languages and the target one. There seems nothing much of the environment for most of our Chinese learners to practice communicating with native speakers, and also there’s no need for them to be totally exposed in the target language, especially when they’re in fact of no mature efficiency to accept the target language. If those learners are taught by doing much too dull grammatical drills to master some language structure, at a lot of times, they will become exhausted and impatient, and meanwhile why don’t we just tell them what they are actually doing? Maybe they may get enlightened. However, all grammatical points absolutely should be taught and practiced in context. Still, the teaching approach has been abandoned recently, and it could be said as long as a teacher carries out it in class, he can be defined as old school. And I feel this trend of teaching ideology has gone too far and it will kill the link between languages.   Take a look at the principal features of the approach of grammar-translation we will see that many of its characteristics have been central to language teaching and learning all through the years and are still useful today, although it’s not so communicative as the other modern methods. But as for the level of learning a language elegantly and literally, the method I mention above undoubtedly is a better choice, and a better instrument for conveying one’s own culture. It is obviously shown that this type of teaching and learning approach can give the learner a sound foundation upon which he can then set up his communicative or other language skills. So the value of translation itself is the process of regarding the combination of one’s own language and culture with the target ones as important.
  Cultural identity plays an important role in the task of cross-cultural communication. For instance, if we Chinese meet with the Chinese word “江南”, a beautiful sight with clear water and green mountains will immediately appear before us, the same to the word “塞外” –an expanse of sky floating through dusts; while their translated word in English may seem lack of affecting and few of the people of the target language feel the same because of their shortage of shared experiences. As a result, we’d like to show and explain the background cued meaning when reading or translating so that the audience can get complete information of the words. To master a language is on the basis of good mastery of messages behind the language.
  While understanding one’s native language and its culture well, his creative works written in the target language would be reflected something sparkling.
  As “The Art of War”indicates that “know the ‘enemy’ know yourself; your victory will never be endangered.” In fact, language learning is absorbed in harmoniously communicating.
一、误区:违背“以人为本”  在传统教育的体制下,我们注重知识的传承,把精力和注意力几乎都投向了知识学习和考试成绩上去。考试分数成了衡量教育成果的唯一标准。于是教者为教而教,学生为学而学。教师与学生成了知识的传播机器与产品,成了知识的奴隶。知识成了主宰。及至近年的“学会学习”也仅仅是强调要主动去获取知识,改善教学方式,仍是以知识为中心。课堂教学似乎忘却了人学习知识的意义与目的,忘却学习知识对人生的
一个成功的英语教师要在教学中有意识地培养学生对英语的持久兴趣,激励学生不断处于较佳的学习状态之中,使他们对英语乐学、善学、会学,学而忘我,乐此不疲。因此,课堂教学手段必须不断更新,灵活多样的教学方法,夸张手法的特点符合小学生年龄特点,能从以下三方面激发学生产生学习英语的兴趣。  (一)能把握英语教学的特性  英语教学的特性表明,凡是对教学内容的表达比较强烈,对比明显,不断变化,带有新颖和刺激的艺术
口语交际,师当先卒!—口语交际是双方的、多方的活动,口语交际是为了表达自我的见解和交际的目的。只有运用“纯、明、启”的交际用语别人才能听得舒服,这样的交际才有效果。才能让别人容易接受你,理解你的观点,最终达到口语交际的目的。  对于小学一年级学生而言,一切都还是不那么明朗的世界,口语交际是他们认知世界万象的始发站,老师就是站长,要想让这列“小火车”顺利到达语文的大站,站长必须做好示范,学生才有目标
近几年来,由于多种因素的综合作用,导致农村中学学生的学习兴趣越来越差,而数学学科的表现尤为明显,因此要提高农村中学的数学教育是一项非常艰巨的任务。下面就自己在工作中的实践和认识提出几点关于农村中学数学教育的思考。  一、激发兴趣并强调责任  兴趣与责任是每一个人学习的最大内驱力。所以我们要设法让学生对数学有兴趣,这并不是简单的讲几个数学故事,或举几个和生活有关的东西就能做到的,而是要学生真正的弄懂
在语文教学活动中,往往会出现一些突发状况。对这些突然其来的情况,如果我们处理得当,则会生成精彩的课堂;反之,则可能导致失败。而处理得好,就有赖于教师的教育机智。即教师能运用良好的心理素质去面对“意外”,用敏锐的观察力去分析判断,用灵活的思维敏捷地做出反应,将“意外”变成完成课堂教学目标的翅膀。  如何发挥教育机智呢?下面笔者就借助于教学案例来探讨一下下。  一位老师上《巩乃斯的马》一课,设计了这样
“创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。”这是一句饱含对历史深沉的审视,对现实冷静的洞察,对未来辩证的思索的至理名言。民族创新精神的培养,创新潜能的开发,基础在教育,关键在教育。所以有人说,创新就是教育的终极存在的价值所在,就是教育的真谛所在,要义所在。在新课程改革的形势下,做为一名中学数学教师,应如何把创新渗透到课堂教学中去呢?我在教学中感悟到了以下几点策略:  一、营造自由与安全
随着社会的进步与发展,音乐教育的这种德育功能已越来越受世界各国的普遍关注。我国现阶段的音乐教育目标中明确规定:音乐教育要以审美为核心,注重培养学生的爱国主义和集体主义精神,并使学生在真、善、美的音乐艺术世界里受到高尚道德情操的陶冶,促进他们和谐人格的发展,从而成为德、智、体、美全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人。  一、学校音乐教育教学的内涵及目的  (一)学校音乐教育的内涵及目的  音乐教育是以音