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  As an English teacher, I have learned a lot from this training course. There are a lot of things that I didn''t know before I have been trained. First of all , teachers need to write their teaching plan carefully ,including leaner needs, main aim, subsidiary aim, personal teaching aim, assumptions, language systems analysis. The stages must be logical , all the activities must serve your all aims , and at last you can achieve your aims. At the same time , you must prepare your plan B. If your plan isn''t be prepared well, how your lesson will go well?
  During the class, firstly teachers have great confidence, enthusiasm and rapport. Most learners will be motivated to participate simply because the teacher is enthusiastic, smiling and making good use of body language. Your presence and enthusiasm will effect your student. Teachers should create a strong start . In this way, the student will be interested in your class, then make sure we have a variety of different activities with students moving around . Because all the student like all kinds of activities. Otherwise, they will feel bored . And all activities must be student centered, teachers create opportunities for students to apply the language to their own lives , to use it to talk about themselves. We should move around and monitor carefully, to make sure all the student are on task, they have to speak English only. If the students aren''t on task, they do their own things or chat in Chinese , they will learn nothing from your lesson. In my fifth lesson, one of the boys was very naught , he was always ready to talk in Chinese. I noticed that , so I asked him to answer my question at any time. I wanted him to behave himself. In Rosemary''s fifth lesson, she found two students whispering instead of being on task, she just walked to them and tapped the desk. Teachers elicit, instead of giving out information ,ask questions to involve and stimulate the learners, don''t tell. Eliciting and using body language also reduce TTT and increase STT. The other important thing is instruction. Instructions must be short, clear and simple. Also don''t forget to ask concept questions to replace inferior questions such as “ do you understand? Right? OK? Or yes /no questions. At the same time , don''t forget peer help and peer correction., not the teacher giving out answers. Help should come from classmates first. On the one hand, peer help and peer correction can help student practice their oral English, on the other hand, you can reduce your TTT.(Teacher talking time) Next thing we should do is nominating students , give everyone a fair chance to participate , don''t ask the same student again and again, that'' not fair to the others. Teachers should appropriate use of praise, because every student needs to be praised, let students become confident. Don''t forget to have a seating plan, in order to let our lesson go smoothly, we must arrange the students'' seats properly, we can move around and monitor easily. Sometimes , the students chat in Chinese during the class , we notice that but we can''t move to stop them, or we don''t know our task whether works well or not because of bad seating arrangement. Last thing also important thing is time management, to plan our time properly, finish our time with a strong ending, we will have a good lesson.   I have done the fourth lesson. I have great confidence and rapport, I''m good at using body language and facial expression. For example, in my second lesson, I used body language to express the adjectives ” long, short , thin, heavy, big, small“. The students can understand easily. In my fourth lesson, I taught verb phrases like ” raise your hand, put down your hand, look at me, clap your hand, clap your hands, snap your fingers“ and so on. I also used body language. My classroom management and teacher presence and enthusiasm are clearly my strengths. Due to my strong teacher presence and enthusiasm and classroom management , students generally were on task all of the time. Before this training course , I don''t know how to elicit and I never think about how to reduce TTT and increase STT。In my second lesson I started eliciting of adjectives through gesture or facial expression ,or by giving students the first part of the word. When I taught “older” , I said “ I am young, my father is…”, the students said “old ”. I compared two students “ he is heavy, he is …”,the students said “heavier”. Doing that helped keep TTT relatively low and STT suitably high. Secondly , let me talk about peer help and peer correction. From my second lesson plenty of examples of peer and self correction were encouraged. I realized that peer correction not only can reduce TTT but also can give students chances to practice their oral English. To think about activities , I started appealing to kinesthetic, visual and auditory learning styles. In my fourth lesson , I used body language, drew a monster and other activities to appeal different learning styles. And also activities must be relatively student-centred . In my four lesson, my pace was brisk and students kept busy on task and students seldom spoke Chinese.
  There were some weaknesses in my four lessons. My biggest problem is CCQs , From the first lesson to the third lesson , I got three unhappy face about CCQs. There was a general lack of CCQs to support students'' understanding of instructions. I always fail to use CCQs, I tried my best to use CCQs. In my fourth lesson, I used some CCQs。But TTT was further increased by repeating CCQs or I answered my own CCQs. In Rosemary''s fifth lesson. When she gave some instructions, there were some CCQs followed, “Can you show the picture to your partner? Can you tell the words to the others? ”Should you use the words you have learned today in your dialogue?“ I will prepare my instructions carefully before my lessons and write down CCQs. When I teach new vocabulary, I also can use CCQs to check. In Rosemary''s fifth lesson. She checked new vocabulary they had learned by asking ”Can you use paper clip to dry your hair? What should you use? “Can you use the mop to clean the floor ?, ” if you want to change the channel , what do you use? Using CCQs is a good way to check whether the students understand the new vocabulary or not. I also have a problem with my instruction. Sometimes my instructions were not clear and short. So I will focus on giving clear instructions followed by CCQs. There was another big problem--- time management, in my second lesson , the ending was rushed, incomplete and unsatisfactory , I wrongly assumed that because I started late, due to technical problems. In my third lesson, I spent more time in talking about telling time and verb phrases. So I had no time to do final survey. So I plan to arrange my time properly in my lesson in the future. I didn''t have a strong ending. A strong ending that means the students can talk about themselves, they produce what they think in their mind. It is very important. Because they can express their own ideas. At the same time, it shows if the main aim we have achieved or not. In this way , we can encourage our students to speak English and use proper language in the future.
  I really like what Jenny did in her class. When some students talked. In order to get their attention, Jenny waited without saying anything. I think it''s a good way to deal with .students'' bad behavior. I also enjoy Rosemary''s fifth lesson. There were plenty of activities to support to achieve her main aim. I especially love one of her activities ------ personification, let student be a thing and made a dialogue. That''s very interesting.
  I will keep doing what I have done well in my lessons. I will work hard to improve my weaknesses. In the future , I will keep these things in my mind and keep my lessons active and alive, moving and changing, I will try my best to let my students actively participate as a community of learners rather than being spoon-fed by the teacher.
二十一世纪呼唤创造性人才,如何有效地培养学生的创造个性,发展其创造能力,已成为教育工作者研究的重要课题。《数学课程标准》指出:有效的数学学习活动不能单纯地依赖模仿和记忆,动手实践、自主探索与合作交流是学生学习的主要方式。小学数学教学中构建自主、合作、探究的学习方式,是全面培养小学生人文素养、创新意识和终身学习的基本能力的有效途径。  1. 自主--变“一言课堂”为“多言课堂”前苏联教育家苏霍姆林斯
【摘要】21 世纪是一个信息化的时代,计算机技术变得越来越重要,学生作为21 世纪的接班人必须要具备这一能力。初中信息技术教学是信息技术的基础性教学,其主要目的是让学生掌握计算机知识,培养学生在计算机方面的能力,这些都要求教学具有一定的有效性。  【关键词】信息技术教学;有效性;教学策略教学的有效性是所有教育改革的共同追求。有效的信息技术教学是指教师遵循信息技术教学活动的客观规律,以尽可能少的时间
【摘要】在小学数学课堂教学中,积极创造各种条件,保证学生的主体性得到充分发展,只有让课堂教学充满快活的气氛、鲜活的知识、灵活的教法,把每节课都作为学生探索创新的一次历程,才能真正使课堂教学活起来。  【关键词】数学 创新能力;气氛 小组合作 我们所面临的二十一世纪是创新的世纪,是人才与科技发展和竞争都十分激烈的时代。时代需要创新型人才,创新型人才的培养靠教育,随着教育改革的发展,激发学生的创新意识
【摘要】新课标指出,学生是学习的主人,我们在教学过程中,应培养学生的创新能力。因此应让学生在语文课堂上冲破束缚、把握机会。  【关键词】放飞心灵;冲破束缚;把握机会我们的课堂往往有太多的讲解和不达标准答案不罢休的引导,课是充实的,但往往给人一种密不透风的感觉。学生被圈在一个用标准答案和规矩筑成的圈子里,虽偶有挣扎,但大多碰壁。因此常想起两句话“给我一个支点,我要推动地球。”“给我一个空间,我要放飞
【摘要】数学是基础教育的主要学科,也是一门重要的工具学科,学生数学素质的高低 ,直接制约着其他学科的学习和创新能力的发展。因此,数学学科的素质教育是基础教育阶段中素质教育的重要组成部分。把素质教育贯彻于数学教学之中,使数学教学能为提高学生的整体素质服务,是当前数学教学改革的中心议题,是摆在我们广大数学教师面前的一项重要的任务。  【关键词】素质教育;实施;数学教学中各学科都有本学科特定的科学知识体
【摘要】在数学教育中,学生的创新意识主要是指对自然界和社会中的数学现象具有好奇心、探究心,不断追求新知,独立思考,会从数学的角度发现和提出问题,进行探索和研究。教师应从数学创新意识的培养上入手,在平时的教学过程中真正把提高学生的数学创新意识落到实处,激发学生潜能。  【关键词】中学生;创新意识;培养1. 创新意识及其特征  著名美籍华人学者杨振宁教授曾指出,中外学生的主要差距在于,中国学生缺乏创新
【摘要】语文自学能力是学习的一项综合能力。它是观察、想象、思维、记忆、表达等能力的综合体。自学能力属于语文教学中的技能目标,也是小学生语文学习水平的重要标志。  【关键词】情理交融 ;自觉 技能;持之以恒;潜移默化 叶圣陶先生说过:“学生须能看书,须能作文,故设语文课以训练之,最终目的为:自能读书,不待老师讲;自能作文,不待老师改。老师之训练,必作到此两点,乃教学之成功。”在小学语文教学
【摘要】作文教学是语文教学的重要组成部分,搞好作文评改是提高学生写作能力的有效途径。实践证明,传统的教师全批全改作文的方式已经不再适应教师工作的需要和素质教育的要求,因此,语文老师应该把作文批改的主动权还给学生,教给学生批改作文的方法,加强流程管理,并及时总结批改成果,学生的作文能力一定能得到提高。  【关键词】语文教学;作文批改;方法探讨作文教学是语文教学的重要组成部分,如何进行作文批改又是困扰
【摘要】以人为本的教育理念要求小学数学将学生的全面发展作为教育的中心。关注人的情感、态度、价值观和一般能力的培养,淡化教师权威。通过数学学习,将数学与现实世界联系起来,从而促进学生的全面发展。  【关键词】以人为本;小学数学;观念创新   1. 以学生的全面发展为教育的中心   传统的数学教学:学生的学习方式单一、被动,缺少自主探索、合作学习、独立获得知识的机会;对书本知识、运算和推理技能关注较多
【摘要】对学生的教育要做到授之以渔,而不是授之以鱼,教学最终是要教会学生学习。而方法是求知和探索的钥匙,在新课程改革的推动下,转变教师的教育理念,培养学生学会学习,掌握学生学习方法,是迫在眉睫之急。  【关键词】课改 历史教学;学习能力历史教材在新课程标准下,发生了天翻地覆的变化。面对这些崭新的变化对于教师课堂驾驭能力有了更新的要求,如何用好教材,上好课程,精选练习,进而培养学生学习和解题能力,也