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  A Nose for the King
  In the morning calm of Korea, when its peace truly 1)merited its 2)ancient name, “Cho sen,”there lived a politician by the name of Yi Chin Ho. He was a 3)complicated man. But, unlike his brothers in other lands, Yi Chin Ho was in prison. Not that he had 4)diverted to himself public moneys, but that he had diverted too much.
  He owed the government ten thousand 5)strings of cash, and he was in prison under sentence of death. There was one 6)advantage to the situation he had plenty of time to think. And he thought well.
  He asked the jailer to let him go free for one short hour that night. And he promised he would help him become the 7)directorship of all the prisons of Cho sen.
  “How, now? How foolish is this! What can you do with one short hour?”laughed the jailer.
  “In this country, there is no place for me to hide,”Yi Chin Ho replied. “I am a man of wisdom, but of what worth is my wisdom here in prison” If I were free, I know well I could 8)obtain the money to 9)repay the government. I know of a nose that will save me from all my difficulties.
  “A nose?! What a 10)wag you are!”The jailer laughed and went away. But in the end, being a man soft of head and heart, he allowed Yi Chin Ho to go.
  So, Yi Chin Ho went straight to the Governor, 11)arousing him from his sleep.
  “Why are you here” You should be in prison waiting for the 12)chopping block!?cried the Governor.
  “Please listen to me, Your 13)Excellency,”said Yi Chin Ho. “A dead man is without value. I am as a dead man, without value to the government, to Your Excellency, or to myself. But if Your Excellency would give me my freedom——”
  “Your Excellency well knows that if I can repay the ten thousand strings of cash, the government will 14)pardon me,”Yi Chin Ho went on. “So, if Your Excellency would give me my freedom for a few days, I should then repay the government and be in 15)position to serve Your Excellency.”
  Hearing that, the Governor asked Yi Chin Ho to bring him his plan the next night, and took up his snore where it had been 16)interrupted.
  On the following night, having again obtained 17)leave from the jailer, Yi Chin Ho came to the Governor’s bedside.
  “Your Excellency,”said Yi Chin Ho, “The plan is here in my hand.”
  The Governor sat up and opened his eyes. Yi Chin Ho 18)proffered in his hand a piece of paper. The Governor held it to the light.
  “Nothing but a nose,”he said.
  “It is an 19)exceedingly big nose. And there is a 20)wart upon it. Your excellency would seek far and wide and many days for that nose and find it not.”
  “An unusual nose, a most unusual nose.”admitted the Governor. “I have never seen the like. But what do you do with this nose, Yi Chin Ho?”
  “I seek it to repay the money to the government. I seek it to be of service to Your Excellency, and I seek it to save my own worthless head. Further, I need Your Excellency’s 21)seal of the state upon this picture.”
  The Governor laughed and 22)affixed the seal.
  For a month, Yi Chin Ho traveled and traveled. Finally he came to the Eastern Sea; and there, one night, at the gate of the largest house of a wealthy city he knocked loudly.
  “I will see no one but the master of the house,”he said 23)fiercely to the servants. “I travel upon the King’s business!?He was immediately led to an inner room, where the master of the house was 24)roused from his sleep.
  “You are Pak Chung Chang, head man of this city,”said Yi Chin Ho in tones that were all 25)accusing. “I came upon the King’s business.”Pak Chung Chang trembled. He knew well that the King’s business was a terrible business.
  “It is late. I am afraid ——”
  “The King’s business never waits!”hundered Yi Chin Ho. “Come with me, now! I have an affair to discuss with you. It is the King’s affair!”he added with even greater fierceness, so that Pak Chung Chang’s silver pipe dropped from his fingers and fell onto the floor.
  When they were alone, Yi Chin Ho said, “The King is troubled with an 26)affliction, a very terrible affliction. Because he failed to cure, the 27)Court 28)physician had his head 29)chopped off. Physicians from all over the country have come to wait upon the King, and they have decided that the 30)remedy for the King’s affliction is nothing else but a nose, a certain kind of nose.
  “The prime minister 31)summoned me and gave me a paper. On this paper was the very 32)peculiar kind of nose drawn by the physicians, with the seal of state on it. He ordered me to seek out this nose, 33)strike it off and bring it in all 34)haste to the Court wherever I find this nose. I”ve been searching and searching. And here I am.”
  He drew a paper from his 35)girdle, and 36)thrust it before the face of Pak Chung Chang. Upon the paper was the picture of the nose. Pak Chung Chang stared upon it.
  “I have never seen such a nose,”he said.
  “Look carefully, there is a wart upon it,”said Yi Chin Ho. “Bring your father before me! You know it is your father’s nose. Bring him before me that I may strike it off and leave. Hurry, or I will make bad report of you.”
  “37)Mercy!”cried Pak Chung Chang, falling on his knees. “It is impossible! It is impossible! You can’t strike off my father’s nose. He cannot go down without his nose to the grave. He will become a 38)byword, and all my days and nights will be filled with 39)woe. Oh, tell the King that you have seen no such nose. You, too, have a father.
  “My heart softens strangely at your tears,”said Yi Chin Ho. “I, too, know 40)filial piety. But —it is as much as my head is worth.”
  “How much is your head worth?”sked Pak Chung Chang in a thin, small voice.
  “A not 41)remarkable head,”aid Yi Chin Ho. “But, I value it at nothing less than one hundred thousand strings of cash.”
  “So be it. It shall be as you wish, so long as my 42)respected father’s nose 43)abide in its appointed place.”said Pak Chung Chang, sadly.
  “Say nothing to anyone,”said Yi Chin Ho, “The other servants will report to the King.”
  There is little more to tell. Yi Chin Ho 44)prospered through the years. By his efforts the jailer 45)attained 46)at length to the directorship of all the prisons of Cho sen; the Governor finally became the prime minister, while Yi Chin Ho became the King’s 47)boon companion and sat at table with him to the end of his life. But Pak Chung Chang fell into a 48)melancholy. And whenever he regarded the expensive nose of his old and respected father, he shook his head sadly, with tears in his eyes.


Li Yijia, 20, lives in Beijing and sings in a band. She hasn’t seen her parents in three years. And she tells us what it is like to live in two different cultures.    ◆ Life in the Big City 在大城市中的生活  
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