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  Recalling a Historic Win回忆具有历史意义的一场胜仗
  I arrived at Long Beach in the early hours of Wednesday morning; it is a fantastic[极好的] venue[比赛地点] and I was blown away by the scale of the event. My long weekend started very well with myself and two other drivers being taken to three schools in the area to visit the kids. It was an absolute[完全的] pleasure and I thoroughly[彻底地] enjoyed meeting them all, as we wanted to give something back to the community and to get more young people interested in motor-sports[赛车运动]. It was great to see hundreds of kids with smiles on their faces.
  On Thursday we did some more interviews and took some photographs, then we were given half an hour to learn the track and set the car up for qualifying; it all went relatively[比较地] smoothly and later that day I achieved third place. The speed differential[区别] between the fastest and slowest drivers was vast.
  Then came Saturday. I was coming up to a slower car, the driver thought he was doing me a favor by moving out of my way, but he actually ended up causing me to glance[擦过] the wall. I watched my position drop as I lost my fastest lap for causing a red flag to stop the session. I ended up in seventh place and I knew I had a lot of work to do on Sunday.
  The Polestar team had done a fantastic job since I started testing with them the previous[以前的] week. The whole team stayed up until 4 a.m. repairing my car to make it perfect for the warm up on Sunday. I am extremely grateful[感激的] to them and the result was due as much to their preparation[准备] skills as it was to my efforts on track.

  In the warm up on Sunday, we bedded in new brake discs[刹车盘] and made sure the car was back to normal after the knock. Everything was fine and we then put a strategy together for the race. It went like clockwork[有规律地]!
  The rolling start went well and I moved up to fourth. I was unfortunate to be involved in an incident with another car as I passed him. I suffered slight[轻微的] damage to my front left corner but not enough to make a significant[重大的] difference. I then passed my teammate[队友] while we were amongst the back markers. With two laps to go I passed the leader, Rocky Moran Jr. in turn 10. He was very unfortunate to break down, but it eased[减轻] the pressure on me from behind. My teammate, Antoine Bessette, who had achieved pole in both qualifying sessions was right behind me. he drove a clean race and we finished the day with a 1-2 for the Polestar team補 result they richly deserved[应得的].
  I then had the opportunity to appreciate[感激] the crowd, which was enormous[庞大的]! I am very grateful to them for their support. The atmosphere at Long Beach was like nothing I had ever experienced before and one that I will always remember.
  Race in Extremely High Temperatures 在高温下狂飚
  I got to Monterrey on the Wednesday afternoon before race weekend. I flew in with the rest of the crew[同事] after having arrived in Indianapolis the night before. I generally[通常] prefer to fly in a little earlier, giving me an opportunity to have a look around the circuit[一圈] and the surroundings[环境]. As a driver you usually don't get to see much of the places we visit, apart from airports, hotels and race tracks.
  On Thursday morning, I made my way to the circuit and had a look around. I tried to drink as much water as I could, as I knew it was going to be very hot over the weekend to race in extremely[极端地] high temperatures. When the engineers arrived, we sat down and went through the details for the next days?practice. In the evening, I had dinner with my manager and my engineer in a small restaurant in town.
  I got up early on Friday and made my way to the track about one and a half hours before the first practice. I went through everything once again with my engineer and started getting dressed for the practice. After the first session, we went back to the truck to go through the data, compare with my teammate and decide on a strategy for qualifying. I had some pasta[意大利面] and then went out for the first qualifying session.

  Saturday was pretty much a repeat[重复] of Friday. I got up even earlier on Sunday morning and went straight into a meeting with the engineers and team manager to talk about the strategy again. Everything went well and in between the warm up and the race I did some interviews, and took some photos. The race was long and hard because of the heat, I tried to open my visor during one of the yellow flag situations but the air was so hot that it didn't make a difference. I finished the energy drink I was carrying with 30 laps of the race left and because of our strategy, the car was very difficult to handle during the last 10 laps. I was in the lead, and was under great pressure from the drivers behind me. I ran out of fuel on the last lap and dropped from fourth to eighth. Still, it felt like a great success leading for so many laps ?considering how difficult it had been for us during the previous two days. I had to be careful getting out of the car once I had coasted[滑下斜坡] to a halt[停车] as I knew I was very dehydrated[脱水].
  I went out for dinner on Sunday evening with my manager, engineers, team manager and team owner, but I was very tired. The place was empty apart from a family which included a racing fan I had met early in the morning in the hotel elevator where he had wished me good luck. Everybody was exhausted[疲惫的], so we left early for the hotel as we had an early flight the next day. And then it was back to Indianapolis where I got busy settling into my new flat[公寓] where I plan to stay for the season.
安:乔,我听说你将要去巴黎!  乔:是的,我要去。  安:真的吗?为什么你会选择巴黎呢?  乔:嗯……那是因为我对艺术和历史……还有类似这方面的东西都很感兴趣。  安:哦,那很好。你是怎样预订机票的?  乔:噢,我在网上做了些调查—你知道,就是比较多方价钱。我在一个网站上找到了联合航空公司的优惠价。  安:你是订了旅游套餐还是只是飞机票而已?  乔:只是飞机票而已。我想到处找找看,就像预订机票那样
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对于英语爱好者而言,了解西方的风土人情和文化习俗无疑是很重要的。但熟悉我国的方方面面,并能运用英语准确表述,也是进行交流必不可少的条件。同学们,我们在本期“环球风情”栏目中打开了这一小扇中国之窗。希望大家在轻松的阅读学习中能丰富中国文化知识,领略英语语言的魅力。  随着太阳缓缓地向更远的南面移动,北半球的日照时间变得越来越短,而天气也变得越来越冷。最终,全年最漫长的夜晚到来了。这就是冬至,冬至过后
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