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  It Was a Good Start 开门红
  John Lasseter: I remember 1)Ed came to me, and he says, “Let’s do a little 2)animated film, something that says who we are.” I wanted something simple and 3)geometric, an’ I was sittin’ there at the desk kinda thinking, an’ I just kept staring at this lamp, an’ it was sorta like…a classic 4)Luxo lamp. I just started moving it around like it was alive.
  In 1987, Luxo Junior became the first three-5)dimensional, computer animated film nominated for an Academy Award.
  John: Luxo is the one that changed everything. It was a pure little story. And once we hit it with that, then it became the new goal for everybody.
  Steve Jobs (Co-founder of Pixar): It was the combination of the new medium and John really bringing a character to life that made people say, “Oh my gawd.” You know, and the smart ones say, “Look at this potential here.”
  A hopping Luxo lamp would become a symbol of Pixar’s optimism and determination.
  We Could Do Better 锦上添花
  Tin Toy, about a 6)wind-up toy 7)tormented by a baby, brought children’s toys to life through the computer. And in 1989 8)Bill Reeves and John Lasseter took home their first Oscars for best animated short subject and the first ever awarded to a computer-animated film.
  Pixar’s software, RenderMan, was also getting industry acclaim for the creation of photo-realistic special effects that allowed Hollywood film makers to tell stories that could not be told any other way. RenderMan had become the new standard in special effects, and in 2000, the technical team 9)garnered the first Oscar ever awarded for computer-animated software.
  (Toy Story)
  To infinity and beyond!
  Toy Story opened nation-wide on Thanksgiving weekend in 1995, and from a 10)shoestring budget went on to earn more than $350 million world-wide and paved the path to an entirely new computer animation industry.
  The Academy of Motion Pictures honored John with a “Special Achievement” Oscar for creating the first computer-animated feature film.
  The Best Is Yet to Come 更上一层楼
  Brad Bird (Director to The Incredibles): Any company that had four hits in a row would not be open to changing anything. This place was the exact opposite. They were saying, “Look, we’ve had four hits in a row, we are in danger of repeating ourselves or of getting too satisfied and we need to shake this place up.”
  The 2-D animators took the traditional 11)storyboarding process into the third dimension, providing dynamic new ways to visualize story-telling.
  Brad: If you named the 10 most difficult things to do in animation, we had them all and large amounts of them all. Humans, hair, fabric, hair and fabric under water, hair and fabric blowing through the air, it was just endless.
  The Incredibles marked Pixar’s 6th hit in a row, and Brad Bird won his first Academy Award for best animated feature.
  Brad: Now that I’ve made a Pixar film, a lot of people have asked, “What is the secret formula?” as if there’s some magical calculation. May I say, “It’s really pretty simple: everyone here loves films and they just wanna make something that they themselves wanna see.”
  Steve: Pixar’s seen by a lot of folks as an overnight success, but if you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time.
语音:美式发音 适合泛听  语速:175词/分钟  关键词:Chinese, language, opportunity    Well, in the 1980s, many parents thought about teaching their children Japanese to help them better 1)adapt to Japan’s economic rise, wh
Well, in the 1950s in Soho there was another coffee house 1)craze. There are a number of reasons for this. One of the most important reasons was because the teenagers found that they had more 2)surplu
他们看电脑的时间比看电视的时间要多得多,一回家便习惯性地打开电脑;他们一边听在线音乐一边做作业,电视只是当背景——他们是网络一代,俗称“网虫”。然而他们也是崛起的一代,连美国总统奥巴马都要玩facebook以拉拢这批充满活力的年轻人,因为他们并非人云亦云、任人摆布的一代,他们有自己的想法,亦乐于积极参与民主进程。    Conan: The Net Generation has arrived.
喜欢吃巧克力,但又怕胖的人这下有福了:一只唇膏模样的小管子,轻轻一按,你就能尝到巧克力的味道,还不会胖哦。妙哉!    We turn now to something sweet—well, technically sweet. I’m talking about 1)decadent, sensual, 2)blissful, even addictive chocolate. But I’m
今年的英国大选是在英国经济经历了上世纪30年代以来最严重危机后,开始踏上初步复苏之路的形势下举行的。工党领袖戈登·布朗、保守党领袖戴维·卡梅伦和自由民主党领袖尼克·克莱格于今年5月先后举行了三次电视辩论,这是英国大选历史上首次电视辩论。“千年老三”的自由民主党领袖尼克·克莱格,成为观众心目中的“最佳辩手”。  6月大选结果尘埃落定,主要政党无一赢得多数议席,从而出现1974年以来首个“悬浮议会”(
And finally, some people go to great lengths to 2)drum up business. For example, a circus act went really high to 3)get its point across in Florida. Circus Sarasota went to the rooftops to get the att
“Fake it until you make it!”   这是在采访过程中她最喜欢用的一句话,也是助她于激烈的英语大赛中成功突围的有力一击。  CE联同英国驻广州总领事馆文化教育处,对2009年“希望之星”英语风采大赛大学组获奖者(广东赛区一等奖,全国前六名)陈慧进行了一场轻松愉快的中英双语采访。这位热爱阅读,却整个大学时期都坐不住、不停“逼迫”自己参加各式比赛的腼腆女生,给我们讲述了她是如何
用自己的肾来换取朋友,似乎性价比太低,太不划算了,但作者以自己的亲身体验告诉我们,由此带来的喜悦和满足感是无价的。    Two weeks after our surgery, when my right kidney became Julie’s, I carefully peeled off all my remaining 1)bandages. There they were: amaz
I cried a tear  You wiped it dry  I was confused  You cleared my mind    I sold my soul  You bought it back for me  And held me up  And gave me dignity  Somehow you needed me    * You gave me strength
1983出生的谢丽尔·科尔(Cheryl Cole)是英国著名女子乐团Girls Aloud (高歌女孩) 的主唱,也是英格兰国脚阿什利·科尔(Ashley Cole)的妻子。谢丽尔是英国人心中的“甜心公主”,受到众星捧月般的待遇。她还是英国火爆选秀节目《英国偶像》(The X Factor)的美女评委。  《Fight for This Love》来自其2009年以个人名义发行的专辑《3 Wor