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  1. 运用介词短语与with的复合结构。
  [例1]To arouse people’s awareness of the importance of sleeping, WHO organized a worldwide activity in 2001 to make March 21st every year the World Sleeping Day.
  转换:With the purpose of making people realize how important it is to get enough sleep, WHO organized a worldwide activity in 2001 to make March 21st every year the World Sleeping Day.
  [例2]White Tea is famous for its beautiful silver-needle-like shape, its sweet taste and its medicinal effects.
  转换:With its beautiful silver-needle-like shape, its sweet taste and its medicinal effects, White Tea is famous.
  [例3]It is impolite that we point at others with fingers when talking.
  转换:It is impolite for us to talk with our fingers pointing at others.
  [例4]We should combine these solutions and we can solve the problem of heavy traffic.
  转换:With these solutions combined, we can solve the problem of heavy traffic.
  2. 利用非谓语动词短语。
  [例5]Martin Luther King Jr. was born in January 1929 in Atlanta the US. He was a famous human right leader in the world. He took an active part in the movements and fought for the equal civil rights for black people.
  轉换:Martin Luther King Jr., born in January 1929 in Atlanta the US, was a famous human right leader in the world. He took an active part in the movements, fighting for the equal rights for black people.
  3. 利用各类从句。
  [例6]Physical discomfort, emotional troubles and sleeping environment will lead to insomnia(失眠) and this is another reason for students’ lack of enough sleep.
  定语从句:Physical discomfort, emotional troubles and sleeping environment will lead to insomnia, which is another reason why students can’t get enough sleep.
  表语从句:Another reason why students can’t get enough sleep is that physical discomfort, emotional troubles and sleeping environment will lead to insomnia.
  [例7]Medical experts encourage teens to change their lifestyle and develop good sleeping habits such as watching TV or listening to music instead of drinking a cup of coffee.
  主语从句:It is suggested by medical experts that teens should change their lifestyle and develop good sleeping habits, for example, watching TV or listening to music rather than drinking a cup of coffee.
  [例8]We should combine these solutions and we can solve the problem of heavy traffic.   主语从句:What we should do right now is to combine these solutions to solve the problem of heavy traffic.
  4. 采用短语优先原则。
  [例9]Competition can make the society develop, while cooperation is also important in our final peace and victory.
  转换:Competition can promote the development of society, while cooperation also plays an important role in our final peace and victory.
  5. 采用不同的主语转换表达方式。
  [例10]Form the habit of being thrifty(节俭的) and it can help us save money, and build up a comfortable environment.
  转换:Forming the habit of being thrifty can help us save money as well as build up a comfortable environment.
  [例11]I was late for school yesterday because there was a traffic jam.
  转换:A traffic jam made me late for school yesterday.
  转换:A traffic jam prevented me from going to school on time yesterday.
  6. 主动语态与被动语态的转换策略。
  [例12]Use public transports to avoid needless driving and parking.
  转换:Needless driving and parking can be avoided by using public transports.
  7. 运用特殊句式的转换策略。
  [例13]Through competition and cooperation we can achieve greater success.
  转换:It is through competition and cooperation that we can achieve greater success.
  [例14]We should combine these solutions and we can solve the problem of heavy traffic.
  转换:Only with perfect combination of these solutions can we cope with the problem of heavy traffic effectively.
  [例15]When we cultivate the habit of being thrifty, we can lead a better and more comfortable life.
  转换:Only when we cultivate the habit of being thrifty can we lead a better and more comfortable life.
  [例16]Life is hard to pop singers and they have to work hard to become or remain popular. They spend a lot of money wrapping themselves. And they hardly have privacy.
  轉换:Life is hard to pop singers because they have to work hard to become or remain popular. Besides, they spend a lot of time wrapping themselves. Worse still, they hardly have privacy.
  最近,你就读的学校——广州市玉岩中学将举办开放日。 你将作为学生代表向前来参观的英语老师介绍校区的基本情况,请准备好你的解说词,文章的开头和结尾已为你写好。
  师生人数:目前学生近3000人,教师约260人   师生状态:全体师生正在为学校更美好的明天共同奋斗
  Good morning, teachers! Welcome to Guangdong Experimental High School!
  Thank you
  Situated in Luogang District, in the east of Guangzhou, Guangzhou Yuyan High School enjoys the convenient transportation because it merely takes us about 5 minutes to walk to the bus station. The new campus was completed and put into use in 2006, and it takes its name from Yuyan Shuyuan Academy with a history of 500 years. Covering an area of 235,000 square metres, our school provides students and teachers with a graceful environment with lots of trees and other plants flourishing. In addition, not only are there spacious, bright and well-equipped classrooms in our school, but it also owns large quantities of sports facilities, among which the gymnasium can be used to hold great sports events and ceremonies. Worth mentioning, we all hold the belief that our school is heading for a better tomorrow with the joint efforts made by about 3,000 students and nearly 260 teachers.
  From small beginnings come great things. 伟大始于渺小。
  Today must borrow nothing of tomorrow. 今日事今日毕。
  责任编校 蒋小青
说明:利用面面垂直性质定理证明线面垂直的考生比较少,因此第18题评分细则中并没列出解法3,按照评分原则就要“参照思路一的解法相应给分”.笔者从三千多份试卷中统计用面面垂直证线面垂直的只有50人左右,而能够完全做对的同学只有十几人.出错的主要原因是分不清面面垂直的性质定理的三个条件,也就是错误选择证明平面A′CB⊥平面BCDE(循环论证)或弄错二平面交线或忽略线在面内的条件.  二、常见错误分析  
随着图像处理与网络技术的飞速发展,网络摄像机应运而生。网络摄像机是传统摄像机与网络视频技术的相互结合的智能化设备。图像信号处理器作为网络摄像机的核心模块,对其整体性能起着决定性作用。自动白平衡技术是图像处理流程中的关键环节,对图像进行准确的校正有重大影响。本文基于ARM Cortex M4平台对网络摄像机中自动白平衡技术进行了研究,提出了一种新的自动白平衡改进算法并实现。改进算法首先由白点检测算法