From time to time, I perceive the weakness of my temperament, but at the time of writing, I am beautified - or sublimated. Composition - life, like two balloons lying on a line, involved in high places to each other. First of all, I use the diary to contact life and composition. Maybe many people will agree: Diary is the most sincere style. As Tolstoy said, the place where people have hypocrisy is particularly clear in the diary. Sometimes I read my own notes, and I met the cylinder with a lot of warmth. I couldn’t think of a lot of rough things in my heart. At the same time, I feel fortunate that in the end it is the courage and ability to laugh at myself. It is like a brisk jealousy. You swim in the air and despise your own derelict. This is also a kind of progress. I think, as a reflection of introspection, and forging