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  The Olympic Memories
  Juan Antonio Samaranch was born into a wealthy family on July 17, 1920, in 2)Barcelona. His first window to the power and 3)grandeur of the Olympics came in 1952. He was a sportswriter for a Barcelona newspaper when 4)Czechoslovakian 5)Emil Zatopek, who had already won the 5,000- and 10,000-meter races, entered the stadium in 6)Helsinki, 7)Finland, to the cheers of 60,000 spectators. Running a marathon for the first time, Zatopek was the dramatic winner and, Samaranch says he was deeply moved.
  “You can see this kind of very historical moment only in the Olympic Games.” he once said.
  In 1966, Samaranch became a member of the 8)International Olympic Committee (IOC). On 16 July 1980, Samaranch became the seventh President of the IOC. From the time he took up office, he tried to give a new direction to the Olympic Movement which was badly shaken by the political difficulties of the XXII 9)Olympiad. He undertook a long voyage around the world establishing numerous contacts with Heads of State and sports leaders, and defending the Olympic 10)cause. He secured the IOC’s status as an international non-governmental organization and restructured its finances (television rights, sponsorship programs).
  At the same time, Samaranch got highly credited for promoting women’s participation in the Olympic Games, and he was the first President to name a woman to the 11)IOC Executive Board. He created the 12)Paralympic Games, which represented a major step forward in encouraging participation in sports among 13)paraplegics. Other achievements of Samaranch include the organizational restructuring of the IOC and bringing the 1992 Summer Olympics to his beloved hometown, Barcelona. Furthermore, it was through his efforts that an 14)Olympic Museum was built in 15)Lausanne (1993).

  Mr. Samaranch 16)stepped down from his post on 16 July 2001 in Moscow, where he was elected Honorary President for Life of the IOC. In addition to this, the Olympic Museum in Lausanne was renamed in his honor.
  China’s Old Friend
  During his recent visit to Beijing, the former President of IOC Juan Antonio Samaranch said that bringing the Olympics to Beijing is one of the two most important decisions he had made during his 17)tenure.
  “I’m an old friend of your country,” the 87-year-old 18)Spaniard declared in a speech at an annual international Olympic study seminar, held at China’s
  Renmin University. He told students that he first visited China in 1978, and since then he has always considered himself a very good friend of China.
  “Mr. Samaranch contributed a lot in bringing China back to the Olympic family,” former Chinese Olympic Committee President He Zhenliang said, “He 19)deftly solved the status problem, which had been preventing the two sides of the Taiwan Straits from competing simultaneously in the Olympics for more than 30 years.”
  “In 1984, as Samaranch and I were leaving 20)the Tiananmen Rostrum after watching the National Day celebration, he told me, China should consider bidding for the Olympic Games,” He said.
  Finally, Beijing was chosen to be the host city of the 2008 Summer Games. It was Samaranch, as then Chairman of the IOC, who made the announcement in Moscow on 13 July 2001, three days before his retirement.
  “I’m convinced, it’s the right and significant decision for the IOC,” he said. “I’m ready to offer any help, if needed.”
  Expecting Beijing 2008
  “I am sure that the Olympic Games in Beijing will be the best in Olympic history,’’ Mr. Samaranch said in a recent visit.
  The following are his expectations for Beijing 2008:
  In 2008, for the first time the Olympic Games will be held in China. For the first time, the entire world will share a unique celebration, thanks to the knowledge and experience of what China has achieved in thousands of years of its history and culture. As a country of culture, China plays a significant role in the world of sport, always spreading the Olympic ideal—which is based on solidarity, friendship and peace—within its territory.

  I will always remember the moment when I presented the first Olympic gold medal at the Los Angeles Games in 1984, because it was awarded to a Chinese athlete, Xu Haifeng. It was also the first Olympic gold medal to be won by a Chinese person in the history of the Olympics. Since then, Chinese athletes have achieved some remarkable performances throughout the world. These athletes, who have faced many challenges, have become examples for future generations in China and beyond. They motivate young girls and boys, encouraging them to practice sports. Above all, they inspire the youth to dreams of participating in the Olympic Games.
  Over the last decades, the changes in China have been incredible and spectacular. China is becoming one of the most important countries in the world. Beijing’s 21)candidacy was already a revelation. I am convinced that the Beijing Games will be successful, if China is really willing to organize very successful Games, and if it really knows very well that these Games can be a turning point for the country.
  As we look forward to the Games of the XXIX Olympiad in Beijing in 2008, I am certain that the Chinese people and athletes will add to the excellence and excitement of the Games.

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