The Application of Domestication and Foreignization in Lin Yutang’s English Version of Six Chapters

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  Abstract:As a great translator,Lin Yutang used domestication and foreignization to make Six Chapters of a Floating Life worldwide.This article will analyze how he used this two methods to do the translation.
  Key words:domestication;foreignization
  As a great translator,Lin Yutang was very careful to use domestication and foreignization to make Six Chapters of a Floating Life easy for foreigners to understand.Now,let’s see how he applied them in actual use.
  1 On linguistic level
  we all know that Chinese focuses more on meaning than form.Thus,many connectives are eliminated.However,English just goes the other way around.It must comply with the structure of the subject-verb.Here is an example:
  Amidst the feverish bustling,there appeared on the stage a girl about eighteen or nineteen years old,dressed up just like the former.Her face was shaped like melon-seed.Her beauty was about average woman--charming but not coquettish,and a clarity of complexion but not coldness.( Wang 5)
  There are not any verbs but a sequence of nouns in“瓜子脸儿,白净面皮”.However,when it is translated into English,the verb“was”is added in order to be fitted into the s-v form.Another character of English is that a main word may be followed by a set of attributes.In Chinese,however,we often use several independent sentences to describe a noun.For example,“又出来一位姑娘,年纪十八九岁”is translated into “there appeared on the stage a girl about eighteen or nineteen years old” .There are two independent sentences in Chinese but only one sentence with an attributive when they are translated into English.
  2 On cultural level
  If we say Lin Yutang only used domestication to cater to westerners’need to comprehend Shen Fu’s Fu Sheng Liu Ji,it is unfair.From Linguistic level,Lin adopted domestication to make the translation natural and readable.However,from cultural aspect,he used both domestication and foreignization to realize culture communication.Due to the constrained space,the author only selects some to analyze.
  On the seventh night of the seventh moon of that year,Yun prepared incense,candles and some melons and other fruit,so that we might worship the grandson of heaven.“The seventh day of the seventh moon is the only day in the year when the pair of heavenly lovers,the cowherd (“grandson of heaven”) and the spinster,are allowed to meet each other across the Milky Way.” (27).   2.2 世传月下老人专司人间婚姻事
  It is said that the Old Man under the moon is in charge of matrimony (49).
  Lin adopted foreignization in that he translated“七夕”“天孙”into “On the seventh night of the seventh moon of that year” and “the grandson of heaven” with annotation that “the seventh day of the seventh moon is the only day in the year when the pair of heavenly lovers,the cowherd (“grandson of heaven”) and the spinster,are allowed to meet each other across the milky way.”Here,he transmitted the Chinese culture to the westerners and through annotation they know what the festival is.As for “the Old Man under the moon”,Lin did not add any annotation because he believed that foreigners could know the meaning from the following phrase“in charge of matrimony”.In summary,Lin used both two methods to transmit Chinese culture to the west.
  3 Conclusion
  From Lin Yutang’s English version of“Six Chapters of a Floating Life”,we can get a glimpse of how he alternated successfully between the two methods to reach his translation aim.First,he realized naturalness in the translation and made his principle of“faithfulness”,“fluency”and“beauty”in full use.Thus,readers know and comprehend the book.With the aim of cross-culture communication,he applied foreignization to retain the original image of Chinese classic work.From his translation,we can also feel that domestication and foreignization are not contradictory but complementary to each other.
  [1]Lin Yutang.Six Chapters of a Floating Life[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2009.
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【案例背景】  汉字是音形义与思维直接联系的独立的表意系统,是民族文化的化石,蕴藏着丰富的文化内涵。在识字教学中应有效利用汉字的音形义结合,追本溯源,分析字体的来源,清楚字义。这样才能使学生更好掌握汉字,触类旁通。但笔者发现,许多教师的课堂中出现了随意解读的现象,要么给字加加减减,换换偏旁,要么只顾营造情境,不解字义。看似学生兴趣浓厚,识字积极,其实学生的“兴趣”由教师营造的情境而生,并非因文字本
孩子的成长离不开学校与家庭双方面的教育。作为老师,若能让家长更好地配合我们的教育教学工作,使学校教育与家庭教育形成合力,对于孩子自身的成长有着至关重要的意义。就如何让家长配合老师的工作上,我总结出以下几点。  一、让家长感受老师对学生的爱  所谓“亲其师,信其道”,在学生中是这样,在家长中又何尝不是呢?作为老师,我们要首先让学生感受到爱,同时也要让家长感受到我们对孩子的爱。当孩子在学校生病的时候,
搭建好家长与学生沟通的桥梁是作为一名班主任责无旁贷的工作,也可以这么说,班主任就是家长联系学生的桥梁,然而班主任的工作做好才是沟通这座桥梁的质量保证。在这项漫长、艰巨而又充满乐趣和成就感的良心工程中,本人总结出以下三点的心得。  一、明确规则,培养责任感  现在不少的孩子都是独生子女,是家中的心肝宝贝。有的家长把全副心思放在了孩子的身上,对孩子百般袒护,却不知这样的行为导致了孩子问题的出现。我班的