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  Following hot on the tails of tourism, comes development as sure as night follows day. Keen to get their hands on the tourist dollar, developers are notorious for throwing up hotels, sports parks and shopping complexes, with little sensitivity to the local area.
  Hainan Island in China is part of the country’s smallest province, but it still has big plans for development. Hainan is becoming China’s Hawaii. The Chinese Dragon is awakening to the scent of tourist dollars. And guess what? They’ve already built the biggest swimming pool in Asia.
  Tourist: Hard to believe they used to send people here to be exiled. Must have been before they built the pool.
  Twenty-five years ago there was only one golf course in the whole of China. Now this island alone plans to build 300.
Marco: Our next story is about a different sort of challenge, though it still involves finding better ways to use our natural resources. Sixteen-year-old Elif Bilgin from Istanbul, Turkey, wanted to f
1972年,我生于英国德文郡托基镇。  我在布里斯托上的大学,学的是政治学。  但我的“真爱”是表演,所以我去伦敦ALRA(Academy of Live and Recorded Arts)学习了表演课程。  1994年,我第一次参加爱丁堡国际艺术节,带去了一部糟糕的作品,名叫《Hurrell and Hart》,我心想“如果能有20个听众,并且只要1个人说‘OK’,我就决定把表演当作我的事业。
1996年8月,27岁的彼得·海斯勒以美中友好志愿者的身份来到长江边上的一个小城——四川涪陵,在涪陵师范专科学校开始了他为期两年的教书生活。他有了一个中国名字,叫何伟。一个外国人和一座中国小城就这样联系在一起,并发生了一系列奇妙的反应。何伟之于涪陵,是一个珍稀动物般的存在;而涪陵之于何伟,则是一本大书,一本他一读再读、极力想参透的大书。  从一个被围观被关注、各种无所适从的外国人,到坐在“学生食家
Slowly, silently, now the moon  Walks the night in her silver 1)shoon;  This way, and that, she peers, and sees  Silver fruit upon silver trees;  One by one the 2)casements catch  Her beams beneath th
Trastevere is one of Rome’s most ancient neighborhoods. Founded during the reign of Emperor Augustus, its name means, literally, “across the 1)Tiber.” But more than a river separates the people of Tra
Host A: I’m with “The Piano Guys,” the latest YouTube sensation, 140 million views in fact.  The Piano Guys: Good Morning!  Host A: You are rock stars, kind of…  Host B: Well this is kinda cool. My ne
Host: Every once in a while, as you all well know, a program arrives on television that changes the shape of a genre, the ambitions of a slot and the careers of those who work on it, and The Choir did
Q: What’s it like being a clown?  Clown: Well,for me,being a clown is probably the best job in the world.I’ve wanted to do this job since I was very young.  Just to see the children’s faces,that’s so
语音:美式发音 适合精听  语速:170词/分钟  关键词:newlyweds,legal,court  At 96 and 95 years old,Edith Hill and Eddie Harrison are happy newlyweds,but their recent marriage after 10 years together is not without controver
Of course tourism also has a lot of advantages for an area. It boosts the economy, creates harmony and promotes cultural awareness. It just needs to be controlled and checked.  And at Milford Sound in