《恋心迷惘》(A Coeur Perdu)是法国“绿松石”丛书中的第六十一部爱情小说,作为袖珍本于1980年出版。小说通过女主人公弗洛兰丝的爱情瓜葛,反映出在“金钱至上”的社会里,为了贪婪财产,对世交友谊,青梅竹马发展起来的爱情,医生的职业道德等等,都可以置之不顾。从这里人们可以看到,不择手段地追求金钱的欲望,势必导致道德的沦丧。小说以曲折的故事,勾勒出了法国医务界现实生活的某些画面,有助于从一个侧面了解当前法国的社会。
A Coeur Perdu is the 61st love novel in the French “Turquoise” series, published as a Pocket Edition in 1980. The fictional love affair by the heroine Florens reflects that in the “money supreme” society, the friendship for the world, love for childhood, professional ethics of doctors, etc. can be ignored in the “money supreme” society. From here, one can see that the desire to pursue unscrupulous money will inevitably lead to moral decay. In twists and turns, the novel sketches some pictures of the real life of the French medical community and helps one to understand the current French society.