
来源 :天然气地球科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mindy27
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珠二坳陷白云凹陷海相烃源岩主要指的是海陆过渡相沉积背景下形成的海相烃源岩(恩平组和珠海组烃源岩),该类烃源岩具有陆源生烃母质和海相生烃母质双源输入的混合特征,其生成的油气亦有双源成因的特征,烃源岩TOC平均值为1.2%,干酪根类型主要为Ⅱ2型,具有油气兼生的能力。油源对比和混合比例估算表明,珠二坳陷白云凹陷目前所发现的轻质(凝析油)油可分为3类不同成因油:煤成油、海相油和混合油。白云凹陷北坡PY34-1-B、PY30-1-C、PY34-1-A等气田为煤成烃,恩平组煤系烃源岩的贡献量均大于70%;LH19-5-A、LH19-5-2D、PY30-1-B、PY35-2-A和PY35-2-E等气田主要为海相成因油气,恩平组海相烃源岩的贡献量高达60%~87%;白云凹陷深水区(荔湾地区)LW3-1-B、LW3-1-D、LH34-2-A、LH29-1-A和LH16-2-A等油气田主要为混合成因,但仍以恩平组海相烃源岩为主要贡献,贡献量在60%左右。煤系烃源岩主要分布在白云凹陷的北部陆坡区,而海相烃源岩则主要分布在白云凹陷深水区,海相烃源岩可能是深水区的主力烃源岩。 The marine source rocks in the Baiyun sag of the Zhu Er Depression refer mainly to marine source rocks (Enping Formation and Zhuhai Formation source rocks) formed in the transitional facies of the sea-land transitional phase. These source rocks have terrestrial hydrocarbonogenic parent materials And the dual-source input of marine hydrocarbon generation parent material. The hydrocarbon generation is also characterized by dual origin. The average TOC of source rocks is 1.2%, and the kerogen type is mainly Type II2, with the ability of oil and gas co-occurrence. The comparison of oil source and mixture ratio shows that the light (condensate) oil found in the Baiyun Depression of the Zhu Er Depression can be divided into three types of different genetic oils: coal-to-oil, marine oil and mixed oil. In the PY34-1-B, PY30-1-C and PY34-1-A gas fields on the northern slope of Baiyun Sag, the contributions to coal-forming hydrocarbon and Enping Formation coal-measure source rock are more than 70%. LH19-5-A, The gas fields of LH19-5-2D, PY30-1-B, PY35-2-A and PY35-2-E are mainly composed of marine oil and gas, and the contribution of Enping Formation marine source rocks is as high as 60% -87%. Oil and gas fields such as LW3-1-B, LW3-1-D, LH34-2-A, LH29-1-A and LH16-2-A in the deep-water area of ​​Baiyun Sag (Liwan area) are mainly mixed genesis, Marine source rock as the main contribution, the contribution of about 60%. Coal-based source rocks are mainly distributed in the northern slope of Baiyun sag, while marine source rocks are mainly distributed in the deep-water area of ​​Baiyun sag. Marine source rocks may be the main source rocks in deep-water areas.
细辛属Asarum L.(马兜铃科Aristolochiaceae)全世界约有100种植物,主产东亚和北美;我国有38种、4变种和1变型,其中华细辛组Sect.Asiasarum的3种植物被1995年版中国药典做为
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采用原位灌注方法分离大鼠肝细胞和储脂细胞 (Ito细胞 ) ,观察微量元素硒 (Se)对CCl4 作用下大鼠肝细胞、Ito细胞细胞外基质 (ECM)产生的拮抗作用。实验结果表明 :Se主要通过
目的:对黄花败酱根及根茎的化学成分进行研究。方法:用化学法和光谱法分离、鉴定其成分。结果:从干燥根及根茎中分得4 个皂苷类化合物,分别为常春藤皂元3Oβ(2′乙酰基)吡
Flt3配体 (FL)是新近发现的、具有促进早期造血功能的细胞因子。在再生障碍性贫血、骨髓抑制等一系列造血功能障碍病变时 ,血清FL浓度升高。FL是评价造血功能的可靠指标之一
目的 探索CTLA4Ig基因在实验动物体内的表达以及对大鼠同种心脏移植后的免疫抑制作用。方法 利用腺病毒作载体 ,将CTLA4Ig基因导入同种心脏移植的受体鼠体内 ,以编码 β 半