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  On a small side street just west of the Plaza de Cathedral注1 is the most famous bar in all of Havana, the Bodeguita del Medio注2. At first glance, this tiny bar doesn’t appear to be much. The furnishings[室内陈设品] are worn, and the walls appear to be covered in graffiti[涂鸦].
  A closer look at this graffiti shows you one of the reasons why this place is so famous. The walls are covered with signatures and comments[意见] from past patrons[老顾客]. The names on the wall include Nat King Cole注3, Fidel Castro and the man most associated[联想到] with the place, Ernest Hemingway.
  The Bodeguita started as a small general store in 1942, owned and operated by Angel Martinez. By 1946, he realized that the place was becoming more of a popular hangout[经常去的地方], and it slowly converted[使转变]
  into a restaurant and bar. It soon drew[吸引] hundreds of students, musicians and bohemians.
  Over the years the popularity of the place grew. In recent years, it has become one of the most popular tourist draws in Havana. Each day, people from all over the world would arrive here. Each of them is hoping to share in the history, enjoy a mojito (the house special), and add their names to the wall.
  It is not quite clear when or how the idea of scrawling[潦草书写] names on the wall began. Some say Hemingway started it. More than likely it started as a way of
  leaving messages for friends, and it just grew from there. For whatever reason, everyone now does it.
  I’ve signed it on four different occasions and am never able to find where I did the last time. The most famous signature on the walls, of course, belongs to
  Ernest Hemingway. The Bodeguita was one of his
  favourite haunts[常去的地方].
  The tiny restaurant with only 15 tables to the rear of the bar may seem common, but it is actually a five-star establishment[商业机构] and winner of many awards. There is always a line up to eat here, so prepare to be patient. The menu of Cuban and Creole注4 dishes, however, is well worth the wait.
  The best time to visit is in the evening after the
  tourists have left. While it is still hard to get a table in the restaurant, the front bar is relatively[相对地] quiet. You can sip your mojito in peace and examine the
  photos and signatures that cover the walls. Feel free to add your own. It’s
  a tradition. You can even ask one of the
  to show you how to make a mojito, just like “Papa” liked them.
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