中美携手开发太空? 外国媒体关注中美航天合作

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今年2月6日下午,外交部发言人姜瑜在例行记者会上就中美间的航天合作回答了记者的提问。姜瑜表示,根据2006年9月美国国家航天局局长格瑞芬访华期间与中国国家航天局达成的共识,中美两国航天局局长将举行定期会晤,并将探讨在空间科学,地球科学领域内开展合作。中美航天合作由此引起了世人的广泛关注,海外媒体财其作出了大量报道,本刊特编译综述国外相关报道,以飨读者。本刊并非赞同其观点,亦非证实其内容,仅供参考。 On the afternoon of February 6 this year, Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Jiang Yu answered a reporter’s question on space cooperation between China and the United States at a regular press conference. Jiang Yu said that based on the consensus reached with the National Space Administration of China (NASA) during the visit of U.S. Space Agency Secretary Gruenphin in September 2006, the space agencies of the two countries will hold regular meetings and will discuss ways to further enhance their cooperation in space science and geosciences Within the cooperation. As a result, the cooperation between China and the United States in space and space has aroused widespread concern in the world. Overseas media have made a large number of reports, and compiled and summarized relevant foreign reports to readers. This publication does not agree with its point of view, nor does it confirm its content, for reference purposes only.
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