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随着中小学的考试一一结束,相信很多同学都在为自己考出好成绩而高兴、欢呼。但也有一部分同学考得不理想,还在失落,还沉浸在叹息声中,十分难过。其实,我觉得没有必要这样。因为分数并不能衡量学生是否优秀,分数高的同学,只能说明他(她)掌握的知识相对较深;而分数低的同学,也不 With the end of the examinations in primary and secondary schools, I believe that many students are happy and cheering for their good results. However, some of the students were not well-qualified and still lost. They were still immersed in the sighs and were very sad. In fact, I don’t think it is necessary. Because the score does not measure whether a student is good or not, a student with a high score can only show that his or her knowledge is relatively deep, while a student with a low score is not
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成绩发下来,我一脸茫然,从玩乐的酣梦中惊醒,我后悔莫及,早已泪流满面。听着耳边被风吹得“沙沙”直响的讨厌的树叶撞击声, 我的沉重的心更是有增无减,怀着失落的心情,我推开
欧洲直升机公司X3直升机已抵达美国并将开展为期1个月的美国之旅,其搭乘一架货机从法国伊斯特飞行试验中心起运并将被停放在欧直公司位于德克萨 Eurocopter X3 helicopters