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  The First Secret Message
  There was once a king who lived in Egypt[埃及]. He wanted to send a message to a friend who lived far away in Greece[希腊].
  The king wanted his friend to read the message, but he didn’t want anyone else to see it. He wanted it to be a secret one. How could he send his friend the secret message? The king thought and thought. Then, at last, he had an idea. He knew how he could send his message.
  The king called in the servant whom he trusted most and said to him, “I want you to shave[剃] all the hair off your head.”And the servant did so.
   “Now,”said the king, “I’m going to write something on your head.”
  The servant bent down, and the king wrote a message on his head. Then the king said, “I want you to stay alone until your hair grows back. Your hair will hide what I have written. I’m going to put you in a locked[上锁的] room for a month.?
  One month passed. The king went to see the servant and said, “I see that your hair has grown back. Now I want you to go to see my friend in Greece. And I want you to show him the message on your head. Only he may see it.?
  When the servant got to the king’s friend, he cut his hair off again to be read the message. Then the servant washed his head, and the message was erased.
  No one but the king and his friend ever knew what the message said. It was a secret message between them. It might have been the first secret message ever sent.
  How to Stay Young
  Throw out nonessential[不重要的] numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctors worry about them. That is why you pay them.
  Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches[脾气坏的人] pull you down. And keep this in mind if you are one of those grouches.
  Keep learning: Learn more about the computer, crafts[工艺], gardening, whatever. Never let the brain get idle[懒惰的]. “An idle mind is the devil’s workshop[工场].”
  Enjoy the simple things.
  Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath[上气不接下气]. And if you have a friend who makes you laugh, spend lots and lots of time with him/her.
  The tears happen: Endure[忍耐], grieve[悲痛], and move on. The only person who is with us our entire[整个] life, is ourselves. Live while you are alive.
  Surround yourself with what you love: Whether it’s family, pets, keepsakes[纪念品], music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge[避难所].
  Cherish[珍爱] your health: If it is good, preserve[保持] it. If it is unstable[不稳定的], improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.
  Don’t take guilt trips[走上犯罪的道路]. Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county, to a foreign country, but not to where the guilt is.
  Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.
1. After you close your eyes, the shades most prominent[突出的] in your dreams are:  当你闭上眼睛后,你的梦中阴影所呈现最突出的颜色是:  A) Orange and/or purple  B) White and/or blue  C) Black and/or green    2. Your dream car m
对于美国学生来说,像SAT、ACT和研究生入学考试(GRE)的测试都指明了通向大学和研究生院的路。但对于成千上万梦想到美国读书的外国学生来说,最大的担忧就是在“英语作为外国语言的测试”,即“托福”考试中证明他们的英语语言能力。  现在,由于“托福”经过了重大改革,一些学生,尤其是亚洲学生,正担心新“托福”会对他们不利,因为学校通常都是重视词汇和语法多于口语。  近几年,5200所采用“托福”考试的
英国购物中心里的圣诞老人已被告知去购买威尔士短语书籍以改善他们节日贺辞。12月24日那天,正当小精灵们在玩具厂里忙着把数百万个来自世界各地儿童的长袜子塞满礼物时,圣诞老人则被催促去学习方言,从而他们会用10种语言说“圣诞节快乐”。  英国的娱乐公司(Ministry of Fun)创造了新的圣诞老人,希望能使圣诞老人紧跟潮流。娱乐公司每年12月都为数百家百货公司和晚会提供长满胡子的圣诞老人。  圣
在美国,外语学习的前景大概在芝加哥的一所小学里可见一二—在这间课室里,樱桃花灯笼和熊猫灯笼在头顶上垂挂着;一条纸龙、一面美国国旗和一面中国国旗高挂墙上。  最近一个早上,一班三年级的学生互相鞠躬并且用汉语自我介绍,一班四年级的学生在白板上练习用汉字写数字。该学校的汉语班在今年2月开办,但比起西班牙语,现在已有更多学生选择学习汉语。  得到中美政府的鼓励,全美的学校正扩大它们的语言教程,把汉语包括在
安:乔,我听说你将要去巴黎!  乔:是的,我要去。  安:真的吗?为什么你会选择巴黎呢?  乔:嗯……那是因为我对艺术和历史……还有类似这方面的东西都很感兴趣。  安:哦,那很好。你是怎样预订机票的?  乔:噢,我在网上做了些调查—你知道,就是比较多方价钱。我在一个网站上找到了联合航空公司的优惠价。  安:你是订了旅游套餐还是只是飞机票而已?  乔:只是飞机票而已。我想到处找找看,就像预订机票那样
圣诞节我听到了钟声  古老、熟悉的颂歌,  激越而甜美  在反复地说着  地上有平安,好运归人类!    想到这日子的来临,  所有教堂钟楼  皆传出钟声  歌唱持续不断  地上有平安,好运归人类!    一路上传来钟鸣、歌唱,  世界交替,从黑夜到白天,  歌声,钟声,  圣歌宏亮庄严  地上有平安,好运归人类!    而后,从每个黑色可憎的炮口  南方响起轰轰炮鸣,  所发出的声响  淹没了颂
对于英语爱好者而言,了解西方的风土人情和文化习俗无疑是很重要的。但熟悉我国的方方面面,并能运用英语准确表述,也是进行交流必不可少的条件。同学们,我们在本期“环球风情”栏目中打开了这一小扇中国之窗。希望大家在轻松的阅读学习中能丰富中国文化知识,领略英语语言的魅力。  随着太阳缓缓地向更远的南面移动,北半球的日照时间变得越来越短,而天气也变得越来越冷。最终,全年最漫长的夜晚到来了。这就是冬至,冬至过后
Li Yijia, 20, lives in Beijing and sings in a band. She hasn’t seen her parents in three years. And she tells us what it is like to live in two different cultures.    ◆ Life in the Big City 在大城市中的生活  
“圣诞节”这个名称是“基督弥撒”的缩写。弥撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式。圣诞节是一个宗教节日,它是我们庆祝耶稣诞辰的日子。  世上所有的基督教会都举行特别的礼拜仪式。但是有很多圣诞节的欢庆活动和宗教并无半点关联。交换礼物和寄圣诞卡都是庆祝圣诞节的现代方式。   耶稣的出生背后有一段故事,故事发生在加利利的一个城镇拿撒勒。在这里,处女玛利亚被许配给木匠约瑟。在玛利亚与约瑟结婚前,玛利亚发现她怀上了圣灵的孩
Ten Dollars  10美元    A man came home from work late, tired and irritated[恼怒的], to find his 5-year old son waiting for him at the door.    “Daddy, may I ask you a question?”  “Yeah sure, what is it?”re