Improve1 English Reading with Some Easy Steps 提高英语阅读的几个简单步骤

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  Is reading English hard? Did you read anything in English this week? How much of it did you understand? “Reading comprehension2” means3 how much you understand of what you read. Even if you read an English book every week, it doesn’t help your learning much if you don’t know what the words on the pages are saying. So you may be wondering4 how to improve English reading. Here are some easy steps for you.
  ◆Always Make Special Time to Read
  If you’re reading to improve your comprehension, you need to focus5 on study. This means you need to make a special time for reading. It should be quiet, and you should read by yourself. You should try to spend at least 30 minutes every day on reading. The more you read, the more you’ll improve.
  ◆Read the Right Books
  When you’re finding books to read, you should read things that you enjoy. You should also read books that are at an English level6 just above the one you’re most comfortable with.
  ◆Ask Yourself Questions in Reading and After Reading
  Learning how to read English books is about more than just reading the words!There are a few things you can do before, in and after reading to help you better understand the text. Before you read, go through the text. That means you should look over the text quickly without actually7 reading every word. Take some time after you read too, to go through it again and make sure you have remembered something. Try to quickly say or write a few sentences that describe what the text was about. Thinking about what you read will show you how much of it you really understood. It will help you find out if you still have questions.
  ◆Improve Fluency8 First
  Do you notice how you stopped every time you saw the period9? Now read a book like this, stopping after every word. It would be difficult to understand. It’s hard to make an understanding of what you’re reading when you read word-by-word instead of10 in full sentences. So to improve your understanding, it’s important to improve your fluency first.
  If you follow those steps to learn English reading, you might suddenly discover that you’re reading better and understanding more even in your own native language.
  1. improve [
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