痴迷汉语的SALON E老爷子

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  Salone Gramp Obsessed withChinese Language
  地处西非的塞拉利昂有一个美丽的克里奥语名字SALONE。塞拉利昂的男孩子被称为SALONE BOBO,女孩子被叫作SALONE TITI。当你对当地的某些事物表示疑问、不太理解时,当地人总会摊开双手,用一句“This is SALONE”来解答你所有的疑惑。即将出场的这位主人公是一位74岁的老人。
  这位老人有三个名字:本名.Tonathan Fitzjohn,是塞拉利昂大学孔子学院初级班的学员。瞧!老爷子有多精神 满头银发,挺拔高大的身材,精神矍铄、声如洪钟,举手投足间透着股优雅的绅士范儿。
  自塞拉利昂大学孔子学院落地SALONE首都弗里敦,汉语似春风吹进校园,掀起了“汉语和中国文化热”。不少青年学子通过学习汉语打开了留学中国、改变命运的机遇之门。但古稀老翁走进孔院的课堂毕竟是少数。老人在年輕时听说汉语难学,愿意挑战自我的他遂产生了学习汉语的念头。但因忙于工作及各种条件的限制,学习汉语成为他心头未竟的夙愿。老爷子也曾尝试研究儒学,对“天人合一”的中国传统哲学思想有着浓厚的兴趣。退休后的老先生听说塞拉利昂大学成立孔子学院后高兴万分,立即赶来注册、选课,并激动地说:“我一定要学会汉语,在有生之年实现自己的心愿。”老人学习汉语的那股子劲头丝毫不输精力旺盛的SALONE BOBO和SALONE TITI们。用个贴切的词形容,那就是“蛮拼的”。为此,我尊称他为“SALONE老爷子”。
  课堂上的老人专注、认真,从不因自己的年龄和资历摆架子,大声地跟读,积极回答问题,不时地低头做笔记,遇到问题毫不迟疑地提出来,几乎没有走神、懈怠的时候。有时其他同学还没反应过来,老先生已经笑呵呵地给出了答案。课堂上进行情境对话练习,他不仅不紧张,反而能根据学过的词汇及对话内容,创造性地增加恰切的表情和肢体语言,使情境对话显得自然而丰富,加深了大家对学习内容的本土性理解。同学们有什么问题也喜欢向这位学霸老爷子请教。三个小时的课上下来,体力消耗很大,精力旺盛的小伙子们也常呵欠连连。我心疼他,时不时问一句“您累吗?”,他总是摆摆手,非常谦和地说: “老师,我不累。谢谢!”老先生专注、坚毅的眼神,使我不敢马虎任何一次备课、上课,唯恐辜负了这位令我深深敬佩的“SALONE老爷子”。在老先生的感染下,调皮的年轻学生们学习汉语的劲头也是你追我赶,营造出积极、热烈的学习氛围。当之无愧的冠军
  “学无止境,活到老学到老”。上学时老师常用这句话激励我们,成为老师的我也喜欢以此勉励学生。但这句平凡话语中所蕴含的力量和深远意境真真切切传递到我心灵深处,却是通过这位年逾古稀的老者。“吾生也有涯,而学无涯”,每个人都是人生旅程的匆匆过客,没有谁敢言自己晓干理、懂万事。而唯有在这人世间不断追问、学习、充实生命的体验,追求更高的境界,才不枉来世间一遭吧。曾经,也畅想自己的晚年生活,总想着那时要“面朝大海,一杯清茶,不问世事,享受生活”。但这位异国他乡的老人却诠释出一个更高境界的人生晚年。他不畏惧岁月的无情,用火热的行动去持守、追求、践行心中的梦想,活出一个别样的“夕阳红”。祝福你,可敬的“SALONF老爷子”,你是我学习的榜样!   Sierra Leone, located in West Africa, has a beautifulCreole name-Salone. Sierra Leonean lads are calledSalone Bobo, and girls are called Salone Titi. Wheneveryou show that you are in doubt about local things and donot quite understand them, the locals always spread theirhands and answer all of your questions by saying "This isSalone". The main character that is going to take the stageis a 74-year-old grandpa.
  He has three names, with his real name as JonathanFitzj ohn. He is a student in the beginner class at theConfucius Institute at the University of Sierra Leone. LooklHow bright-eyed and bushy-tailed he looks-silver hair, talland straight figure, indomitable spirit, and sonorous bell-like voice, with gentleman's elegance in every gesture.
  Jonathan is also known as Kong Heping in Chinese.“Heping”, namely “peace” in English, is selected byhimself. He says, “I want peace for my country and theworld. I have also been trying to be a man of peace in mylife.” The surname “Kong” was my idea, not only becausehe likes Confucianism, but also because he persists inthe spiritual pursuit of “being insatiable in learning andtireless in teaching”. Do not underestimate Jonathan. Hestudied in the United Kingdom and the United States whenhe was young, and devoted to youth education as a seniormusic teacher after returning home.
  Since the Confucius Institute at the University ofSierra Leone was established in Freetown, the capitalof SALONE, Mandarin has blown into the campus like aburst of spring breeze, setting off the "Chinese languageand Chinese culture craze". As a result, many youngstudents have opened the door for opportunities to studyin China and change their destiny by learning Mandarin.Nonetheless, few people in their old age take class at theConfucius Institute. Jonathan heard that Chinese languag~was difficult when he was young, but he was willing tochallenge himself, so he came up with the idea of learningChinese language. Howeve r, due to busy wo rk and variouslimitations, learning Chinese language remained hisunfulfilled yet long-cherished wish. He has also tried tostudy Confucianism and thereby develops a keen interestin traditional Chinese philosophy fe aturing the theorythat "man is an integral part of nature". After retiring, theold gentleman was ove rj oyed to learn about the ConfuciusInstitute at the University of Sierra Leone. He immediatelyrushed to sign up for the course, and excitedly said: "Imust learn Chinese language well to realize my dream inmv lifetime." His Dassion for learninst Mandarin is no lessgreat than that of those energetic Salone Bobo and SaloneTiti. To describe it with more appropriate words, he is“pretty strenuous”. Therefore, I address him respectfullyas “Salone Gramp”.“SALONE Gramp” on OKAIDA   Sierra Leone's capital-Freetown, was built aroundmountains, featuring narrow and undulating roads andinconvenient traffic. It is not uncommon for students to belate for class or even arrive at the classroom just before theclass is nearly over. "I live far from the school" is the most“reasonable and plausible” explanation from the students.Jonathan also lives far from the school, but you neversee him late or absent for school. I did not know it until Iasked him that he chose to take Okaida for commuting inorder not to miss his study. Okaida is a relatively low- costand fast motorbike, which is a favorite transportation foryoung people here. Drivers of Okaida can go through thenarrow and bumpy mountain roads easily, but I did notexpect that an elder would choose such transportation. Onevery school day, he carried a black backpack with foodand drink, showing up at the Confucius Institute promptlyby Okaida. To say "he is an elder with passion" is anunderstatement.
  Every time I walk into the classroom, I can surely seehim sitting quietly in the front row waiting for class. An oldman of his age should have stayed at home, playing withgrandchildren and enjoying his golden years. However,this old gentleman who is obsessed with Chinese langu a gewould rather be up for the challenge. On several occasions,I happened to see him on the back seat of Okaida with hisclothes dancing in the wind, and then my eyes grew wet,with strong emotions and admiration beyond words.A Indefatigable Straight-A Student
  In the class, he was focused and conscientious,and never put on airs merely because of his age andexperience. Reading after the teacher loudly, answeringquestions actively, taking notes from time to time andasking questions without hesitation whenever he ran intoa problem, he barely got distracted or slack. Sometimes hesmiled and gave the correct answer before other studentsknew it. When doing conversation practice, he was notnervous, but could even creatively add appropriatefacial expression and body language based on thevocabulary and dialogues that he has learned, makingthe conversation sound natural and rich. This also helpeddeepen the understanding of the class in a localized way.Other students liked turning to this straight-A elder forhelp when they had questions. After three hours of class,even the most energetic young students felt exhausted dueto great physical exertion. I worried about him and oftenasked him, "Do you feel tired?" He always waved his handsand said very modestly, "Madam, I am not tired. Thankyoul" Seeing the focus and determination in his eyes, Icould never be slack in teaching and preparation for anyclass, for fear that I would let down this "Salone Gramp"who I respect the most. Encouraged by him, those naughtyyoung students started to learn Chinese language withgreat passion, thus creating an active and fervent studyingatmosphere.   Well-deserved Champion
  On the journey of learning Chinese language andChinese culture, "S alone Gramp" fears no challenge.He actively signed up for the first session of "ClassicalChinese Poetry Recital" held by the Confucius Institute.During the preparation, he asked teachers at theConfucius Institute to listen to him reading, and to helpcorrect his pronunciation. He also discussed with teachersab out poetic thythm and style at break time. He even drewon his own profession-creatively using the staff to matchthe poetry with melody, and then practiced it again andagain...
  The recital contest arrived as scheduled. Youngcontestants one by one gave shows of Chinese poetrywith their whole heart and their own understanding,either sweet, or implicit, or affectionate tune, making thecompetition extremely intense. I could not help feelingnervous for Jonathan, worrying that the vim and vigor ofthese kids would daunt him. However, he was not in theleast anxious, sitting quietly in the seat of contestants, justas he was waiting for class.
  It is his turn. The silver-haired "Salone Gramp" tookthe stage. "North country scene; A hundred leagues lockedin ice; A thousand leagues of whirling snow..." With hisdeep, powerful and magnetic voice, the magnificent poemof Snow-to the tune of Chin Yuan Chun unfolded_With moderate tension, he seemed very into the sceneof the poem as if he was standing right in that far landof China which is ten thousand miles away and "clad inwhite, adorned in red, growing more enchanting". Deeplytouched by his aroused and passionate performance, thejury and audience offered their long-lasting applause,sincerely cheering for this old gentleman who sticks to hisdream. Eventually, with the result announced, the elderlybecame a well- deserved champion. Standing on thepodium, "Salone Gramp" exemplified that "for truly greatmen, look to this age alone."
  There are many funny stories about Salone gramp'sobsession with Chinese language and Chinese culture. Forexample, he insists on eating with chopsticks at home,which amuses his family, saying that he is enchantedby China. When it is possible, he even runs to Chineserestaurants in Freetown to have Chinese food.
  "Knowledge is infinite, so it is never too old to learn."When I was at school, my teacher often inspired us withthis old saying. Therefore, when I have grown up to be ateacher, I also like to encourage students with this saying.But it is this older gentleman makes me really feel that thepower and far- reaching meaning contained in this sayingis really passed to my heart. "My life is finite, but learningis infinite". Everyone is a hasty passer-by in the journeyof life, thus no one dares to say that he knows everythingand understands everything. Only when you keep chasing,learning, enriching your life experience, and pursuing ahigher spiritual realm, can you make the living worth thewhile. At one time, I envisioned my twilight years of facingthe sea, sipping a cup of refreshing tea, withdrawingfrom the world and just enj oying my life. Howeve r, thisgentleman embodies a higher realm of later life. He doesnot fear the heartlessness of the age. Instead, he sticks to,goes after and fulfills his dream with passionate actions,living a unique life of "sunset glow". Best wishes to you,my respectable "Salone Gramp". You are a model for me!
教学目标:  1、能够跟钢琴伴奏和录音伴奏完整准确演唱歌曲《我是小鼓手》,并且能够用有对比变化的声音表现歌曲内在的情绪。  2、能够听辨不同乐器(大军鼓、小军鼓)的音色差别,节奏等。  3、通过参加简单的打击乐器为歌曲伴奏,形成良好的合作意识,在活动中享受表演的快乐。  教学重点:完整演唱歌曲  教学难点:四度跳进的音准,二分音符的时值,休止及强弱对比。  教具:钢琴、鼓种类若干。  教学过程: 
摘要:为什么同样都是教师,有些老师教学能力提高迅速,有些老师止步不前?为什么有些老师的课越来越有层次,有些老师的课缺乏深度?为什么有些老师的课深受学生喜爱,有些老师的课学生提不起精神?为什么有些老师可以叫出每个孩子的名字,有些老师一学期结束都不知道学生谁是谁?这些为什么,值得我们深思。  关键词:小学音乐;教学反思;重要性  “优秀的教师=教学过程+反思。”大学毕业,实习期间的指导老师在我的实习册
摘要:数学项目式学习强调学习内容、学习过程与现实生活的紧密联系。在学习过程中要经历、体验、感受数学的概念、原理后会建构和生成自己的知识体系。这对学生的数学学习有着重大意义,教师要在数学教学实践中积极实践。  关键词:项目化教学;小学数学教学;应用  引言  项目化教学是教育新兴发展的一种课程模式。它是一种以项目为主线,教师为主导,学生为主体的教学模式。该模式让学生在教师的引导下进行一个与学科教学相
课堂教学是一门艺术,是一种教师与学生共同参与的复杂性活动。课堂教学应该是各种样式、各种方法。在新课程改革下,小学语文课堂究竟应以什么样的姿态才是最有效的课堂教学方式,我从以下几个方面,谈谈我对小学语文高效课堂的几点认识:  一、导语精妙,能抓住人心  导语设计得如何,往往关系到整节课和教学效果的好坏。因此,精心设计课堂教学的导语,也是摆在语文教师面前的一个重要课题。而语文课堂的导入也应该精心构思,
摘要:地理研学是将地理知识、思维和方法等融入到旅行实践活动中,有利于丰富地理教学内容及形式,提高学生综合能力和教师教学水平。文章以西双版纳热带植物园为例,从其独特地理位置、民族风情、科普科研等角度出发,与地理教学、课堂内容及地理核心素养等相结合,提升学生在地理教学过程中的积极性。将地理知识扩展到大自然,将课堂引入植物园,也是植物园环境教育发展新趋势。  关键词:研学;地理;植物园;教学;学生  研
摘要:本土资源在幼儿园的环境创设工作中能够以贴近现实生活的形式,使幼儿在教学环境与游戏活动环境等方面更好进入教学主题,同时还能够引入地方性的特色文化进行人文精神方面的培养,从当前的幼儿园环境創设情况上看,在本土资源的应用方面还存在一定不足,主要体现在各项教学环境的布置上,本土资源没能充分得到引入与创新应用,幼儿能够在幼儿园环境创设中体验到人文精神较为有限。  关键词:本土资源;幼儿园;环境创设  
摘要:小学数学项目式学习是指以数学的核心概念和知识原理为中心,综合编排小学数学知识并与其它学科相整合,学生借助多种资源相互合作,并在一定时间内解决一系列相关问题来学习数学知识,获得数学技能,提升学生数学核心素养与综合能力的新型学习方式。  關键词:小学数学;项目式学习;方法  引言  项目式学习方法比较重视学生在数学学习中的主体作用,能够使学生在学习中发挥主观能动性,满足小学学生数学学习的需要。在
有人说这个世界上最伟大无私的爱是母爱。是的,就如歌里唱的那样,世上只有妈妈好。我的妈妈是个勤劳而朴实的人,有一双炯炯有神的大眼睛,一头乌黑浓密的秀发,笑起来的时候嘴角微微上扬,显得特别温柔、特别迷人。妈妈虽然很平凡,但是在我的眼中却非常的伟大,妈妈把最好的爱留给了我,就像冬日里的阳光,给我温暖,伴我成长。  小時候,妈妈因为担心我走太远的路会累,所以无论是刮风还是下雨总是抱着我去上幼儿园,有一天,