Trick or Treat?

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  Abstract:This paper analyzes Munro’s work Tricks,a selection of Runaway,from the perspective of binary opposition in deconstructionism.With the question that whether Robin,the heroine of the story,was tricked by fate,this paper deconstructs the theme of the story,an offers a brand new angle to evaluate Robin’s life.
  Key words:Tricks;Runaway;Deconstructionism;Binary Opposition
  1 Introduction
  Alice Munro is an outstanding Canadian woman writer,who concentrates on short stories of feminine theme.Tricks is a selection of Munro’s masterpiece Runaway,which contains the same feminine theme of running away and returning as other seven stories in the collection.
  2 Deconstruction of Tricks
  From the angle of deconstructionism,the evaluation of Robin’s life accepts various possibilities and perspectives.In the following part,this paper will dismantle the story by deconstructing the two pairs of binary oppositions in Tricks: trick/treat and fate/human factors.
  2.1 Trick or Treat
  It is easily to be told that,the fact that Robin failed to meet the real Danilo was considered as a trick played by destiny according to the story.However,this paper reverses the position of trick and treat and find out that Robin failed to meet Danilo is actually a treat given by fate.And two reasons to support this argument are listed as follows.
  2.1.1 Robin got rid of the fate of taking care of the deaf-mute brother Alexander of Danilo
  We can see that Robin didn’t enjoy taking care of patients all the time especially at home from her attitude towards her ill sister: she regarded her sister as a burden and an obstacle to a better life.And in the end of the story,when Robin found out the truth and reconsidered the possibility of her and Danilo being together,she thought she wouldn’t have accepted a handicapped brother-in-law.
  2.1.2 Robin became a better self after missed their appointment
  In the third part of the story,it narrates Robin’s life forty years later.And it is clear that Robin got promoted and got a new house with a beautiful lake view.In other words,Robin became successful in her career and more independent and confident in her personality after she had missed the appointment with Danilo.
  2.2 Fate or Human Factors
  Speaking of the second binary opposition in the story,we can reach to a statement that Robin and Danilo didn’t get together because of human factors after invert the original hierarchy of fate and human factors.   Firstly,Robin was an inactive girl and lack of confidence.She had the eager and courage to come to the Stratford to see Danilo,but she was so passive when she actually see Danilo (Alexander in fact).However,the fact that Danilo (Alexander) shut her out let her down.Actually,she would have had the chance to find out the truth if she had been more active.However,Robin was a girl with low self-esteem and she had never been in a relationship.Therefore she had no idea about this kind of situation and her fear of getting more hurts stopped her from finding out the reasons and truth.
  Secondly,Robin was portrayed as a special girl who had her own ideas in the story but actually,inside her mind,she was easily influenced or even misled by others.Robin cared about Joanne’s opinions and she did take her words into consideration when she made decisions.And Robin’s mind had already been assimilated to that of the people around her.Consequently,even if they really met with each other,they would have separated in the end because of the press came from the people around Robin.
  3 Conclusion
  Based on the statements mentioned above,a conclusion that Robin failed to meet Danilo is a treat given by fate instead of a trick,and the fact that they didn’t get together is caused by human factors came into being.And Robin did not get away from her life but return with a peaceful heart.Unfortunately,she still got constrained by her regret in the end.
  [1]Alice Munro,Runaway[M].New York:Vintage Books,2006.
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