Jen Whelan: I’m Jen Whelan from the Bicycle Film Festival, and here we are at the Tweed Run in New York City.
What brings you out here today?
Brendan Murdock (Cyclist): The Tweed Run. Been doing it since 2009. So we are both from London, so, yeah, flown out here just for this.
Ted Young-ing (Tweed Run Founding Partner): Well, it kind of all began in Glasgow. I went into a charity shop there and found some really amazing “plus fours,” and thought I’d bring them back to London and see if I could wear them on the streets of London, but you actually really can’t wear plus fours on the streets of London without looking a bit like a…a fool. So I thought, “Well, how do we make this work, and how do we...how do I get a chance to wear these…maybe ride along with some friends?” That gave me an idea, so I called up a bunch of mates to see if they wanted to come over for a ride, and in…in plus fours, and we ended up putting on the Internet, getting first 20, then 40, then 60, and then 100 people, so the first ride we had was about 120 people, I guess. And it all kind of spiraled from there.
Jacqui Shannon (Tweed Run Founding Partner): As for the future, we’re doing London again in November, and we’re going to Tokyo for the first time. This is the first time we’ve brought it abroad to New York, and we’re really pleased to be here. We think it was pretty successful. I think a lot of people had a good time, and we’re really happy to bring a positive bike message to the city.
Chris Holt (Tweed Ride Organizer): Cycling in the city of Windsor is growing 1)exponentially, and it’s not just a…the…the racing...the bikes, the road bikes or the mountain bikes. The people realize that it’s a great form of transportation, and a great fashion accessory. We get a lot of people coming in and they want those beautiful bikes and those beautiful products. And we’ve really found since last we did the Tweed Ride in the fall, at Thanksgiving weekend, and we had about 60, 65 people, and you can see behind me that it has grown exponentially. Again, it’s just people love the whole idea of the event, a nice leisurely roll, through the city, going to various establishments in the city, and…and really dressing up, and making an event out of it, making it about the style, about the bicycles. It’s all about more the 2)camaraderie and the experience of group cycling, which is a wonderful thing that people really need to experience a little bit more. It’s just about the ride. It’s about getting together and riding bikes and having a fun time. 克里斯·霍尔特(复古骑行组织者):在温莎市,骑车的人成倍地增长。我们不仅仅是在说赛车、公路车或者是山地车,人们还开始意识到自行车是一种很好的交通工具,是了不起的时尚品。我们有很多人参加这次活动,他们想要自己的漂亮的车和各种相关产品。我们去年秋天在感恩节周末办过这项活动,有六十到六十五人参加。你可以从我身后看到,参加的人数在成倍增长。人们对举办这样的活动很有兴趣。大家乐意休闲地骑车穿过城市,到各个地方去,也乐意把自己打扮起来,把骑车当成一件大事,看成是一种时尚。骑车体现了大家的情谊,这是一种大家一起骑车的体验。这是一件非常棒的事,大家需要更多那样的体验。这项活动都是围绕着骑车这个中心,就是大家聚在一起骑车,一起欢度时光。
Reporter: Why do you think this has become such a global phenomenon?
Tanya Smith (Tweed Ride Organizer): That’s a really good question, actually. Questions, like, “What is this about this event?” But for some reason people are embracing it, and it is spreading like wildfire. There are people here, actually the organizers from the Montreal Tweed Ride, and it’s all across Canada now. It’s a celebration of history, so people like the historical aspect of it, and also the bike. I think people love, like, really celebrating the whole history of the bike in some unique way.
What brings you out here today?
Brendan Murdock (Cyclist): The Tweed Run. Been doing it since 2009. So we are both from London, so, yeah, flown out here just for this.
Ted Young-ing (Tweed Run Founding Partner): Well, it kind of all began in Glasgow. I went into a charity shop there and found some really amazing “plus fours,” and thought I’d bring them back to London and see if I could wear them on the streets of London, but you actually really can’t wear plus fours on the streets of London without looking a bit like a…a fool. So I thought, “Well, how do we make this work, and how do we...how do I get a chance to wear these…maybe ride along with some friends?” That gave me an idea, so I called up a bunch of mates to see if they wanted to come over for a ride, and in…in plus fours, and we ended up putting on the Internet, getting first 20, then 40, then 60, and then 100 people, so the first ride we had was about 120 people, I guess. And it all kind of spiraled from there.
Jacqui Shannon (Tweed Run Founding Partner): As for the future, we’re doing London again in November, and we’re going to Tokyo for the first time. This is the first time we’ve brought it abroad to New York, and we’re really pleased to be here. We think it was pretty successful. I think a lot of people had a good time, and we’re really happy to bring a positive bike message to the city.
Chris Holt (Tweed Ride Organizer): Cycling in the city of Windsor is growing 1)exponentially, and it’s not just a…the…the racing...the bikes, the road bikes or the mountain bikes. The people realize that it’s a great form of transportation, and a great fashion accessory. We get a lot of people coming in and they want those beautiful bikes and those beautiful products. And we’ve really found since last we did the Tweed Ride in the fall, at Thanksgiving weekend, and we had about 60, 65 people, and you can see behind me that it has grown exponentially. Again, it’s just people love the whole idea of the event, a nice leisurely roll, through the city, going to various establishments in the city, and…and really dressing up, and making an event out of it, making it about the style, about the bicycles. It’s all about more the 2)camaraderie and the experience of group cycling, which is a wonderful thing that people really need to experience a little bit more. It’s just about the ride. It’s about getting together and riding bikes and having a fun time. 克里斯·霍尔特(复古骑行组织者):在温莎市,骑车的人成倍地增长。我们不仅仅是在说赛车、公路车或者是山地车,人们还开始意识到自行车是一种很好的交通工具,是了不起的时尚品。我们有很多人参加这次活动,他们想要自己的漂亮的车和各种相关产品。我们去年秋天在感恩节周末办过这项活动,有六十到六十五人参加。你可以从我身后看到,参加的人数在成倍增长。人们对举办这样的活动很有兴趣。大家乐意休闲地骑车穿过城市,到各个地方去,也乐意把自己打扮起来,把骑车当成一件大事,看成是一种时尚。骑车体现了大家的情谊,这是一种大家一起骑车的体验。这是一件非常棒的事,大家需要更多那样的体验。这项活动都是围绕着骑车这个中心,就是大家聚在一起骑车,一起欢度时光。
Reporter: Why do you think this has become such a global phenomenon?
Tanya Smith (Tweed Ride Organizer): That’s a really good question, actually. Questions, like, “What is this about this event?” But for some reason people are embracing it, and it is spreading like wildfire. There are people here, actually the organizers from the Montreal Tweed Ride, and it’s all across Canada now. It’s a celebration of history, so people like the historical aspect of it, and also the bike. I think people love, like, really celebrating the whole history of the bike in some unique way.