Ruby Occurrences in Turkey: Principle Characteristics

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The G ksun Ophiolites in Do an ehir area (Malatya-Southern Turkey) contain corundum mineralizations with significant gem-quality (ruby). Modal mineralogical composition of ruby-bearing rocks consists of hornblende (65%-70 %), plagioclase (20%-25%), green garnet (4%-5 %), ruby (2%-3%), and opaque minerals (<1%). Although ruby shows varying colors in the groundmass, it is generally colorless and rarely very pale pink and has high relief. It has no cleavage but rotund fractures. It has highest interference colors and twinning in some poly-prismatic crystals under the microscope. Crystal sizes range from 2x10 mm up to 30x50 mm. The most remarkable properties are red to pink in color, low to medium transparency, medium to big crystal sizes, lamellar and deformation twinning, secondary liquid feathers, hollow tubes, mineral inclusions, asterism, high birefringence and refractive indices and specific gravity. Rubies show crimson red cathodoluminescence colors activated by Cr3+ in the crystal structure, which is confirmed by the Electron Probe Microanalyses (EPMA). Tectonic setting, geological environment, petrographical, mineralogical, geochemical and gemological characteristics of rubies suggest that the Do an ehir ruby mineralization can be classified into the amphibolite-hosted type of corundum deposits of Tanzania. The G ksun Ophiolites in Do an ehir area (Malatya-Southern Turkey) contain corundum mineralizations with significant gem-quality (ruby). Modal mineralogical composition of ruby-bearing rocks consists of hornblende (65-70%), plagioclase (%), Green garnet (4% -5%), ruby ​​(2% -3%), and opaque minerals (<1%). Although ruby ​​shows varying colors in the groundmass, it is generally colorless and rarely very It has no cleavage but rotund fractures. It has the highest interference colors and twinning in some poly-prismatic crystals under the microscope. Crystal sizes range from 2x10 mm up to 30x50 mm. The most remarkable properties are red to pink in color, low to medium transparency, medium to big crystal sizes, lamellar and deformation twinning, secondary liquid feathers, hollow tubes, mineral inclusions, asterism, high birefringence and refractive indices and specific gravity. Rubies show crimson red cathodoluminescence colors activated by Cr3 + in the cryst al structure, which is confirmed by the Electron Probe Microanalyses (EPMA). Tectonic setting, geological environment, petrographical, mineralogical, geochemical and gemological characteristics of rubies suggest that the Do an ehir ruby ​​mineralization can be classified into the amphibolite-hosted type of corundum deposits of Tanzania.
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