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  Host: Well, we spend a 1)staggering $800 million a year in Australia on 2)quick-fix diet, things like lemon 3)detox diet, skinny-me-tea diet, there’s a whole bunch of them. But there is a much cheaper way to lose weight, and today nutritionist Joanna McMillan has six 4)sure-fire weight-loss foods. Joanna, just quickly, 800 million…
  Joanna: Yes.
  Host: …is ridiculous, and it just goes to show obviously people are trying everything…
  Joanna: Mmm…
  Host: …because nothing’s working. So you’ve got six foods that you 5)reckon do it better.
  Joanna: That’s right. I think it shows desperation. You know, we do want that real quick fix, but the foods that I’ve chosen are ones that are well-researched, and we understand what their effects are, and they really can help. But I’ve got to say, you need to have it as part of an overall plan that looks at your lifestyle and helps you to achieve these things forever…
  Host: Yeah.
  Joanna: …so that you change the way that you’re living your life and what you’re eating for the long term.
  Host: Okay.
  Joanna: So the foods I brought along, the first one is the humble old egg.
  Host: Yes.
  Joanna: You know these are just everyday foods that I’ve got. They’re not difficult to get a hold of, you know, you get
  them in every supermarket, and what the research shows is that when you have eggs for breakfast, it’s very good at filling you up. You feel quite satisfied, you’re less likely to be reaching for a 6)muffin with your morning coffee. So eggs are just a great addition, and use them beyond breakfast. So, you know, a quick 7)omelette for dinner, when you’ve not got any shopping in, or…
  Host: They’ll fill you up.
  Joanna: …hard boil some eggs for snacks through the day. Fantastic.
  Host: 8)Yogurt?
  Joanna: Natural yogurt. So there’s[sic] two things here. One is it’s high 9)protein and it’s low 10)GI, so, again, it’s fantastic for filling you up, keeping you full for longer. But 11)probiotic yogurts also give you healthy bacteria, and the latest research is showing that that healthy bacteria in your 12)gut actually has an impact on your weight. Now this is a whole new area of research, and we’re going to see a lot more in this area. But certainly that’s a good start.
  Host: Alright. Tea.
  Joanna: Green tea. So all teas are beneficial to us, but green tea seems to have something very particular about it. It seems to maybe block some fat absorption, seems to change the way that fat is 13)metabolized in a very small way, so, of course, just drinking green tea’s not enough…   Host: Any 14)caffeine in it?
  Joanna: …but it’s part. A little bit of caffeine. It’s got about half the caffeine of coffee…
  Host: Okay.
  Joanna: …so if you’re sensitive to caffeine, watch green tea in the evening. But certainly drinking it through the day, it’s where you’ll get the benefit.
  Host: 15)Grains.
  Joanna: Grains. So, you know, we’ve had a lot of grain 16)bashing of late, and people following 17)low-carb diets and so on, we’ve got a bit scared of carbs, so I just urge people to be sensible and think about what I call the smart carbs. So these are where the grain is more or less 18)intact, the whole grain is there with all the 19)fibre and the nutrients, the B vitamins, which help you to use energy. They’re essential, in fact, for creating energy, so go for the whole grain options. They’re very difficult to overeat, and again they’re part of that filling you up, they’re gonna feed the good bacteria in your 20)colon and keep your gut healthy.
  Host: Pears?
  Joanna: Pears.
  Host: Surprise.
  Joanna: I know you’re surprised.
  Host: I am.
  Joanna: We forget about pears. There was a beautiful study just done in Brazil that showed that if they fed, as part of a healthy diet, they fed these women either pears or apples or a similar amount of calories or 21)kilojoules from an 22)oat cookie, and the people eating the pears, the girls eating the pears, lost more weight. So the fibre, the anti-oxidents, the filling power of these kind of really humble everyday fruits…
  Host: Um hmm.
  Joanna: …can really help you to lose weight.
  Host: And you’ve got nuts on the end there.
  Joanna: And then the last one, nuts. Yeah. So there’re fibre rich, they’re giving you plant protein, they’re helping control hunger, they help to control your blood sugar levels, they’re just a great way of 23)staving off hunger between meals.
  Host: But not too many.
  Joanna: And I say just go for the raw natural ones, and take a handful a day is all you need.
  Host: Okay. Thanks a lot for that, Joanna. Makes a lot of sense, as always.

  乔安娜:没错。我想这表明(人们)一种不顾一切的心态。你知道,我们确实很想要真正特效的饮食,而我选择的食物都是经过认真地研究,我们知道它们的功效,真的很有用。但是我必须说,你需要将这些食物纳入你全盘的计划中去,审视你的生活方式,从而帮助你长久地达到瘦身的效果。   主持人:嗯。
  乔安娜: 这些水果能够真的帮助你减重。

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摘要:本文以笔者执教的一堂名词性从句复习课为案例,阐述了高中英语语法复习课教学如何运用情景设置、同伴合作等手段进行难点剖析、要点提炼,从而激励学生体验、探究、分析、归纳、总结,使原本枯燥的语法学习变得富有情趣、意义和实效。  关键词:高中语法;名词性从句;学生为主;复习课;情景交融  1.引言  语法是语言基本规律的提炼和总结,语法学习的目的是使语言运用更加准确和规范(教育部2003)。语法教学是
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