An Analysis of the Catch in Catch—22 from the Perspective of the Contradictions in the Play of Words

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  1. Introduction
  In Catch-22, the catch is a pun that not only refers to rules and regulations that restrict the behavior of soldiers but also alludes to a pitfall that seems like a cell where everyone is destined to die. As a matter of fact, the catch never exists in the world but stifles their words and deeds at every moment. Heller put the play of words into use to reveal the contradictions in the totalitarian institution. Therefore, the author will analyze contradictions in the play of words to explore the catch in Catch-22.
  2. Contradictions in the Play of Words
  2.1 The First Contradiction p: one asks Doc Daneeka to ground his insanity. q: one must be normal. According to Catch-22, if and only if one asks Doc Daneeka to ground his insanity in person and the one must be normal, then Doc Daneeka can ground the one who’s crazy. By that analogy, Catch-22 only seems like nihility that never exists in the absurd world. Consequencely, we could conjecture that Catch-22 maybe represents the product fabricated under the influence of postmodernism, functioning as an abiding and invisible bondage by which authorities attempt to cover up the tyranny of bureaucrats.
  2.2 The Second Contradiction p: Yossarian is crazy because he wants to marry Luciana. q: Luciana won’t marry Yossarian because he is crazy. If and only if Yossarian isn’t crazy and he doesn’t want to marry Luciana, then she will marry him. Obviously, the composite proposition doesn’t hold water. As a result, the composite proposition is invalid, which illustrates that Catch-22 is nonexistent in the universe. For all its inexistency, Catch-22 deeply ingrained in people’s minds seems to be an invisible bondage so that she is doomed to be controlled at the mercy of the rule. If one falls into nothingness, he is likely to be so tightly bounded by the catch that he finds no way to move forward smoothly but spins around perpetually. Therefore, the contradiction between the inner world of Luciana and the objective reality mirrors the conflicting state from which anyone never escapes.
  3. Conclusion
  It is the contradictions in the play of words that describe rules and regulations of Catch-22 with great eloquence and foreshadow the catch hidden in Catch-22. Thus, the thesis focuses on the analysis of the contradiction in the play of words to explore the catch in Catch, which runs through the whole book.
【摘要】作业是课堂教学的延续和补充,是学生独立完成学习任务的活动形式,是教学的重要环节。也是作为学生鞏固所学知识、培养良好的学习能力、促进身心和平共处谐发展的重要途径。针对性是作业设计的目标,层次性是作业设计的手段,融合性、趣味性和实践性是作业设计的附加条件。  【关键词】  作业设计 针对性 层次性 融合性 趣味性 实践性  作业是教学的重要环节和有机组成部分,是检验学生获取知识、巩固知识,提高
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摘 要:莫言作为当代著名的作家,更是诺贝尔文学奖的获得者,随着其名气的大增,人们对于其小说特征的研究也愈加的多。莫言小说的成就并不仅仅在于其叙事结构、叙事风格和其让人钦佩的想象力特征上,莫言小说中语言的魅力更是吸引读者的一大因素。  关键字:莫言;小说;语言特征;初探  0引言  莫言曾经说过这样一句话:“一个写作者所使用的语言,应该是属于他自己的、能够使他和别人区别开来的语言”,莫言的这句话说明
[摘要]阐明了思政课教学改革应该积极探索新的途径,调动大学生党员参与思政课教学的各个环节,发挥其骨干作用,是能够有效地促进思政课教学时效性的主要途径。分析了大学生党员参与思政课教学过程的必要性和可行性。阐述了大学生党员参与思政课教学过程的主要途径,指出了大学生党员参与思政课教学是一个系统的工程,需要各个方面协调配合。  [关键词]思政课;大学生党员;教学改革  思想政治理论课教学改革中,为了提高教
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[摘要]:在日常生活中,作为老师的我经常会给自己制定一定的目标,如果没有制定目标或计划,或者没有条件实现目标时,自己就会有一种杂乱无章的感觉,事后还会觉得很累。因此,人们做事情时总要给自己制定一定的目标。同样,有目的有组织的教学活动就更需要明确而详细的教学目标。  [关键词] 重 视 教学目标 落到实处 写作方法  一、千里之行始于脚下  教学目标是指教学活动实施的方向和预期达成的结果,是一切教学