American Religion

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  Abstract:It is said that American religion,as a great part of American culture,plays an important role in American culture. It is hoped that some ideas can be obtained from this research paper,which focuses on analyzing the great impact is produced to American culture by American religion. Finally, this essay gives two useful standpoints to English learners:Understanding American religion will help understand the American history,culture and American people,and help you to communicate with them better.Understanding American religion will help you understand English better.
  Key words:American culture Hebrew culture Greek culture Roman cultureThe Bible American history American religion Christianity English
  1. American culture
  1.1 American cultureAmerican religion is a great part of American culture,the latter is a branch of European culture,which derives from Hebrew culture,Greek culture, and Roman culture.
  The feature of Hebrew culture is religion. The important book of it is The Bible , which has two parts: Old Testament and New Testament. The Old Testament was written in Hebrew language,which is talking about the history of the Hebrews and reflects their religion. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and David are mentioned in Old Testament.The New?Testamentwas mainly written in Greek language. In it, the Christ was born, and was stuck to the cross for saving the Human Beings. The Bible is an influential book in American culture.
  1.2 American religion
  1.2.1 The position of American religion in American culture
  American religion plays an important role in American culture. America is a typical religious country. 90% of American people have their own religion. Nearly 78% of American people pray at least one time per week; nearly 50% pray one time every day. They even print "in god we trust" on bills. So Religion is a great power in American society and culture, which also influences its diplomacy.
  According to a survey in 1988,“Among ten Americans, nine will say they never doubt about the existence of God; eight will say they will be judged by the God after they died and they believe that God is still giving us miracles now; and seven think they will have a next life.” In addition 88% believe in God’s love; 78% will say they have spent much or a lot of time on thinking their relationship with God; and 86% say they hope their children will accept religion training in the future. They will say they have sensed the power of God and they have a deep eagerness for God. Americans spend more time and more money on religion than on other things.
  1.2.2 Groups of American religion
  Christianity is a kind of religion that regards Jesus Christ as the Saviour. Roman Catholicism, Protestant churches and Easten Orthodoxy all can be called as Christianity.
  With times passed by, more and more people immigrated into America with various religions. Now, The major religions in America are Protestant churches, Roman Catholicism, Muslims, Islam, Judaism, Hindus, Buddhism, Daoism and so on.
  Protestant churches and Roman Catholicism are the two dominant religions, so Christianity is still a dominant religion in America.
  1.2.3 The Creed of Christianity
  The Bible is the creed of Christianity. It has two parts: Old Testament and New Testament.
  The Old Testament deals primarily with the relationship between God and the nation of Israel. The Pentateuch deals with the creation of Israel and God establishing a covenant relationship with Israel. The historical books record Israel's history, its victories and successes along with its defeats and failures. The poetic books give us a more intimate look at God's relationship with Israel and His passion for Israel to worship and obey Him. The prophetic books are God's call to Israel to repent from its idolatry and unfaithfulness and to return to a relationship of obedience and spiritual fidelity.
  The New Testament tells us of Jesus' death on the cross on our behalf - and what our response should be to His death. The New Testament focuses on giving solid Christian teaching along with the practical results that should follow that teaching. Among it The Gospels give us four different, yet not conflicting, accounts of the birth, life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Gospels demonstrate how Jesus was the promised Messiah of the Old Testament and lay the foundation for the teaching of the rest of the New Testament. The book of Acts records the deeds of Jesus' apostles, the men Jesus sent out into the world to proclaim the Gospel of salvation. Acts tells us of the beginning of the church and its rapid growth in the first century A.D. The Pauline Epistles, written by the Apostle Paul, are letters to specific churches - giving official Christian doctrine and the practice that should follow that doctrine.
  2. Personal Standpoints
  2.1 Understanding American religion will help understand the American history, culture and American people, and help you to communicate with them better.
  Religion is the soul of Human Beings' spiritual life. The Christian faith not only satisfies American people's spiritual life and the sense of community belongings, but also makes a great contribution to the social relationship and sustains the stability of the society. The Christian religion is the prop of American culture, which decides the whole society's mental status, social values and moral standards.
  The Christian religion plays a decisive role in American people's spiritual life. As we have mentioned before, a lot of Americans pray everyday. They believe that only a person holds in awe and veneration towards God can he be well-disciplined, honest and modest; the person who doesn't dread God will be reckless, arrogant and does as one pleases, and finally falls into evil. Nearly every American's birth, marriage and burial are held in Christian ceremony. The good and evil of Christian religion are the core value of American civilization and politics.
  Christian religion is the basic personal religion and the spring of ethics in America. It asks people to be pious, cooperative and united; it asks people to self-respect, self- love and respect others, love others. Therefore, they reinforce their self-consciousness and self-confidence. Some Americans say they would not be that kind of person without Christian religion.
  Christian morals and ethics unite the American society. The things American people are proud of are not their advanced technologies, strong economy and powerful military forces, but their Christian morals and ethics and their value of God selecting its people, so they think everyone is equal and they pursue democracy and freedom.
  Some of American festivals are related to Christian religion, such as St. Valentine's Day,St. Patrick's Day, Easter andChristmas.
  Then, only when you understand American religion---especially Christian religion can you understand America, and can you communicate with American people better.
  There are some examples: Some powerful and high-status Chinese went to America. Because of their bad English and their working experience at home is not accepted by the Americans, they couldn't find jobs. Then others suggested them to go to the church where they can make friends. At first they didn't believe it, but gradually they began to be accustomed to going to the church and they felt Christian religion is good and became Christians. Little by little they mixed together with the Americans and they could find jobs to afford their living expenses or even live better.
  2.2 Understanding American religion will help you understand English better.
  You can learn English well by communicating with Americans if you understand their Christian religion.
  In addition, there are a lot of words and phrases coming from The Bible, such as the followings:
  a dead dog废物或无价值的东西;
  Judas’ Kiss犹大的吻(可耻的叛徒);
  Let the dead bury their dead.既往不咎;
  out-Herod Herod比希律王还要希律王(有过之而无不及);
  the apple of one’s eye掌上明珠;
  wolf in sheep’s clothing 披着羊皮的狼;
  eye for eye,tooth for tooth以眼还眼,以牙还牙;
  wash one’s hands of a thing洗手不干;
  new wine in old bottles旧瓶装新酒, etc.In a word, if you want to learn English better, you should understand American religion.
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[摘要] 探索小学六年级学生进行拓展训练与团队合作活动效果的关系。采用问卷法调查了180名在长沙市雨花区中小学素质教育基地培训的小学六年级学生。通过调查说明,拓展训练能够促进团队合作;在拓展活动的推动下,团队合作有很明显的效果。所以说,拓展训练能够促进小学生的团队合作。  [关键词] 拓展训练 团队合作 素质教育基地    一、引言  拓展训练又称“外展训练”(Outward Bound),起源于
[摘要]笔者认为,包装的目的,旨在商品在运输与售卖时有一个与其内容相符的外壳:在保护商品维护商品完整品质的同时,又兼具良好的视觉设计效果以确保商品的顺利销售。优秀的包装设计,可以提高商品的附加价值,激发消费者的购买欲望,具有明显的促销作用。  [关键词]包装 包装设计 现代包装    包装从本质上来说,最主要是用来运送货品保护货物的。当然,在新时代的大环境下,愈发激烈的市场竞争使平面设计被迫赋予了
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【摘要】笔者在提出高职工商企业管理专业人才培养目标的确定依据与原则的基础上,分析了湖北职业技术学院工商企业管理专业人才培养目标存在的问题,进而对该院工商企业管理专业人才培养目标提出了新的定位建议。  【关键词】人才培养 目标研究 高职教育 工商企业管理专业  高等职业教育人才培养目标是高等职业教育人才培养活动中最为基本的又最为核心的问题。也是高等职业教育人才培养工作的出发点与归宿。人才培养规格是指
【摘要】课程建设与改革是提高教学质量的核心,也是教学改革的重点和难点。高职院校要根据职业岗位能力需求和职业标准开发基于工作过程导向的课程模块,归纳典型工作任务,设计学习情境,重构课程体系和教学内容。  【关键词】高职教育 工作过程 课程改革 学习情境 实践    一、《模拟电子技术》课程的能力要求    能力要求概括为八方面:电子元器件的识别、检测与筛选能力:常用工具、仪器、仪表的使用能力;对单元
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[摘要]青少年校外活动阵地是社会教育的一个重要组成部分,是推进素质教育的重要平台,是传播社会主义精神文明的主要窗口,更是青少年学以致用的联结器,青少年陶冶情操的净化器,青少年开拓创新的推进器。笔者以桐庐县为例,在调查的基础上对校外教育存在的主要问题提出了自己的看法和建议。   [关键词]校外教育 必要性 青少年    一、实施青少年校外教育的必要性分析     1.实施青少年校外教育是时代发展的需
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